Games You Want, But Will Never Come Out


New member
May 12, 2009
Either it be because of series cancelation, companies going out of business, or just a lack of interest, there are some games that you just hope and wish will come out..but doubt that they ever will....So, here's your chance to list them =D

Also, I'm placing a limitation on the choice, the game has to be part of an existing franchise, meaning no "I wants a FPS with laser beam sharks and mushrooms hats", but stuff like "I want a sequel to {insert game name here}" or "I wish there was a RPG version of {insert game name here}"

My personal choice....I want a new Guilty Gear game =S I know it got cancelled, and I know that now Blazblue(which I own and play) is pretty much Guilty Gear 2.0 , but I really wish there was a new version of it. I miss using Faust, Venom, and Bridget T_T


New member
Jun 20, 2010
unfortunately i dont think a star wars battlefront 3 will ever be released or a proper Kotor 3


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Durxom said:
Either it be because of series cancelation, companies going out of business, or just a lack of interest, there are some games that you just hope and wish will come out..but doubt that they ever will....So, here's your chance to list them =D

Also, I'm placing a limitation on the choice, the game has to be part of an existing franchise, meaning no "I wants a FPS with laser beam sharks and mushrooms hats", but stuff like "I want a sequel to {insert game name here}" or "I wish there was a RPG version of {insert game name here}"

My personal choice....I want a new Guilty Gear game =S I know it got cancelled, and I know that now Blazblue(which I own and play) is pretty much Guilty Gear 2.0 , but I really wish there was a new version of it. I miss using Faust, Venom, and Bridget T_T
You too? Personally, I want a Guilty Gear and BlazBlue crossover. Alas, the world couldn't handle the amount of awesome that Guilty Gear vs. BlazBlue would be. Guilty Gear X2 is still my favorite fighter of all time.


New member
May 19, 2008
I too would love a Guilty Gear 3, or shit, just make an HD version of Accent Core+ or RELOAD and release it on the PSN/XBL. Guilty Gear HD would be fucking awesome with online play.

I wanna see Advent Rising completed, I want my damn closure!! I loved the first Advent Rising, had awesome game play and story. It's a damn shame it ended on a cliff hanger and was commercially unsuccessful. There was even a PSP game planned and it got canceled!! I want to see parts 2 and 3 and have the full series, it had so much potential behind it.

And I still am pissed off about Stargate:Alliance. That should not have been canceled and for once I'd like a god damn Stargate game!! It looked awesome and the series has a TON of potential for video games but then the damn studio got into some troubles.

RedEyesBlackGamer said:
You too? Personally, I want a Guilty Gear and BlazBlue crossover. Alas, the world couldn't handle the amount of awesome that Guiltty Gear vs. BlazBlue would be. Guilty Gear X2 is still my favorite fighter of all time.
The universe would be destroyed in a torrent of pure awesome the second you loaded up the title screen. I'd fucking love playing my beloved Chipp and Baiken so I could ebat the shit out of that Naruto reject Bang; alas I'd have to settle with just my Hakumen doing that.

GG is hands down the best 2D fighter ever, and just one of the best fighters ever made in general.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
A sequel to Gunship / Gunship 2000.
A GOOD sequel to TIE Fighter.
An NHL game that has AI akin to the console version.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
A Vampire Bloodlines sequel (as another topic here said), a Kotor 3.

Another Neverwinter Nights series would be awesome but it won't happen due to the fact that the Forgotten Realms sucks, now.

And I'm waiting for a Divine Divinity 3 and Overlord 3 (if they make it)

Jelly ^.^

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Shadow President 3
(company defunct)

A new old-school LucasArts Sam And Max Game
(no SCUMM and no beer make Homer something something.)

Another humor-based Conker Game from Rare
(Who are we kidding?)

A sequel to Simbiosis Interactive's Fable
(again, company defunct)


New member
May 26, 2010
To End All Wars, it was meant to be the first world war shooter I'd always wanted to see, but I think it's been abandoned, shame really.

Also, a sequel to Jedi Academy, it had the right kind of feel to it that a Star Wars game needed (Jedi Outcast did it better, but hey).


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Durxom said:
My personal choice....I want a new Guilty Gear game =S I know it got cancelled, and I know that now Blazblue(which I own and play) is pretty much Guilty Gear 2.0 , but I really wish there was a new version of it. I miss using Faust, Venom, and Bridget T_T
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
You too? Personally, I want a Guilty Gear and BlazBlue crossover. Alas, the world couldn't handle the amount of awesome that Guiltty Gear vs. BlazBlue would be. Guilty Gear X2 is still my favorite fighter of all time.
-Seraph- said:
I too would love a Guilty Gear 3, or shit, just make an HD version of Accent Core+ or RELOAD and release it on the PSN/XBL. Guilty Gear HD would be fucking awesome with online play.

The universe would be destroyed in a torrent of pure awesome the second you loaded up the title screen. I'd fucking love playing my beloved Chipp and Baiken so I could ebat the shit out of that Naruto reject Bang; alas I'd have to settle with just my Hakumen doing that.

GG is hands down the best 2D fighter ever, and just one of the best fighters ever made in general.
Wow, I'm really amazed at the GG/BB love here. A friend and I play both really competitively and I absolutely love both series, more towards GG though. It clearly is by far the best 2D, if not the best fighting game in general. Seeing a crossover would amazing but they'd have to redo all of mechanics though, but I'm just happy people actually like these series.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Duke Nukem Forever


In all seriousness, I would love to see a Sequel/Remake of Shadow Warrior, a more obscure game that 3D Realms made after Duke 3D. It was a lot of fun and I liked the "stereotype ninja who talks about sex a lot" over Duke's "stereotype action hero who talks about sex a lot."


(wow I am bad at jokes)


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Ewyx said:
Fallout 3, Van Buren to be precise, obviously. :)
I was going to say this. Apparently it was almost 70% complete when it got scraped, it must be gutting to see all that work just get tossed aside.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
PSI-Ops 2. The first game was awesome but ended with an incomprehensible cliffhanger that will never be answered because Midway are dicks.

Seriously, fuck you, Midway.

Bryan Jue

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Xlr8DETH said:
unfortunately i dont think a star wars battlefront 3 will ever be released or a proper Kotor 3
These two, and also a true successor to Seiken Densetsu 3. Legend of Mana was interesting but it was its own game. I never played Children of Mana or Dawn of Mana.. are those any good?

Also I'd like to see Jedi Knight 3, or in other words a followup to Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy.