Games you never expected to like... but ended up falling in love with...


New member
May 28, 2011
I thought borderlands looked down right awful. Bad art, game play, no story, iffy looking characters. Even the box art told me that the game inside was dumb. By BF had been trying to convince me forever for that to be our next game purchase. I kept refusing and we got other games. Eventually we saw a good deal on the special edition or whatever, so I gave in thinking he could play it by himself (even though he was convinced it would be a great game to play together). So I agreed to play once with him, if I didn't like it he would let me get back to the Fallout i was currently playing.

I absolutely love it. i have never been so wrong about a game. While the soldiers character is not awesome and Lilith is kinda...whatever, I really love my character Mordecai and my BFs character Brick. I just love the way Mordecai laughs evilly when I explode someones head off with a well aimed sniper shot.

Well a long love rant could occur here. Suffice it to say, while it is not the most sophisticated games out there, I am having a lot of fun playing it.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
League of Legends..

Had tons of friends who played it a lot - I never tried, only looked at it. Then I tried it.
BAM 6 months later and I had probably spent $1000 on it in total and like 1600 games played.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
Capt. Crankypants said:
Saints Row II. Thought to myself 'wow, a game for gangster wannabees'... Most. Fun. Game. Ever.
So very very true...

Nothing else was really like that for me. I knew what I was getting once I started. Sure, there were the occasional surprises like SR2, but those were few and far between.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
When a friend of mine first got Deadly premonition I was skeptical, because if you look at the graphics and the gameplay, it doesn't look the best game, but when I got to experience the story and the characters I fell in love with it. It is one of my favourite games and my friend didn't get to play his Xbox for the rest of that weekend because I kinda hijacked it :)


New member
Apr 25, 2010
CoD 4. I'm not a shooter person (though i do love Jak and Ratchet) My friends kept telling me it was really good so i picked it up. The multiplayer is alright but the campaign is awesome, especially All Ghillied Up.MW2 and BlOps were a dissapointment at best


New member
Feb 8, 2011
The World Ends With You. It tried so hard to be cool that I never bothered with it, turns out it's now one of my favourite games for the DS.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
Mirrors Edge I came in hearing everyone talking about how much it sucked. I then played the last level. It was the most atmospheric game I have ever played.

Or at least, the most atmospheric 20 minutes of a game.

Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Infamous because of the inverted left and right, and Fat Princess because of its' name seemed silly but now I enjoy both of them.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
well it was not like that i thought i wouldn't like it but i was skeptical if i would have fun with it
and then bayonetta blew me away

but normally i absolutely stay clear of stuff i wouldn't like


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Yeah, it's only happened a couple of times to me but I'll never forget them.

First one was with Super Metroid. Back when I still hired games from the video shop and with out looking at reviews first, I just received some small change from my Ma to hire one game. Really wanted to get Link to the Past for my SNES but unfortunately it was out of stock, so I spent a lot of time looking at the front and back of a 100 game boxes to see if one really sparked my interest. During my search for awesome a stranger came up to me and lent me the Super Metroid box and told me something along the lines of "this is the only game you need". Now back when I was innocent, I used to believe everything an adult told me, so I took the box to the counter unsure but strangely satisfied with the choice. Little did I know I would fall in love with it just from the intro and first chapter of the game.

I eventually bought Link to the Past, but didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as I did with Super Metroid, which is still one of my favourite games till this day.

I gotta warn you though, it's a really really difficult game. Especially if you don't use any guides.

Edit: Forget to mention I already saw the Super Metroid box before the stranger handed it to me. Apparently, I should of learnt then not to judge a book by it's cover :p


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Kingdom Hearts.

I remember when it was announced, I thought it looked absolutely stupid. Disney and Final Fantasy characters? In the same universe? I wondered what kinda stupid kiddy story that they came up with. A friend told me to give it a chance, so I did....and now it's one of my favorite games ever made. The story was surprisingly engaging, combat was fun to get into, characters were likable, I really fell in love with this game.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Shin Megami Tensi

I saw Devil Summoner 1 at my local game shop and me and the owner talked about it yet I passed it up. Two years later I played another from the series and now I'm a fan of everything Tensi :D. Same falls with Etrian Odyssey I bought it played it returned it cause I hated it a year later I love the games.

Black Arrow Officer

New member
Jun 20, 2011
I was angered by trailers and gameplay footage of Splinter Cell Conviction, as seeing my favorite stealth series turn into a shooter really made me upset. However, after actually picking up Conviction I realized how wrong my judgement was! I have over 200 hours clocked, and I still never get bored of it!


New member
Aug 24, 2010
I guess it would be Jagged Alliance 2. Got the game free with a magazine subscription back when I had a seriously outdated pc, played it, didn't like it one bit. Played it again after a while out of sheer bloody boredom, and it actually grew on me and I ended up liking it quite a lot.

I guess I could count Deus Ex: Human Revolution here too. The original Deus Ex still features among the best games I've ever played (and there are few pc games I haven't). The second game sucked horribly (and together with Thief 3 it's probably the main cause I hate current gen consoles, console games and everyone who plays them)

When DX3 was announced I was fairly convinced it would suck and refused to even hope that it could be good. After having played the leaked missions however, I'm actually looking forward to the game. It might not be as good as DX1, but should be quite good overall


New member
Sep 10, 2010
My example is really old: Star Craft.

Everyone was really into it when it was released, but whenever I saw them play it, I was just bored. I didn't see the appeal at all. It seemed completely void of action to me. "What, so you just gather resources and then tell a bunch of little guys what to attack? Psh."

But, I eventually actually played it myself for more than 5 minutes and ended up really enjoying it. I then immediately bought the Battle Chest (I was stubborn for quite a while), and the rest is history. Not that I'm even remotely good at it (or SC2).


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Mass Effect. I don't even know why I decided to rent it the first time, I never payed attention to what everyone was saying about it. I thought, "ooh, a random space game!" A few hours later, I couldn't put the controller down! It's now one of my all time favorite games along with Mass Effect 2. Good decision? I think so! :-D


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Fallout 3. I didn't care about it when it was coming out, but decided to play it after playing about 10 minutes of Fable 2. Then I never went back. Fun times.
Another was Uncharted, it just looked like a rip off of Tomb Raider, then I played it.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Ghostwise said:
Tales of Vesperia. I didn't expect to hate it or anything but I certainly didn't expect it to be so chock full of content and amazingly fun. Has to be in my opinion, the best classical style JRPG ever made. So much content to unlock. Massive world where you can fly a dragon around the overworld map ala airships in the older FF games. I just really dug it and played it nonstop for about a month. Going to get it onto my HD asap.
Good choice, I however expected to like Tales of symphonia, but ended up thinking it was the best game for the GC, and because of it I knew I was going to love Tales of Vesperia since it was in the same series. Tales of Symphonia amazed me, but Tales of Vesperia made it seem like merely a good or even a mediocre game.

Skies of Arcadia. I thought that it was going to be OK, worth to try. Turned out to be truly amazing, probably the best turn based RPG I've ever tried. I loved the story, the gameplay, the open world (just like in the Tales games). It's one of the few games I got 100% completion rate on.

Saints Row 2. I thought it was going to be an uninspired sandbox gangster world that ripped of GTA. However it gave me the opportunity to do almost anything I wanted. Sure the PC version suffered from poor porting, but that hardly destroyed the fun for me. It ended up along my top 10 games of all time.

Killing Floor. It's just the kind of game that I don't like. There's no story, it's a fps, it's mainly a multi-player game. Against all odds it is the game in my Steam list that I have played the most.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
assassin's creed, had some games to trade in and the store manager convinced me I had to play this game about a bloke on a rooftop...

Now...Fav game series!


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Not a game, but an anime: Death Note, the original Japanese dub with English subtitles. Girlfriend talked me into watching it, I love it.

On topic: Dead Space. F.E.A.R.. Other games that are considered "Scary".

I used to hate the whole "scary" thing, but they've grown on me.