GameStop Offends Fatties With Wii Fit Promotion

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
GameStop Offends Fatties With Wii Fit Promotion

Welcome to GameStop [], where ridiculous-looking, half-assed fat suits are in, and tastefulness, judgment and common sense are, by all appearances, out.

The Wii Fit [] is a tremendously popular device, and the idea of "active videogames" has spread like wildfire, letting people indulge their love of gaming without having to put up with the gently nagging guilt that goes hand-in-hand with spending an entire day sitting on the couch and swearing at the television. But someone at GameStop decided it needed even more of a push, and that the best way to convince people to buy the things would be to dress up store employees in cheap fat suits and make them wear t-shirts warning against the evils of being a lard-ass.

It's surprising how often ideas that are clearly bad don't seem like bad ideas when they're fresh and new, and this is pretty obviously one of those cases. This isn't an isolated case of a single store manager making a poor decision, either; the fat suits appeared in two Los Angeles locations, as did an official press release from GameStop. "Reminding people to stick to their New Year's resolutions, today GameStop employees dressed in fat suits are encouraging shoppers at Los Angeles shopping centers not to follow their example and to instead try out active video games," it said.

So let's put this into perspective: You're a gamer. Maybe you're a little chunky. You walk into your local GameStop to pick up a cheap copy of Haze [] and what do you see? Three guys who like they've just returned from a raid on the Sears sleepwear department. And they're wearing t-shirts that say, "Don't end up like me." Which, admittedly, could be taken a couple of ways: It could be urging you not to forgo college, a move which will doubtlessly land you in a low-paying, dead-end job in a place like GameStop, where you'll toil thanklessly while living in your parents' basement until your mid-30s; or it could be suggesting that fat people are inherently flawed, lazy and worthless.

Either way, it's pretty clear that somebody is being insulted, and it's not too hard to figure out who. And while most people - myself included - would be inclined to let it slide because GameStop obviously isn't trying to offend anyone, consider it this way: If those same employees had put on blackface [] and worn "Don't end up like me" t-shirts, there would be riots. We'd probably be reading about L.A. shopping malls being burned to the ground. Weight, on the other hand, remains a relatively safe target for point-and-laugh, at least for now, but it's mind-boggling that among all the people at GameStop a promotion like this would require, not one had the sense to step back, consider things rationally and put on the brakes.

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

Source: []



Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
And yet Wii Fit is probably one of the most useless weight loss tools on the planet... seriously, what the fuck?


New member
Nov 25, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
And yet Wii Fit is probably one of the most useless weight loss tools on the planet... seriously, what the fuck?
Seriously. Here, do this stepping exercise for half a minute. Now, don't you feel better and skinnier?


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
The offensiveness is basically magnified by the fact that Wii Fit cannot really make you thin. So not only is this add campaign mean spirited, it's pointless.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
What about the employees who are actually fat, there has to be some of those too...


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Littaly said:
What about the employees who are actually fat, there has to be some of those too...
Somehow I doubt they'd really want to go along with that. Were I huskier and my employer asked me to do that, I'd try to sue their ass for harassment.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Quite frankly, if you're a morbidly obese person intent on "picking up a cheap copy of Haze", then I feel you deserve to be offended into losing some weight and gaining some perspective. Pfft. Haze. I ask you.

And I really don't feel you can compare a fat suit to blackface. While there is never an excuse for putting on blackface unless you're in an ironic role in a Spike Lee movie, motivating unhealthily overweight people to fucking well do something about it and maintain that weight loss is a serious social issue and in fact the very purpose Wii-Fit was designed for. So yeah, GameStop could have a little more diplomacy in their marketing, but to be honest an aggressive marketing capaign such as this is probably exactly what the obese need to see, because obviously less aggressive tactics make little practical impact, and especially so in a country whose Wii-Fit boards had to be reinforced to be able to support more weight than the versions available in Europe and Japan.

NOTE: I don't hate fat people, I hate fat people who don't do anything to not be fat. You know, the kind who need a balance board for each foot.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Why it's hard for an overweight person to lose weight...

1) People in the gym are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.
2) People on the street are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.

So... you go to the gym, get made fun of for being a fatty working out, go for a run, people laugh at you for being a fatty working out.

I know all the people under 20 won't understand this but...IT'S FUCKING HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT, I'm only a bit overweight myself, but it's damn hard to lose this stuff once it's there. I barely have any time to myself as is. Pack in the fact that food is one of the few things you can enjoy at work that relieves stress and bam, think about it.

Keeping in shape is like a second job, a job I don't want. Granted I don't get ostricized for my weight, I just look in the mirror and dispair. Similarly if you have a good metabolism... shut the hell up, we can't all burn calories by eating you know.
Apr 24, 2008
Rath709 said:
Quite frankly, if you're a morbidly obese person intent on "picking up a cheap copy of Haze", then I feel you deserve to be offended into losing some weight and gaining some perspective.

And I really don't feel you can compare a fat suit to blackface. While there is never an excuse for putting on blackface unless you're in an ironic role in a Spike Lee movie, motivating unhealthily overweight people to fucking well do something about it and maintain that weight loss is a serious social issue and in fact the very purpose Wii-Fit was designed for. So yeah, GameStop could have a little more diplomacy in their marketing, but to be honest an aggressive marketing capaign such as this is probably exactly what the obese need to see, because obviously less aggressive tactics make little practical impact.
Harsh but fair. Discriminating against fat people clearly isn't the same as racism. Obesity is self inflicted disability. While I am not completely without sympathy for obese people. You would have to say that people being fat helps noone. I don't hate people who are a bit overweight, far from. I hate the people who make themselves so fat that they can't work and contribute like the rest of us.

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
Why it's hard for an overweight person to lose weight...

1) People in the gym are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.
2) People on the street are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.

So... you go to the gym, get made fun of for being a fatty working out, go for a run, people laugh at you for being a fatty working out.

I know all the people under 20 won't understand this but...IT'S FUCKING HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT, I'm only a bit overweight myself, but it's damn hard to lose this stuff once it's there. I barely have any time to myself as is. Pack in the fact that food is one of the few things you can enjoy at work that relieves stress and bam, think about it.

Keeping in shape is like a second job, a job I don't want. Granted I don't get ostricized for my weight, I just look in the mirror and dispair. Similarly if you have a good metabolism... shut the hell up, we can't all burn calories by eating you know.
Wow, you must live in Giant Douchebag Land if people openly laugh at other people.

Yeah, I know you were being hyperbolic...still, being anxious about how other people perceive you is something that a person needs to get over if they want to change their lives, it's part of the process of accepting yourself and then making yourself better that's at the heart of getting into shape.

You don't need to think of keeping in shape as a second job, just think of it as a hobby. It feels good, you exercise and afterward you feel better about yourself and your body feels better too.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
Why it's hard for an overweight person to lose weight...

1) People in the gym are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.
2) People on the street are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.

So... you go to the gym, get made fun of for being a fatty working out, go for a run, people laugh at you for being a fatty working out.

I know all the people under 20 won't understand this but...IT'S FUCKING HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT, I'm only a bit overweight myself, but it's damn hard to lose this stuff once it's there. I barely have any time to myself as is. Pack in the fact that food is one of the few things you can enjoy at work that relieves stress and bam, think about it.

Keeping in shape is like a second job, a job I don't want. Granted I don't get ostricized for my weight, I just look in the mirror and dispair. Similarly if you have a good metabolism... shut the hell up, we can't all burn calories by eating you know.
It's also harder, depending on what job you have. I finished college about 7-8 months ago and got a job as an engineer where I sit on my ass all day long. It's definitely hard to stay fit and not eat snack food when you don't move all day.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
Rath709 said:
Quite frankly, if you're a morbidly obese person intent on "picking up a cheap copy of Haze", then I feel you deserve to be offended into losing some weight and gaining some perspective.

And I really don't feel you can compare a fat suit to blackface. While there is never an excuse for putting on blackface unless you're in an ironic role in a Spike Lee movie, motivating unhealthily overweight people to fucking well do something about it and maintain that weight loss is a serious social issue and in fact the very purpose Wii-Fit was designed for. So yeah, GameStop could have a little more diplomacy in their marketing, but to be honest an aggressive marketing capaign such as this is probably exactly what the obese need to see, because obviously less aggressive tactics make little practical impact.
Harsh but fair. Discriminating against fat people clearly isn't the same as racism. Obesity is self inflicted disability. While I am not completely without sympathy for obese people. You would have to say that people being fat helps noone. I don't hate people who are a bit overweight, far from. I hate the people who make themselves so fat that they can't work and contribute like the rest of us.
Quite so. Self-inflicted disability is the phrase I was searching for.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
Why it's hard for an overweight person to lose weight...

1) People in the gym are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.
2) People on the street are mean as fuck, they laugh at you.

So... you go to the gym, get made fun of for being a fatty working out, go for a run, people laugh at you for being a fatty working out.

I know all the people under 20 won't understand this but...IT'S FUCKING HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT, I'm only a bit overweight myself, but it's damn hard to lose this stuff once it's there. I barely have any time to myself as is. Pack in the fact that food is one of the few things you can enjoy at work that relieves stress and bam, think about it.

Keeping in shape is like a second job, a job I don't want. Granted I don't get ostricized for my weight, I just look in the mirror and dispair. Similarly if you have a good metabolism... shut the hell up, we can't all burn calories by eating you know.
Woah, where do you live? I'm 181 cm tall and I weight 87 kg, so I have a slight weight problem.

No laughs at my local gym. Probably because I'm hardly the fattest, and since I have a pretty decent chest and arms, I don't look fat. Maybe on the face.

And there are some laughs at my Physical Education lessons, but that's because nobody expects me to lift 40 kgs or push about 250 kg with my legs. But hey, I do it anyway.

Thanks to that, I'm really happy with how I look. Compared to my pre-surgery weight (I was over 95 kg, but after tonsil removal I couldn't eat for 2 weeks anything solid, even then I had a lot of problems eaithing normal food) and looks, it's much better.

But I think I know why Wii Fit is so "successful" - you get exhausted doing those "excercises", but that's only for fake. You only get tired. You don't burn the fat, you just tire yourself. Sure, you might loose weight, but not thanks to the console.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Brokkr said:
PedroSteckecilo said:
And yet Wii Fit is probably one of the most useless weight loss tools on the planet... seriously, what the fuck?
Seriously. Here, do this stepping exercise for half a minute. Now, don't you feel better and skinnier?

Malygris said:
It's surprising how often ideas that are clearly bad don't seem like bad ideas when they're fresh and new, and this is pretty obviously one of those cases.
I couldn't agree more.

I was laughing while I read this though; I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
i'm never gonna get Wii Fit anyways...i prefer staying fit the old-fashioned way: training.

(and i can eat whatever i want without consequences. Take that, anorexics)


New member
Apr 28, 2008
This artical is just sensationalist tripe tbh. The fat suits were misguided, sure, but not worth the time to write this column, and certainly not the moral outrage the author seems to be showing.

The fact that he chose to attack low paid retail workers, that certainly didnt make the corperate decision to go ahead with this promotion, in 'revenge' at this supposed insult to the overwieght shows exactly the kind of double standards blinkered 'observers' develop about anything other then their own pet peeve.

It's wrong to attack fatties, but ok to attack someone because of what they earn and the job they do?



Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Keane Ng said:
PedroSteckecilo said:
Wow, you must live in Giant Douchebag Land if people openly laugh at other people.

Yeah, I know you were being hyperbolic...still, being anxious about how other people perceive you is something that a person needs to get over if they want to change their lives, it's part of the process of accepting yourself and then making yourself better that's at the heart of getting into shape.

You don't need to think of keeping in shape as a second job, just think of it as a hobby. It feels good, you exercise and afterward you feel better about yourself and your body feels better too.
My girlfriend is a bit overweight, there's always one asshat who makes fun of her when she goes to the gym, pretty much crushing any positive vibe she had and making her not want to work out. Same with working out outside.

The problem with thinking of working out as a hobby is that I have other hobbies I'd rather spend my time on, I could be reading, game designing, researching, writing or playing videogames. Every minute I spend exercising is keeping me from those more enjoyable activities that I already don't have time for, hence making it the same as having another job.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Malygris said:
consider it this way: If those same employees had put on blackface and worn "Don't end up like me" t-shirts, there would be riots
Well up in smoke goes my idea for a mascot to teach about not starting fires


New member
Aug 30, 2007
While I agree that this is a stupid promotional idea, I'm having a little trouble seeing how "GameSpot Offends Fatties" isn't repeating the mistake.