Gamestation Defends "Sexist" Ad

Firesti Keralimah

New member
Sep 25, 2009
cpt blackamar said:
IronicBeet said:
Right, and there's never any ads that show women being smarter/more competent than men, right? Sexism is a one-way street, everybody knows that!

Of course, I don't mean to imply that my sarcasm says that I'm offended by the opposite happening. I don't get offended by man/woman bashing because I'm not a little baby-man.
you are however on the gender that hasn't had to fight, and still fight for equal rights for centuries now, are you?
...You do realize that women in western culture, as a whole, have never actually been oppressed, right?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
1. Yes it is sexist. Saying that girlfriends "cost money" is commodofying women and implying (pretty openly) that anything you do for or with them is you paying for the privileges of having access to a woman. If you buy a woman dinner, you are paying for dinner, you aren't buying a girlfriend.

2. It's insulting to gamers as well. Its pretty much furthering the negative stereotype of gamers as socially maladjusted chauvanistic losers who choose gaming over relationships and that assumption can zog right off. I mean, granted it's geared towards Call of Duty fans but still, everyone who has the slightest bit of maturity should be insulted and even more insulted to realize that once again gaming has been set back. See Extra Credits video "Open Letter to EA Marketing" for a deeper exploration of that.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
So maybe its offensive to some people. I found it funny. Like someone said before, sexism is still a two way street. Yes its disapointing that it basically is pushing the female audience away a bit, but the joke itself is very universal. I mean, dates are expensive.

Though I'm reading it that girls are expensive rather than what a lot of other people are getting at. Just my initial read through. I understand the other way if the price is really really rock bottom you can make that joke, but I didn't get that impression at all.


New member
May 11, 2009
ArmorArmadillo said:
1. Yes it is sexist. Saying that girlfriends "cost money" is commodofying women and implying (pretty openly) that anything you do for or with them is you paying for the privileges of having access to a woman. If you buy a woman dinner, you are paying for dinner, you aren't buying a girlfriend.
I disagree. Saying that girlfriends cost money is objective fact. Women are material creatures, let's face it. They like shiny things, and expensive things, and they like being bought things. especially, shiny, expensive, smelly things. This is true for a good 90% of the female population. When a guy and a girl go out, it's expected that the guy forks out the cash. Likewise for birthdays, Christmas and such. Having a girlfriend costs money, and quite a lot of it. Course, this is largely ignored, because hey, it's no fun fighting for gender equality if it starts costing you things.

But that's the unspoken agreement. Guys buy dinner and wine and movies and shiny, smelly expensive things, and in return girls might not be too tired or have a headache that night.


New member
May 9, 2010
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Venereus said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
'the Gamestation brand reflects its customer base which is still predominantly the traditional core male gamer'

In other words we don't care if we offend women becuase we will get our pennies anyway.

Nice. >_>
Strawoman argument!
Well if you think its a weak argument then go ahead and do that. But I can't think of anyway other way to read what he's saying. He's defending sexist advertising by saying it's okay for him to do that becuase men are in the majority. Rascism would certainly not be treated this way. I saw earlier that you posted the word 'Feminazi' I guess you are one of those people who use the old 'Shun her as a lunatic because she stands up for herself' excuse.
Thats getting kind of old. Iv'e really said all I can about this and It worries me that the gaming industry still uses the demographic excuse to be sexist. Won't be posting here anymore have fun!
Venereus said:
I hate feminazis that don't get what feminism is really about...
Quoting out of context is also a weak argument.

Anyway, this is how advertising works. You pick a demographic and cater to it. The product is "Call of Duty: Black Ops", it's target audience are core male gamers, so it's advertising caters to core male gamers. Sure, some women probably play it too, but you don't count that in when you design the ad campaign, and why would you?

I share your point about the gaming industry using the demographic as an excuse to be sexist, but that's an issue of the gaming industry, to be adressed by game design. Advertising is a different animal, and when "the brand reflects its customer base", they're doing a good job.

People going out of their way to get offended just bring shame on themselves, especially since getting offended, even without the extra effort, is usually a bad move in the first place. Since you brought racism up, I'll use it as an example for this. If some random troll, be it IRL or on the internets, throws a racist remark, you should just ignore it. If someone throws a racist joke, you should not take it seriously and laugh. If you get offended in any of these two situations, you're either feeding the trolls, or missing out on a good time, and that's it, because those people have no real political power to enforce such views on real people in real life. On the other hand, if some influential figure (a powerful politician, a prominent lawyer, or whatever), spreads racism and pushes foward ways to enforce it, then you should display a negative reaction. And then getting morally offended is just stupid, because you're actually being politically threatened, and that calls for different measures.

Cyclone of Mystery

New member
Mar 21, 2008
littlerob said:
ArmorArmadillo said:
1. Yes it is sexist. Saying that girlfriends "cost money" is commodofying women and implying (pretty openly) that anything you do for or with them is you paying for the privileges of having access to a woman. If you buy a woman dinner, you are paying for dinner, you aren't buying a girlfriend.
I disagree. Saying that girlfriends cost money is objective fact. Women are material creatures, let's face it. They like shiny things, and expensive things, and they like being bought things. especially, shiny, expensive, smelly things. This is true for a good 90% of the female population. When a guy and a girl go out, it's expected that the guy forks out the cash. Likewise for birthdays, Christmas and such. Having a girlfriend costs money, and quite a lot of it. Course, this is largely ignored, because hey, it's no fun fighting for gender equality if it starts costing you things.

But that's the unspoken agreement. Guys buy dinner and wine and movies and shiny, smelly expensive things, and in return girls might not be too tired or have a headache that night.
Sounds to me like you've been trying to date the wrong women. Most women I know pay for half their dinner/transport/movie tickets. If only to keep the guy from feeling privileged and bringing it up at the end of the date to get "something" in return.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Yeah, it's sexist.

Also, it doesn't matter. The only thing I have to say to the female employee is "get over it." Everything out there offends someone, whether it means to or not. I don't see any reason to attempt to cater to everyone's fragile sensibilities. I doubt she finds beer commercials and the booth babes at conventions sexist unless she thinks about it.

Sometimes, something funny will offend you. It sucks, but there it is.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Firesti Keralimah said:
cpt blackamar said:
IronicBeet said:
Right, and there's never any ads that show women being smarter/more competent than men, right? Sexism is a one-way street, everybody knows that!

Of course, I don't mean to imply that my sarcasm says that I'm offended by the opposite happening. I don't get offended by man/woman bashing because I'm not a little baby-man.
you are however on the gender that hasn't had to fight, and still fight for equal rights for centuries now, are you?
...You do realize that women in western culture, as a whole, have never actually been oppressed, right?
Here in the US, treatment of the Women Suffragists was sometimes quite brutal. Women HAVE been oppressed, either by being denied rights that males have or by being pigeon-holed into 'homemaker.'

That being said, cpt blackamar is not making a valid point. I am a male, and I have not had to fight for my rights. However, women in most modern societies haven't had to fight for basic equality (not to say it NEVER happens). This happened before most women alive today were born. Is this oppression MY fault? No. Why am I being expected to accept some epistemological handicap due to the simple fact that I had the poor judgment to be born male? I do not take part in oppressing women, nor (I could argue) do most males. I think its fantastic that more and more women are getting careers and leading lives outside of 'traditional roles.'

That being said, do I think this ad is sexist? No. Lets face it, the demographic that would buy this game is overwhelmingly male. I'm fairly certain that this is what the company had in mind. To complain that this ad sexist seems to disregard this, and some reactions to the ad (here, mostly) go so far to assume some chauvinistic motive. This isn't intellectually honest, as it projects an attitude that isn't necessarily present. Was the joke in poor taste? Possibly, but that doesn't make it sexist.

Men are quite frequently portrayed as man-children in modern society. Its even generally accepted as appropriate. However, I don't see it as degrading to myself, as its implications are meaningless in my eyes. These are merely caricatures, they do not accurately reflect reality, and are not meant to. I believe this ad falls in the same category.

Further, it IS traditional that the male in the relationship pay for the date. There's no denying this. So interpretations of the ad other than 'your girlfriend is ho' with this considered are valid.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
HA! I thought it was funny. The person who complained about it makes me sad she shares the same type of genitialia I do.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Venereus said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Venereus said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
'the Gamestation brand reflects its customer base which is still predominantly the traditional core male gamer'

In other words we don't care if we offend women becuase we will get our pennies anyway.

Nice. >_>
Strawoman argument!
Well if you think its a weak argument then go ahead and do that. But I can't think of anyway other way to read what he's saying. He's defending sexist advertising by saying it's okay for him to do that becuase men are in the majority. Rascism would certainly not be treated this way. I saw earlier that you posted the word 'Feminazi' I guess you are one of those people who use the old 'Shun her as a lunatic because she stands up for herself' excuse.
Thats getting kind of old. Iv'e really said all I can about this and It worries me that the gaming industry still uses the demographic excuse to be sexist. Won't be posting here anymore have fun!
Venereus said:
I hate feminazis that don't get what feminism is really about...
Quoting out of context is also a weak argument.

Anyway, this is how advertising works. You pick a demographic and cater to it. The product is "Call of Duty: Black Ops", it's target audience are core male gamers, so it's advertising caters to core male gamers. Sure, some women probably play it too, but you don't count that in when you design the ad campaign, and why would you?

I share your point about the gaming industry using the demographic as an excuse to be sexist, but that's an issue of the gaming industry, to be adressed by game design. Advertising is a different animal, and when "the brand reflects its customer base", they're doing a good job.
The fact that men are in a majority of the customer base is no excuse to be offensive. They can advertise in other ways. I don't so much as find the joke offensive more the implication that only men play video games.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
No, things like that make women appear cheap and not as pro as men, it's things like the fact that she complained that makes them look stupid, and not as good.. sorry, "pro" (to avoid anyone else complaining) as men.. it was clearly a joke, people need to lighten up and just think about life a bit more.. I mean... Why so serious?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Andy Chalk said:
"It is pretty openly sexist - girls being cheap, obviously...
Is it obvious?
I'll admit: When I first saw the ad, I thought it was a dig at how expensive having a girlfriend can be, not that the girl herself was 'cheap'. As in "It's cheaper to buy this game then it is to take your girlfriend out" or something. Maybe I just totally saw it wrong, but I got a very different message.

So if they are in fact saying girls are 'cheap', well then it's a blatantly sexist ad. But it they are saying that having a girlfriend is expensive, then I find it hard to disagree. Heck, I'm married and my wife can get darned expensive. How many purses does a woman need? Geez!
You're right, Tea; the woman complaining is just a moron who misunderstood what the ad was saying.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
That's not really what I'd call sexist, just being really fucking prick-ish. Seriously, if you wanna sell something, you should go for what could easily be a "Your Mom joke".

Seriously, that'd be like if a hot dog vendor said this to passers-by:

"Hey, my hot dogs are hot, fresh, and cheap! They're cheaper than your mother, come get them while they're hot!"

I mean, damn, an 8-year old who quickscopes could probably sell the game better.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Venereus said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Venereus said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
'the Gamestation brand reflects its customer base which is still predominantly the traditional core male gamer'

In other words we don't care if we offend women becuase we will get our pennies anyway.

Nice. >_>
Strawoman argument!
Well if you think its a weak argument then go ahead and do that. But I can't think of anyway other way to read what he's saying. He's defending sexist advertising by saying it's okay for him to do that becuase men are in the majority. Rascism would certainly not be treated this way. I saw earlier that you posted the word 'Feminazi' I guess you are one of those people who use the old 'Shun her as a lunatic because she stands up for herself' excuse.
Thats getting kind of old. Iv'e really said all I can about this and It worries me that the gaming industry still uses the demographic excuse to be sexist. Won't be posting here anymore have fun!
Venereus said:
I hate feminazis that don't get what feminism is really about...
Quoting out of context is also a weak argument.

Anyway, this is how advertising works. You pick a demographic and cater to it. The product is "Call of Duty: Black Ops", it's target audience are core male gamers, so it's advertising caters to core male gamers. Sure, some women probably play it too, but you don't count that in when you design the ad campaign, and why would you?

I share your point about the gaming industry using the demographic as an excuse to be sexist, but that's an issue of the gaming industry, to be adressed by game design. Advertising is a different animal, and when "the brand reflects its customer base", they're doing a good job.
The fact that men are in a majority of the customer base is no excuse to be offensive. They can advertise in other ways. I don't so much as find the joke offensive more the implication that only men play video games.
Now you are being sexist... A woman can have a girlfriend too you know.

t3h br0th3r

New member
May 7, 2009
Sterotypical date cost

Two movie tickets: $14
snacks: $5
Dinner for two:$20
total cost for 'tradional date': $39

Used Copy of Black Ops: $45

See, a GF is cheaper even if she dosen't pitch in. besides, you can't make out with black ops... and even if you could it would give you an std anyway.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Zanakanishi said:
Now you are being sexist... A woman can have a girlfriend too you know.
Only the guy didn't say sorry there is a majority of lesbians in our demographic so we can be offensive as we like did he. In the venacular he 'put his foot in it.'

As for people saying a girlfriend is expensive do you all live in the 50's or somthing. I pay for everything myself or at least half. Unless it's like my birthday or something.


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
Hoopybees said:
Uff. I can see why the girl's annoyed but it's practically a 'your momma' joke, I assume it's meant ironically. As long as their whole campaign isn't hanging off of similar jibes I think it's probably okay.
Yeah, but shouldn't a company be a bit ashamed of using 'your momma' style jokes to advertise their products? And shouldn't all gamers, but particularly this large bracket of male gamers - who usually like to consider themselves intellectually sophisticated - be ashamed to be the target demographic of 'your momma' jokes?

And to all those who claim it's not saying girls are cheap but rather expensive, isn't that (if you're offended by stereotyping) just as bad? It's promoting the stereotype that girlfriends are just a demanding drain on your wallet. Great.

I think the employee had every right to complain about this ad. I happen to think it's in bad taste. I can totally understand why the company thought it would appeal to the typical male gamer (and, looking at this thread, why it does - the company clearly knows its market), but she still had every right to take exception to it.

And guys on the Escapist keep making threads wondering why they have trouble with women when they're the 'nice guy'... Bleh.

EDIT: to Hoopybees - sorry if this post was a little strong; I don't mean it as a personal attack, but I'd read a lot of the rest of the thread before I quoted your post, so you might have caught a little of the general bile I'd built up to the responses here. =S


New member
Oct 25, 2010
This is both a stupid ad and a stupid overreaction. If the ads trying to be funny it's not, it's just coming across as being a childish joke. If the womans trying to stick up for womens rights or something then she should've picked something actually worth getting upset over.