Games You Wanted To Get But Couldn't Due To Exclusivity


New member
Nov 21, 2012
I have a PC, a PS2 and a 360 (and a DS), so I'm mostly covered.

But... I'd really love to play The Last Of Us.

And while I admit I'm completely out of my fucking tree to do so, I'm probably going to buy a Wii U for as long as it takes to finish Bayonetta 2, then sell it. I can't realistically justify dropping the better part of £300 for the sake of one game, but damn. (There is nothing else that interests me this generation thus far - except for the inevitable Final Fantasy XV and maybe Bully 2, if that turns up. The typical Nintendo staples don't appeal in the slightest.)


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I remember a first being a little jealous of the 360 for getting the GTA4 DLC first but I didn't want to deal with the rrod or a monthly fee. Then I saw that they cost $20 each and felt a lot better about having to wait. All the kind of stuff they give away for free on a monthly basis with GTA5. I did eventually pick up both of them on disc for $10.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rozalia1 said:
Than clearly their priorities regarding the games they bemoan not having available to them weren't all that important if they never took the step to make it available to them.
Just because I don't want to spend $450 on something (using money I don't currently have) doesn't mean I don't want the thing pretty bad. Maybe I'd be willing to fork over $200 to play it, which is a BIG sum of money for one game, far more money than I'd ever invest in any other game - but not double that. Am I allowed to be sad about it now?


New member
Jul 25, 2011
lacktheknack said:
Rozalia1 said:
Than clearly their priorities regarding the games they bemoan not having available to them weren't all that important if they never took the step to make it available to them.
Just because I don't want to spend $450 on something (using money I don't currently have) doesn't mean I don't want the thing pretty bad. Maybe I'd be willing to fork over $200 to play it, which is a BIG sum of money for one game, far more money than I'd ever invest in any other game - but not double that. Am I allowed to be sad about it now?
NO, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE SAD, IT IS YOUR FAULT YOU CAN'T GET MORE MONEY. (this just seems to be the general gist of Rozalial's posts...)

For me it'd have to be alot of PS2 titles, I'd saved up enough from random jobs and allowances to pay for a gamecube when it first came out as a kid and they were offering the Zelda collection as a freebie,which I couldn't pass up, then school events happened and I barely ever had money since my family were pretty big on if you want to get games then you should buy them yourself so you only have yourself to blame if you don't like them.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Games I will get to play when I get a PS4 so they don't quite count:
Rogue Legacy, Octodad, Transistor.
Games I won't get to play because I don't feel like throwing down large sums of money on a gaming PC so I can play a handful of indie games: Binding of Issac, FTL.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Arnoxthe1 said:
Gundam GP01 said:
Yeah, but that's illegal.
Geez, I was assuming he/she would buy a legal copy of the game first. What were you thinking of?
Not enough fella you also need a BIOs from your own owned Wii. Those you get off the net aren't legal to make use of.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Rozalia1 said:
Arnoxthe1 said:
Gundam GP01 said:
Yeah, but that's illegal.
Geez, I was assuming he/she would buy a legal copy of the game first. What were you thinking of?
Not enough fella you also need a BIOs from your own owned Wii. Those you get off the net aren't legal to make use of.
Well of course. I do expect him/her to be a law-abiding citizen and comply to all national, state, and copyright laws after all.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Ignoring the ridiculous spat about "obviously not wanting stuff enough", here's the list:

The Last of Us - considered getting a PS3 just to play this, might do again now that they're dropping in price
Halo - I've played them through before, but would like to again.
Zelda - I can't justify buying a Wii-U and handhelds for one game series
Ghost Recon Future Soldier - the PC port is apparently unplayable, so only good option would be console

Slightly more depressingly, it's getting harder to play even old PC games now. I'm having to set up XP dual boot to get some of my old games to run properly :(

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
At the moment:
-Killzone Shadowfall
-Forza 5
-Corpse Party because they won't release it to EU PSN.
-Some PS1 games like Xenogears, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon... I could play them on my PS3, but I prefer to play them on my Vita.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Killer Instinct 3 - :*( because fuck you Microsoft and the Xbone I refuse to give that thing my money even if it is holding a game I have been waiting for since I was 8 for ransom. I don't trust them and do not want to be one of the bricks that contributed to them possibly turning things around and feeding their monstrous egos.

Halo Master Chief Collection - I have been waiting with bated breath for a Halo 2 cosmetic update since the anniversary edition of Halo Combat Evolved just so we could finally have some visual consistency across the whole trilogy. *sigh* but sadly I'll never get that because again I'm not buying an Xbone. (sorry I know it's a joke we're all tired of but the name is just so stupid I can't bring myself to say it.)

Infamous - the gameplay just looked so fun and I really like those super hero games done right but sadly until just this May I never owned or wanted to own a PS3 but then I finally cracked and decided you know what it's cheap enough now I'll buy this. Thus i have rectified my mistake and honestly am really enjoying the game. It's a bit grey but oh well.

Sunset Overdrive - Fuck the Xbone, trust, anticonsumer yada yada yada.

Mario 64 and Zelda - I never owned an N64. I should really get on the Wii Virtual console and buy those..


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Upcoming: Scalebound and Sunset Overdrive. I will probably get a WiiU for Bayonetta 2, the new Smash Bros, and a few other games.

Already out: Not that many honestly, Smash Bros Brawl I guess but I could always play that at a friends house, same with the various Halos. I guess Mass Effect 1 probably counts, though I eventually did get it for the PC (played through ME2, liked it, wanted to see where it started. ME1 ended up being my favorite of the series.)