Games you suck at


New member
Jun 15, 2008
stinkychops post=9.67409.691264 said:
The only games I suck at are the ones that involve grinding, WOW, JRPG's(some), Runescape(its just shit). Stuff like that I suck at, but I am at least average at everything else.
How can you suck at grinding? Do you mean you lack the patience for it, or that you just... can't grind somehow?


New member
Mar 21, 2008
I am helpless in flight simulators. One time when I tried playing Lock-on: Modern Air Combat, I took off with my A-10, only to nose dive immediatly. Another time, in some WWII flight simulator while I was on the runway I flipped forward and landed upside down.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I'm really bad at rythm games. At a VF meet seven of us played Rock Band for the first time. Everybody who sat down behind the drums took about 75% on easy. My first game was 35%. It took me five songs to get on par with the rest. Needless to say my one experience with Guitar Hero (three songs or so) was a total disaster. I am capable of failing songs at Donkey Conga as well.

Screw that, I'll just hop on stage and sing for real. I don't need no plastic instruments to make me feel good about myself, just give me a mic and a tune.

L4Y Duke:
Then you can still finish FFX-2.
Happy you.
Jul 11, 2008
I generally suck at first person shooters. I don't even like playing them because of that.
I don't know what it is, but with any other game, even if it plays like an FPS, but I can see the character on the screen, I'll be much better at it.
Ah well.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
id have to say pac man ...pac man doesnt like me infact all original arcade games seem to hate me :(


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Okey! I Suck at Half-Life 2 in Xbox! because its confusing how you have to move 2 analogs at the same time, and i dont know where i have to go, i dont know the navigation! It hurts my head! Though i quite liked it and also, Portal is mint! even though its like the same as half-life!

I recommend to play on PC because its easy!


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Adventure Games. Any of them. I don't get it, the puzzles all have completely alien logic and I just can't figure them out. ANY OF THEM. Even the simplest of puzzles baffle me and continue to do so until I look at a walkthrough, see a seemingly simple and (sort of) logical solution that I never would have thought up.

Now, I don't hate adventure games, in theory, it's just up my alley with focus on story and such, but I just cannot play them. Grim Fandango, I think I solved two or maybe three puzzles in that game, and I solved them pretty much by rubbing every object against everything and anything I saw, and for all the rest of the puzzles I had to use a walkthrough. And I tried, believe me I tried as hard as I could, spent hours walking around that town in year 2. Amazingly, the story is so good that I still played the game all the way through.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Truth be told, i think i suck at most to all games. i mean im an average player, but most of my friends are much better. i just play for the fun, i dont actually try at games, course i dotn really try at anything, but ah well.