Games you might not have played if not for the Escapist.

Dec 14, 2009
I received a PM today from another member of the Escapist, thanking me for continuously for going on about Okami, because they finally caved and bought the game and had the most fun gaming in a decade :D

Which gave me the idea to make a thread where people can share what games, if it weren't for other members of the Escapist, or the Escapist itself, they might not have ever gotten around to playing.

For me, it's got to be The Walking Dead, every time the game was mentioned on this site, it was shortly followed by the praise of members who had played it.

Sassafrass finally made me cave and I bought the series during the Christmas Steam sales.

It ended up being my favourite game of 2012 :D


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
I knew raving about TWD would pay off eventually. :D

As for me, I've gotta say Mirrors Edge, after hearing nothing but good things about it from Lost in the Void and Marter. Got it for a fiver and it was a pretty enjoyable game. And also Dead Rising 2, although I didn't technically hear about it here, I was sent it as a birthday present, again by Lost. I think. It was a long time ago but I know I enjoyed it. :D

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Yeah, I'm the same with The Walking Dead as well.

XCOM was another one I bought due to the high amount of praise it got from a lot of people here.

Oh, and Bayonetta as well. So glad I bought that game as well. It's utterly ridiculous and I love it because of that :D

[sub] I do also plan to get round to playing Okami and Journey at some stage...Don't kill me D: [/sub]


New member
May 5, 2011
Spec Ops: The Line...but I'm not sure whether it's a good thing. Half of the site seems to be holding it up on this massive pedestal and the other half seems to be saying that the game was mediocre, and so far I'm agreeing with them. If I can't even get to the good part because of clunky mechanics then it's not a fun game...

I think Mirror's Edge & Portal 2 are also included, and possibly Anno 2070?
Sep 14, 2009
Xcom for sure, glad I listened on that one, it is a ton of fun.

The walking dead also, while i greatly enjoyed it, it was nowhere near my GOTY and it definitely let down in some expectations (perhaps my fault, but i still enjoyed it nonetheless)

Mount and blade warband, when i first heard about it, i thought it would be horribly bland and i would hate it..low and behold, ended up loving every bit of it. if only there were better mods for a decent campaign/storyline.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Another one for The Walking Dead. I'm still not entirely finished with it, but so far its incredible. I was iffy on the point and click gameplay at first, but it does what it needs to and the story is incredible.

Other than, I was also introduced to Braid and Limbo.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
Sadly, no user has given enough praise of a game for me to play it

Sad, but true

Would you kindly give me some recommendations, if you care too?

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Well Daystar, you banging on about Okami did actually nudge me into buying it as well (along with the long term Capcom advertising scheme that is UMVC3) so another +1 goes to you :3

Some people said that Persona 3 FES was worth buying and since Persona 4 was and still is my favourite game ever I thought I might as well.

Unfortunately it wasn't as good as I had hoped. I HATED the main character and the entire game falls apart for me because of that, he's a dick plain and simple. The conversation options were always "no fuck you" or "maybe" or "I suppose *grumble grumble*" ALL GAME LONG. Always. They were at least 2 steps more assholeish than I wanted to be :(

The party AI is awful and Tartarus is nowhere near as interesting as the Persona 4 dungeons. The gameplay felt like a beta version of Persona 4, which is perfectly understandable but still a little annoying.

It's a shame because the other characters and relationships and shit were really good. It's just a shame my main character was around for fuck all of the character development during the main story. He's just dicking about offscreen somewhere.

Oh and some people told me which BlazBlue to buy the one time. BB:CS:EX to be precise. It's really awesome. Random soundtracks from the game are on right now actually.

I've decided to main Hazama. Sorry Makoto, you're awesome but boxing just does not sit well with me. Hazama's playstyle and personality is freaking sweet. Like Spencer but with 200% more style XD

"I'm not really the "fighting" type, y'know?"

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The Walking Dead.

Being thoroughly sick and tired of zombies, I wouldn't have touched this game with ten-foot pole if I hadn't heard some prominent Escapist members - who are not known to gush easily - talk about it.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
It's funny that you should mention this, because I have been meaning to get Okami for a while and I am reminded of that every time I see your avatar. I will definitely get it eventually.

Hmm...I remember hearing about Minecraft for the first time on the Escapist. More recently, it was Far Cry 3.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
The only one that comes to mind at the moment is The World Ends With You, thanks to Yahtzee's review.

Considering how he actually had NICE things to say about it, and his well-known position as disliking most JRPGs, I took this as high praise, and tried it out. I wasn't disappointed in the least.

I hadn't even HEARD of the game before his review, so I'm almost dead certain I would have never tried it without him.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I doubt I ever would have picked up Minecraft if it weren't for The Escapist. You owe me over ten weeks of my life, you fiends!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The Walking Dead, Spec Ops: The Line, Lone Survivor and soon X:COM-EU. Ironically I felt compelled to buy it after reading a thread on why it was broken.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Well, there was Bastion, mostly from seeing the thread about the humble indie bundle 5.

What I am really greatfull for is for the Escapist introducing me to TotalBiscuit and through him Jesse Cox. They are my favorite Youtubers.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
A lot. A whole bunch of my now favourite games/series.
Persona 3+4, the Disgaea series, Assassin's Creed, Fire Emblem, probably Demon's/Dark Souls, Saints row series, Bayonetta...
there's a whole bunch.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Heh. I assume we're just talking about the good ones here, right?

FTL - Heard so many people mention it here on the forums. Only ten bucks, so what the hell. Had some fun with it.
Bastion - Originally dismissed it. Watched Yahtzee's review. Had a go and enjoyed it.
Planetside 2 - Barely knew what it was, thought people were talking about Lost Planet 2. Saw the Escapist's review. I've had a ton of fun with it so far.

And yes, I still need to get Okami HD. Just... BACKLOG, arrrrggh!

PS. I hope I'm one of the people who got folks to play The Walking Dead. That would make my day.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Bastion - The only "indie" games I'd played were LIMBO and Braid, and braid kinda put me off to buying any more. But there were a lot of really positive comments here about Bastion so I decided to give it a go.

Dead Space 2 - I'd never played Dead Space 1, and dismissed it as being a rather dull corridor shooter. I don't remember what the exact post was, but someone did a rather drawn-out description of the plot and all the psychological stuff that Isaac was going through in Dead Space 2 and it piqued my interest. I bought the game and is now pretty much one of my favorite games ever.