Games you own, but have no desire to play.

Faux Furry

New member
Apr 19, 2011
The Simpsons: Hit and Run,Tales of Symphonia,The Legend of Zelda 4-pack and Power Stone.
It isn't because of any lack of quality or enjoyability, I just don't want to risk scratching the discs or wearing them down in the slightest,devaluing them in the process.If I had digital downloads of those games,I'd probably be playing them right now.

The only game that I own that I don't want to play at some point again is BMXXXX,something that I own largely because I can not sell it for anything after having purchased it for a few dollars some time ago from the previously played games bin at Blockbuster Video(it was cheaper than renting it!). Well,at the very least,it is worth keeping around as a cultural curiosity.
Most curious is the way that every element of the game is perfectly mediocre rather than remotely excellent or transcendentally awful in any regard as if that was the developer's goal rather than some unfortunate accident.

I say that as someone who found something to like in games such as Red Ninja: End of Honor(razor wire weapons and a main character reminiscent of Sango from Inuyasha dressed like Sango's brother,Kohaku) and Marc Ecko's Getting Up(it's Turk-182 the videogame) and Hook(for the NES. The game did have good music for its time. It wasn't on par with the SNES version's soundtrack by any stretch of the imagination but it was head and shoulders above pretty much anything not done by the Follin Brothers).

Maybe I'll have to make a video playthrough to justify its presence in my collection soon.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Okami, because although I like the art style, the game itself isn't exactly thrilling.
Neverwinter Nights 2 was extremely cheap on Steam once, but I never got the desire to really play it.
Same goes for Max Payne 2, although I did like the first game, I started the second but never got into it.
I have tried the original Deus Ex a few times, but just can't get into that either.
Silent Hill 3 as I got the HD collection, but really got it for Silent Hill 2.
Splosion Man was another ultra cheap buy that I never really felt like playing.
Beyond Good and Evil HD on the Xbox, although unlike the others I have actually played it a fair amount. I just never completed it.

Those are the only ones, normally I do not buy games unless I really want them, but all of these were on some kind of offer or another. Except Silent Hill 3, which I explained why I bought.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Easton Dark said:
Maybe shocking to some:

Medieval 2: Total War

I just... I don't. I don't want to start it up again. It's not fun... I liked empire more than this!

I also have a whole list in steam titled "do not install". It's mostly puzzle games and stuff I got from a previous bundle.
I kiiiind of see what you mean.

But then I downloaded the Westeros Total War mod.

Gives it a badass ASOIAF spin, and as an added bonus, cuts out the Pope's fist shaking entirely.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Amnesia the Dark Descent

I got it through one of the indie bundles. Me however, being the big scardy cat, thumb-sucking, wussified wussy that I am, won't go near it. I might watch someone else play it though. That's how I got through Silent Hill 2


New member
Oct 27, 2008
EHKOS said:
All of my PS2 games. Shit looks awful on an HDTV. :(
I felt the exact same way when I tried to play my PS2 on my HDTV. Are you using the standard Red White Yellow composite cable? Then that's probably why.

If you're willing to spend about 7 bucks on Amazon, like I did, you can get a Xbox 360 style Red Green Blue White Red component cable for your PS2, and you can have the visuals up to 480i instead of the 240p - 360p that composite offers. Trust me, I got one, and it makes a world of a difference. Just about all my PS2 games look amazing through it. I'll give you a link in this spoiler tag.

OT: I have gotten so many used games for a pittance that I hardly ever want to play any of them. I guess some of the more prominent ones may be Bioshock (I haven't been much for FPS's in a while), and Dragon Age: Origins (I absolutely detest one-click combat, and I have to force myself to try and play through it)


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Little Big Planet 2: I bought it to play with one of my co-workers, and the way she described it it sounded like it could be a fun little way to kill time. Bought it and played it for about an hour and never touched it again. Guess I've fallen out of platformers unless there's some nostalgia involved.

Vanquish: As much as I want to love this game, I just don't. I played up to the first(second maybe, the guy on the jetpack) boss, and was just bored with it.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: This is the odd one of the list. I played it through on Hard and beat it, and I have 2 achievements left to get. However one requires me to go through the game a second time, and the other one is to pick 10 of every herb. Neither would be difficult, just time consuming, but I whenever I start the game up I end up shutting it back off before I even start a new quest.

Arkham City: I loved Arkham Asylum, and I figured I would love a much larger version of Arkham Asylum even more. Turns out I was wrong. I managed to beat Hugo Strange, but after that I got bored and stopped playing.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
I bought the GTA Collection last year. I haven't finished any of the games it came with.

Heck, I'd say the only game I enjoy in the pack is San Andreas. Vice City is pretty fun, but I played it yesterday and just couldn't stomach the awful controls and camera. And don't even get me started on GTA III. Everything in that game feels so god damn outdated and clunky.. it just feels and looks like a mess when compared to the sequels.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
SonOfMethuselah said:
As for FFVIII I downloaded it back in the summer, when I really wanted to get some use out of my Vita. I actually started playing it, but the cast of characters is so completely unlikable that I have no intention of finishing it. Which is odd, because I liked Squall just fine in the Kingdom Hearts games '''(where he was christened 'Leon')'''. I guess it's just who he's paired up with. The voice-acting probably helped a bit, too. Whenever I read his dialogue, I always made it sound like a huffy teenager. Can't be bothered to finish it when I have absolutely no interest in what happens to the characters.
Canonically speaking, his name is still Squall. When he introduces himself he says he's renounced his original name and is going by 'Leon' as some sort of atonement for losing his homeworld. I suppose that's how FF dudes roll.


New member
Dec 21, 2012
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.The game is what I expected it to be but the controls just don't feel as intuitive as the PS2's ones for Kingdom hearts 1 and 2.Then again it is on the 3ds. I'm sure they tried their best at adapting the controls but for me it just doesn't work and I most likely will never finish this game.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Black Ops 2 in my case. I got it as a freebie thanks to an investment my father made in Activision. The truth is, I'm interested in trying it, but I let my friend try it first, and I cannot start a new game without erasing his progress. Thanks to 2012's great releases this year, I've got plenty of much better games to engage in until I've invited my friend over enough times for him to get to the end of the game.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
DRTJR said:
The Orange Box(it was five dollars), Oblivion(I have SKYRIM!)
o_O you have no desire to play some of the best games of all time?!?!? Oblivion I can kind of get, you are missing out on a kickarse game, but the orange box??? You've got half-life portal and tf2 in there man.....

For me, devil may cray 4. Didn't make it past the opening cutscene.
Aug 19, 2010
Supreme Commander series. I have 1, Forged Alliance and 2, i tried 2, lasted about 5 minutes till it bugged out on me, i was so bored by then that i was actually glad. If a game bores me inside of 5 minutes to an extent which dissuades me from giving it another chance, that ain't a good sign.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Morrowind, Oblivion and possibly Skyrim. I've played all three to completion a number of times, but after playing Far Cry 3, I don't think I could go back very easily. With characters like Vaas, it makes Bethesda's dull wooden characters almost unbearable, and the leveling system feels hollow when the enemies just level up with you. Most importantly, I've already played Skyrim enough times that nothing surprises me anymore. I may get sucked back in when they release Morrowind with the Skyrim engine. On the other hand, I like games with an enchanting narrative or exciting game mechanics, and I can at least say that Oblivion and Skyrim lack both of those, mainly because of their apathetic characters.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Waddles said:
DRTJR said:
The Orange Box(it was five dollars), Oblivion(I have SKYRIM!)
o_O you have no desire to play some of the best games of all time?!?!? Oblivion I can kind of get, you are missing out on a kickarse game, but the orange box??? You've got half-life portal and tf2 in there man.....

For me, devil may cray 4. Didn't make it past the opening cutscene.
Who on Earth plays Devil May Cry games for their cutscenes?


New member
Jul 13, 2010
ohnoitsabear said:
There are a lot of games that I got in Humble Bundles that fall into this category. Usually I buy them with the intention of only playing a couple of games from them, especially because a lot of them are in genres that simply don't interest me (puzzle games, for example).
Exactly this. Usually I buy an indie bundle for two, or maybe three of the games. $10 for five games of is still cheaper than buying the two I really want by themselves. For instance, one bundle I bought I got purely for Braid and Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. The other three games I didn't give a shit about. I installed them anyway because they were pretty small in size so I figured "What the hell, I might be presently surprised." I wasn't they really weren't that interesting to me.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Binnsyboy said:
Easton Dark said:
Maybe shocking to some:

Medieval 2: Total War

I just... I don't. I don't want to start it up again. It's not fun... I liked empire more than this!

I also have a whole list in steam titled "do not install". It's mostly puzzle games and stuff I got from a previous bundle.
I kiiiind of see what you mean.

But then I downloaded the Westeros Total War mod.

Gives it a badass ASOIAF spin, and as an added bonus, cuts out the Pope's fist shaking entirely.
I didn't mind the Pope, keeping him happy was easy (I played Spain twice and England once).

But the game is so slowwwwwwww. And the unit match ups are so clear cut that there's really no strategy in combat except where to position.

Not only that, but it seems like the enemy merchants can always eliminate mine, but mine have 0 chance to take anything of theirs. I tested, I saved and my merchant had 40% chance to take the others business. I reloaded maybe 30 times and not once did he take it. I let the other merchant move, and he takes mine in one try with the same 40% chance. Bullshit.

So what does that mod do?