Games you sincerely wished you could enjoy, but just couldn't get into them


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Grand Theft Auto IV, easily. Looked like it should be fine, but the driving mechanics and constant babysitting made it so tedious I couldn't get very far.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
BioShock. I've tried the game twice, but there's something about it that just doesn't work for me, so I've never gotten past the first couple levels.

Also, most 2D games. My first game console was a Nintendo 64, so I grew up on mainly 3D games, and as a results can not get into anything from the SNES era or earlier. I like my Marios, Metroids, and Zeldas in 3D.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Lot of games for me. Minecraft, Super Meat Boy, Left 4 Dead, the X-COM games, just about any fighting game...
If I can't actually understand the game enough to have fun within the first hour, I'm not interested. In Minecraft and L4D's case, I just can't have fun even when I understand the game.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Half Life 2. On two occasions I really, really tried to get into it, but it just didn't stick. I tried it once shortly after it's release and once about two years ago. I don't know what it was, but I constantly had to remind myself that this is one of those games you 'should' lay to the end. I just couldn't do it though. Guess some games just don't "work" for some people.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Killer 7. I will admit that it is visually one of the most interesting games I've ever seen. I just cannot for the life of me figure out what the fuck I'm supposed to do. I've never made it past the first level, and the controls bug me so much that I just don't really feel like checking gamefaqs.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Sacred 2: it had good potential, co op mode, lots of content, but just lacked that fun factor.

Judgement101 said:
Oblivion. My experience "Wow this is fun, hey I just killed a bandit, wow this is really good!" Turns left and sees an NPC swimming in the water who gets killed by a fish and then another runs into a fence and keeps running into it "Damn, there goes this games fun"
really. those reasons are a little pathetic to lose interest in a great game arent they.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
summerof2010 said:
Okami, Valkyria Chronicles, Dragon Age.

I just suck at the other two. I got stuck on like the 6th or 7th mission in VC (the one with the bullshit giant tank) and quit. I actually restarted a few months later and beat it. Then I got stuck on the very next mission and quit again.
I can understand that, chapter 8 had Ty the Overpowered in its first half and excessive attack down enemy rounds in its second. Honestly, I'd consider that chapter to be the low point.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
half life 2
sonic collors
halo reach (am i the only one who thinks the controlles are horrible)


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Deus Ex. Simple, I just hate the shooting.

MAG. I may have only tried the beta, but again the shooting was so unappealing for me that I just couldn't see myself still playing it in two months.

Fall out 2. I don't know really... not enough direction I guess? I'm going to try again in a few, but as of now I'm just not having fun with it.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
drwow said:
World of Warcraft, it really seems like the playing with other people would be awesome time.
but having to level up to level 60 before the game gets fun is really annoying to me.
While I'm not saying they'll be the time of your life, the starting area quests have been vastly improved with Cataclysm, in my opinion.

Anyways, I'd have to say most Valve games. I try to like them, but the community (fanboys) hype them up to the point they're impossible to enjoy.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Proverbial Jon said:
Deus Ex - Seriously? This is supossed to be like the holy grail of FPS gaming?
Umm... no? Maybe you were doing it wrong or maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I always played Deus Ex as a stealth RPG. More like Elder Scrolls than an FPS. I'm not an FPS fan, but I love RPGs and have a mushy spot in my heart for Deus Ex. Whomever told you it was supposed to be a good FPS was talking out of their ass.


New member
Mar 4, 2011
Fallout New Vegas. I don't even know why. I loved Fallout 3, and did pretty much everything I could possibly do in it. (100% achievement rating, all the DLC, et cetera.) It kept my interest for a long, long time. New Vegas, though...I don't know. It doesn't have the same immersion as the first one. Part of it may be the extreme number of ways to finish the endgame, what with the different factions and such. I think that's where I stopped, as I was honestly unable to decide what to do with it. In concept, it's pretty sweet, but for some reason I just didn't enjoy the game in general as much.

(That, and it felt more like an expansion to Fallout 3, as opposed to the dramatic change between that and Fallout 2.)


New member
Jan 17, 2011
fps's in general fail to hold my interest for to long
also i could not get in to the first legend of Zelda. it does not even have directions or a map and i am not in a mood to wounder around searching for the a dungeon.


New member
May 27, 2010
A random person said:
summerof2010 said:
Okami, Valkyria Chronicles, Dragon Age.

I just suck at the other two. I got stuck on like the 6th or 7th mission in VC (the one with the bullshit giant tank) and quit. I actually restarted a few months later and beat it. Then I got stuck on the very next mission and quit again.
I can understand that, chapter 8 had Ty the Overpowered in its first half and excessive attack down enemy rounds in its second. Honestly, I'd consider that chapter to be the low point.
It's such a shame too, because I really liked the core mechanics and found the personality quirks of all the little foot soldiers to be endearing. Not to mention that the art style was very pretty.

...But the menu interface and lack of auto-save can eat a big flaming dick. Inexcusable stuff, IMO.

Red Rum

New member
Feb 25, 2008
Brutal Legend. I'm sure if they can get to the sequel, they'll do something better with the concept.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Everquest 2 (beyond level 20... blech), warhammer online, any game with poor sounds but great gameplay really. I have a lot of trouble playing games that use sounds that just dont... 'feel right'. Warhammer had this problem really bad and i couldnt put my finger on what was wrong. World of Warcraft recently changed almost /all/ of the move sounds to the druid sound mangle (which sounded like an urn falling into stained glass from a big height... annoying). Especialy since that sound played EVERY SECOND during a fight, every fight, the whole time. I played WoW far too long and its funny that the SOUND CHANGE is what made me quit. xD