Games you thought you'd love but you turned out hating them.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
Is it just me or does my opinion from the OP seem to conflict with a whole load of posters?

It's probably because those are games that go in the extreme, you either LOVE them or HATE them.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I though I would like red faction Guerilla more.
I didn't hate it, but the fact that destroyed buildings stayed permanently destroyed really bugged me.
Good thing in the next one then, is the fact you can now rebuild structures.


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Probably because I get bored with the beginning.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Alex Cowan said:

I'm sorry, but I thought the setting was too good, and the gameplay kind of got in the way. I really wanted to like it, but the unrelenting nature and some of the horror elements really prevented me from enjoying it.
This. Even so, I've been bummed for things to do lately so I've played through it up until before the last fight and then the thing glitched. I started liking it a bit more as I played, but in general I was really disappointed.

Also, Dragon Age on the console. It wasn't bad and I still like it a bit, but I just think they did mass effect better. Especially since mass effect didn't have The Fade, Queen Anora, Loghain, Lady isolde (AKA "Miss connorconnorconnorwahwahwahangstconnorwahwah") or that crazy dwarf chick that was obsessed with the anvil of the void.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Spore disappointed me. I still played it, but it was a let down- the actuall game itself was shallower than I anticipated, and the cartoony bent to everything made me feel foolish. Also, the tribal and civilization levels are optionless grinds.

I loved Saint's Row 2, and was psyched to buy Red Faction: Guerilla. But Red was lacking to me. I was left disappointed on that one.

Also, I don't understand all of the disappointment in Half Life 2- what gives? I'm not trying to 'ram it down other people's throats', but I'm surprised that it is getting such disapproval.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
As a sign of appreciation to the Escapist community for welcoming me so well on my first thread I decided to go over ALL the replies and compose a top 10 list of letdowns, which I will update if the topic does not die.

1. Oblivion 24
2. Modern Warfare 2 22
3. Fallout 3 16
4. Half Life 2 15
5. Dragon Age Origins 14
6. GTA 4 11
7. Bioshock 10
8. Spore 10
9. FF13 10
10. Prototype 9
11. Mass Effect 9
12. Mass Effect 2 9

Every single point I had to add to the Mass Effect games has caused me physical pain, I hope you're happy :p.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
well, the only recent game that has had this effect for me was Aliens vs Predator.

i pre-ordered it off steam, since it looked epic before it came out, and when i played it, it just felt bad, the graphics were average, the gameplay wasn't that good and the online was awful when i played it.

i biggest waste of money i ever bought.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Four jump to mind:

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - This game had me so excited, because I had just finished playing Fallout 3, which is one of my favorite games of all time. After a few hours I realized that the combat sucked, the voice acting sucked, the plot sucked, the world sucked, the animations sucked, and the main quest sucked. On the upside, the guilds and side-quests were quite imaginative and fun. Overall, I hated it, and since I got all of the ridiculously easy achievements, I'm happy to say that I'll never play it again in my life.

Red Faction: Guerrilla - After seeing trailers for this, it looked like a great strategic game with huge places to blow up. What I found was a disappointing game with a very empty open world that should have had huge cities to destroy, a pathetic health bar, retarded friendly AI, weapons that failed to impress (Other than the ridiculously awesome Nanorifle), a worthless ammo carrying capacity, and a paper thin plot.

Half-Life 2 - After all the hype about this game, I couldn't imagine not liking it. I don't know if it would be fair to say that I "Hate" this game. In concept, it should be good. I can ignore complaining about the plot since I never played Half-Life 1 and really can't understand it anyways. My main problem was that the level design was awful. I would find myself stumbling around for half an hour looking for my destination before finding a staircase tucked away in a barely noticeable corner somewhere. Also, and this is something I think even the lovers of this game can agree on, the driving controls are probably the worst I've ever seen in a video game. Who was the genius who decided to map everything to the left stick? It's a mess! On the upside, Episode 1 and Episode 2 were much better with much more straightforward level design.

Super Paper Mario - Now, the Paper Mario series is one of my favorite gaming series' out there. I loved Paper Mario, and The Thousand Year Door is one of my favorite games of all time. I heard that one was coming out for Wii, and when my friend got it, I jumped at the chance to play it. What I found was a bland Mario platformer abusing the Paper Mario name to sell more games that sucked all of the fun and creativity out of the series.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
I never managed to like Starcraft. I heard my friends talking about it and sharing their war stories, so I decided to go and pick it up to see what all of the fuss was about. When I finally got into the game, I was sorely disappointed.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Brutal Legend... I liked the whole metal vibe the game had... But in the end, the story seemed rushed, the RTS-like fights were annoying, and the game was incredibly short...

GTA IV... This was a huge disappointment... I've liked all GTAs, including the old top-down ones... But IV was really boring... The controls were terrible, your buddies were annoying, and the story to the BOGT was ten times better than IV's...


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I have to agree with the Oblivion haters here.

After loving the admittedly-quite-ugly Morrowind, Oblivion looked like it could be so great but with the exception of the Dark Brotherhood and a few others, the missions were just uninspired, and once you've completed the main quest, there's really very little incentive to keep playing.

I downloaded some pretty cool mods, but one of them ended up making my male character appear completely naked when he was out of his armour.

Seriously, someone spent ALOT of time making that bell-end look realistic. I can't play the game any more without shuddering.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Since everyone basicly hates the same stuff, im going to throw something new in there.

Tom Clancy's End War. I liked the idea of voice command and it worked pretty well, the gameplay was just so rediculously stupid all you ever needed was tanks and artillery. Artillery was so accurate and had such a huge range that it was incredibly over powered. And Tanks are Tanks :/

Infantry was completely useless in the game other then capturing stuff, apparently rifleman(men?) were supposed to counter engineers and engineers could shoot rockets at vehicles and the likes. The problem was there was no engineers and the engineers i used couldn't hit jack shit, and ended up dieing. Plus infantry had to be in cover to be somewhat useful as a distraction.

Gunships weren't that useful either, but I guess they could be useful.

Anyways, the game was just terrible after you actually looked at the gameplay.


[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
buy teh haloz said:
FinalDream said:
God of War Collection
Wait, how didn't you like the GoW Collection? It was just the first two games with an HD upgrade. What was so bad about that?
I never played them originally, after all the love for the third instalment I thought I might as well give them a go. Even thought I don't like those types of games. Big mistake, I just can't be bothered with a game that is entirely composed of needless fighting grind.