Games you should have liked

Mittens The Kitten

New member
Dec 19, 2010
Fairly simple, can you think of any games that you played that were right up your alley, critically acclaimed, from your favorite genre, but just failed to give you enjoyment?
Mine's FEAR.


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
Oh, Oblivion.

I should have loved you. Why didn't I? I still don't quite know... but I really, really am overwhelmingly "meh" about that entire game.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
LiberalSquirrel said:
Oh, Oblivion.

I should have loved you. Why didn't I? I still don't quite know... but I really, really am overwhelmingly "meh" about that entire game.
I've completed it (but it felt more of a chore) but I did enjoy the guilds (Especially the Dark Brotherhood)


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Apparently I should have liked Infamous...

But I didn't because when I play a game I like to do things like fly around and have dogfights in the air, or better yet in space while I get to take in some great looking scenery and sometimes awe inspiring scenery; which I might not get a chance to see in real life. Because I like a great and engaging story where I like the protagonist for being a genuinely good guy and not completely cliche. Because I like an environment with color and depth. Because I like feeling good and having a fun time when I play a game.

But I guess I was supposed to enjoy running around in a depressing, drab, brown ghetto doing repetitive & mindless chores while pretending I'm a knock-off of a Frank Miller character.

EDIT: Also Star Wars: The Old Republic...I have no idea why. I just could not get into that game.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Hell, Fear is a pretty good choice for my answer to this thread too.

Ridiculously tedious and repetitive (and this is coming from someone that liked doom 3) and you know what, the horror felt awfully awkward. For the most part it wasn't a horror game, it was just running down corridors and offices having easy gunfights with supersoldiers. That's not horror. They just add in spooky segments seemingly at random.
It's like they took a boring game about super soldiers, shoved in a couple of ghost moments, made the lights dim and flicker, then called it a day.


New member
Jun 19, 2011
Saint's Row 2, why were you such a bad port?
We could have had so much fun together.
But you were a bad port.


The Original RageQuit Rebel
Sep 10, 2009
Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I love Star Wars. Love Bioware...don't like MMOs. (And, before I catch flack for this: Yes, I have played the game.)


New member
Oct 18, 2011
portal 2.

I was having fun, I was enjoying it, and then something just sliped. It felt like I was no longer an active part of this game; that I was just watching it being played.
anyone who has sat on the sidelines and just watched someone else play a game. would kind of understand the feeling.
My best guess as to why this happened was because I found the game too easy, which made it feel linear.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Borderlands, Bioshock, Dead Island, Oblivion, and The Witcher.

I usually LOVE action/rpgs, like Mass Effect, Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines, Deus Ex (and its sequels. even Invisible War was at least mildly enjoyable), Alpha Protocol, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, Fable 1-3, etc...

i mean, Borderlands and Dead Island held my attention for a little while, but i inexplicably lost interest in both of them midway through. gave up on Oblivion when i learned enough about the skill progression system to hate it, even though the game was otherwise pretty fun. no idea why Bioshock didn't grab me, but i just didn't really have fun with it. never saw what the fuss is about The Witcher, either. I got a couple hours into that one by sheer force of will before calling it quits.

it's a shame, too. these form a fairly large chunk of the action/rpg mix genre that i'm always looking for more of.


Humza Ahmad

New member
Sep 22, 2011
Fallout New Vegas fits this thread perfectly for me. I have the game and really tried to get into it. All the reviews were positive and it seemed solid. I could never like it though, it reminded me of Fallout 3 too much.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Madworld. You were everything that I wanted on the Wii, blood, violence, chaos, and thats all I got from you. Damn you were reptitive.

Fable 3. I love Fable 2 despite its flaws. Fable 3 improved on many things but still felt more of a mess than ever. What went wrong? This could've been the perfect honeymoon, Fable 3.

GTA4. I don't care about your cousin, I don't care about your bland girlfriend, I just want to wreck havoc on the city. Thats why I prefer the multiplayer so I shouldn't have GTA4 on here if I love it for the multiplayer. Eh.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Metroid other M. I love metroid , but that game just sucked
Every zelda after Ocarina of time. I couldn't get into majoras mask ( i hated that game, *flame sheild up). I disliked wind waker ( fuck you boat). Couldn't stand twilight princess ( felt like sonic unleashed). And i'm not holding my breath for skyward sword.

But i do love zelda :OOT and every zelda before it , i just don't understand. Too much of a good thing os bad i guess.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Final Fantasy XIII, Fallout 3, and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter.

Oblivion felt like I was being rushed as fast as possible to the finish line, and that made me lose interest, especially since Morrowind had you explore and make friends before being allowed to get the next main quest.

FF13, well I'm used to FF games being more-or-less free-roaming and having interesting NPC interactions, but since it was just straight lines even less complex than Mario Bros. 1, and no NPC interaction, well if it wasn't a FF game I wouldn't have bought it.

Fallout 3! First time I played it, I didn't like it because I thought the game was free-roaming like other stuff Bethesda does that scales monster spawn to your level, but the first thing I saw was the ants. A year later I played it entirely on god mode just to see the story, and out of fear of the ants. So what if I'm lame? Then I beat the game (easily without god mode, pretty much beats itself) and didn't get to continue playing after the end of the story. I wanted to see the clean water, and I wanted to greenify everything, or at least finish some quests. Stopped the story dead in its tracks, as well as my interest.

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter I hated. I don't remember what I liked, sorry, it's been too long. I do remember that being a dragon too many times gave you a game over, no matter what you did. In none of the other games did it do that. Plus the enemies were strong enough that if you weren't a dragon, you wouldn't survive most the random encounters. Force you to game over before you're anywhere near the end? I stopped playing once I realized that.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
InFamous (first one). Something about it didn't seem interesting enough to hold my interest. But I still played and fucking loved InFamous 2.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Pretty much every Final Fantasy ever. I love JRPGs, love turn based combat, I should fall all over myself for them, but they just bore me silly. Always have.

Fallout is another one that I should love, but don't. It's just too bleak.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I like first person shooters (single-player only, though, thanks) and I like RPGs. JRPGs more than WRPGs (I know, I'm weird like that), but I still like RPGs in general. I also like to see that I won't go to hell if I die; I'm practically already there. So why the hell couldn't I get more than an hour into Fallout 3?


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Fable - all of them...

I tried getting into them so many times because I like RPG's and the goofiness of Fable and the quaint 'Englishness' amused me, but damn I hated them all within a couple hours. I've pretty much given up with the lot...


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
Bioshock. It was fun. And I beat it on Hard. But I did not feel the "Mood" or "Fantastic Plot" most people rave on about.

grand theft Auto. All of them. Only one that I really liked was Vice city. the rest of them felt off.