Games you never expected to like... but ended up falling in love with...

Argonian alchemist

Master-level alchemist
May 5, 2011
So here's the deal, my friend had been hounding me for around a year to get "Skate 3" I didn't see the point... I mean, it's skating there can't be that much to do... right?

WRONG, so I got it for free from some chick who I think has a huge crush on me, that explaining why she gave it to me for free... or she could just be a nice girl, but that's all besides the point. I haven't been able to put this game down for like... a week. It's awesome. I even find myself being a little bit of an achievement whore with it as I've already got all possible achievements...

Anywaaaaay, have any of you guys put off a game for ages or just ignored it and then ended up loving it? or a story similar to mine perhaps?

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
I never expected to like halo. I kind of like it I guess. Love is a strong word. I have owned all the halo games on 360 bar halo wars. But it's mostly because all my friends play it as well. I got a 360 cos they had one, and got halo cos they owned it. I like halo, but love the 360. (never expected to like a microsoft console either btb)


New member
Jun 6, 2009
I went into Mirror's Edge with no expectations what so ever and came out on the other side with a new all time favourite.

Same thing with Dead Space. It felt, oddly innovative in the way the interface and gameplay worked.

Also add Killzone 2 to that bunch. I HATED the first and wasn't expecting much of the sequal. Fortunate for me, I was wrong, very wrong. Easily one of the greatest shooters in the last 5 years.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Blazblue: CS, I am not a fan of anime by any means, and the story mode has a very cheap style. I absolutely love the games humor and gameplay though. It really does have a good story but the majority of the games story is done like this EDIT: this is a gag ending BTW, has nothing to do with the actual plot lol.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
magic the gathering
i first saw it and was aprehensive becouse it was a card game but since the day i first played it (4 months ago) i have since started doing weekly fnms i have a god load of card and most of y mates arwe into it to


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Mass effect. All I knew about mass effect were that the elevators were long, and it was in space. I'm normally not a fan of space games, so I've put it off for years. I've just finished the second go through at 63 hours total, playing the second time straight after the first, which happened to be much more fun for me. It's now my favourite game until ME2 finally arrives. It's the only game where I have become emotionally attached to the main character, who was a character I created, and somehow had character development. It just makes me sad I can't continue the story to Me2, because I have no xbox and my PC won't be able to handle ME3, so I have to change to ps3 from Me2 and 3.

Mother 3 was another 1 I guess, I haven't finished it yet though. I don't like JRPGs in general, so it was a pleasant surprise how much I liked Mother 3. Other than that though, nothing really. Friends don't recommend me games I don't already want, and I don't buy games unless I actually want them. apart from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, so I could have a valid opinion about how it would ruin everything I loved from Assassin's Creed 2. And boy did it not disappoint in that field.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Flutterguy said:
Blazblue: CS, I am not a fan of anime by any means, and the story mode has a very cheap style. I absolutely love the games humor and gameplay though. It really does have a good story but the majority of the games story is done like this
from the flashes I skipped to because I don't want to watch a 11 minute video, Is it like a visual novel?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Mafia II.I expected it to be just another one of those petty GTA clones that GTA itself flosses out of its teeth every morning BUT NO!Although there isn't much variety(the only thing you can basically do is watch the story unfold or collect 50's Playboy pictures),the damn story is JUST SO IMMERSIVE!
Also,Minecraft was just AWESOME.But I guess every single person on Earth was skeptical about it before they actually played it.

PS:Don't click the button on my avatar.Don't.
(DO IT!)

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New member
Mar 7, 2011
I never thought I'd like Team Fortress 2, when I saw it I was at the age where if it wasn't Halo or CoD it was 'gay' (thank God I've outgrown that), I play it pretty much all the time.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
richardplex said:
Flutterguy said:
from the flashes I skipped to because I don't want to watch a 11 minute video, Is it like a visual novel?
Yea, they have the occassional animated sequence or special pictures, but about 90% of it is done as this picture book style.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Flutterguy said:
richardplex said:
Flutterguy said:
from the flashes I skipped to because I don't want to watch a 11 minute video, Is it like a visual novel?
Yea, they have the occassional animated sequence or special pictures, but about 90% of it is done as this picture book style.
Ooh, Richard might have to go buy this game, since I've been recommended the anime, and visual novels always win over anime, thank you.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
I went to the local blockbusters store with the intention of buying a pre-owned ps2 game, They were dirt cheap I wasn't going to pass up the oppurtunity. Although scanning through the box I found nothing I wanted, but one game made me pick it up and look but at first glance I didn't like the look of it and hadn't heard of it anywhere before.

I went home and three days later I walked back in and picked up that same game, deciding to just buy it for the sake of it.

I ended up playing Persona 3:FES edition to the death.


New member
May 9, 2011
I never expected Minecraft to be any good when I started. When my friend described it it was like this, "Dude, check out this game! You can take blocks and move them somewhere else! It's amazing!" and remaining unconvinced he gifted me the game. So I found a new game I liked and got it for free.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Don't tell anypony but the Halo series with in-the-room old style multiplayer is some of the most fun I've had in a video game.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
Shenmue I + II - No words needed.

Deadly Premonition - I'm a massive Twin Peaks fan so this was a terrific surprise for me, terrific characters, great humour and just so much charm all round.

Beyond Good & Evil - Another game that pleasantly surprised me, expected it to just be a a generic action/adventure. Ended up being all round masterpiece in my eyes.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
A friend of my had been raving about Oblivion for months. He kept trying to make me have a go on it on his PC. I kept telling him I didn't think it looked interesting and that the swords and sorcery setting didn't do anything for me. Anyway, he kept on at it until eventually I bought a pre-owned 360 copy just to shut him up. Anyway, 200 hours later and its one of my favourite games of all time (it's also the reason why I picked up Fallout 3, which probably is my favourite game of all time, I might well have written it off too without giving it a go).


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Stalker: Call of Pripyat, I started it up after finishing Fallout 3 and immedietly uninstalled it, because I thought it looked ugly, searching for crashed helicopters sounded boring and for some reason they spawn you in the most unattractive starting location in videogame history.

Then a few weeks ago I gave it a try and it was an incredible game, even more so when i realized that I could adjust the settings about 10 echelons higher by changing it to Full Dynamic Lighting


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Mass effect. I didn't even know what it was, had never heard of it before, and only got it on steam because it was on sale. Now, both of them are two of my favourite games i've ever played.