GameStop Offends Fatties With Wii Fit Promotion


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I hear the best way to burn body fat is to take long walks at a brisk pace, not by lifting weights. If people laugh at you taking walks... well, then I can't help you.


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Dec 6, 2007
Crazy marketing schemes are either met with resounding success and the slap on the back for being "innovative", or with all the direction of a falling rock and a slap across the face for being "stupid".

Whether or not this is one or the other is your call. Me? Even though I personally don't have a weight problem, I could see how you'd think it kind of sucks to have it put in your face like that. Still, though, it's not like this is the most offensive thing in the world to people.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Rath709 said:
Quite so. Self-inflicted disability is the phrase I was searching for.
It's not always self-inflicted. Granted it probably is most of the time, but don't forget glandular and thyroid problems.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Brokkr said:
PedroSteckecilo said:
And yet Wii Fit is probably one of the most useless weight loss tools on the planet... seriously, what the fuck?
Seriously. Here, do this stepping exercise for half a minute. Now, don't you feel better and skinnier?
And lonelier..?

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
vesavius said:
It's wrong to attack fatties, but ok to attack someone because of what they earn and the job they do?
I'm not sure who you're referring to, but I think it's pretty clear that both the original article and our post about it place the blame squarely at the feet of GameStop management, not the store-level employees.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
disturbed0ne said:
Rath709 said:
Quite so. Self-inflicted disability is the phrase I was searching for.
It's not always self-inflicted. Granted it probably is most of the time, but don't forget glandular and thyroid problems.
"I'm too fat to take my daily thyroxine prescription" isn't an excuse that'll fly very far.

Also, the thread title is brilliantly, acutely ironic.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
And yet Wii Fit is probably one of the most useless weight loss tools on the planet... seriously, what the fuck?
I've lost 10 pounds in four months. My wife has lost two inches around her waist.

Try the advanced boxing exercises, or the jackknives.

You CAN lose weight with it... most people just bash Wii Fit because they have nothing better to do.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
"Either way, it's pretty clear that somebody is being insulted, and it's not too hard to figure out who. And while most people - myself included - would be inclined to let it slide because GameStop obviously isn't trying to offend anyone, consider it this way"

let's put it this way actually
1. He obviously IS offended. I don't know who he's trying to fool. And who is being insulted: THE WRITER OF THE ARTICLE obviously. Very apparent
2. g4tv UGhhhhhhhhhhhh


New member
Jan 8, 2008
I was laughing while reading the whole article. For 2 reasons primarily:

1) The stupidity and ignorance by Gamestop. Most people should know by now that anything not politically correct will be frowned upon.

2) It's a very clever campaign and funny, too, ethics aside.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
As yes, fat people. The only group left you can make fun of. The only group left that you can JOIN!

You know what? I'm 285 on light day, and yes, I have a belly (but I earned it, it's all side effects of good times had at the pub...sorry, my friend Gavin is English and it seems barbaric to say "bar" anymore) but I am not a ball of flab with apendages, either...yet it seems unless I have that coveted six pack, I am instantly branded a "fattie".

Not only is it insensitive, it's infuriating. Not to mention all the idiots who've been blowing steam on this thread already. If you're not chunky, than you don't know, and that's all there is to it.

Yes, some people are lazy and just "let themselves go", others, like me, are just genetically predisposed to being big. And by big, I don't mean it's a new version of "I'm not fat, I'm big boned", I am physically big. Six foot and 165 by the time I was sixteen, but since I wasn't on the football team, everyone just assumed I ate myself that huge, even though I was technically "skinny", as in "no belly, but no tone either."

After I joined the Army it just got worse, I was still six foot, but I'd gotten up to 200 by then, which is two pounds overweight by the Army's standard for six foot 18 year-olds. As I was in basic training, I obviously started working out, but I never lost any fact, just the opposite happened; I gained. Yes, I was burning fat, but I was also building drill sergeants, of course, were pissed as all hell because at 210, I was still "fat".

Ten years later, I am out of the armed services, and my waist has gone from a 38 to a 42, and yes, marriage and a child and a sedentary lifestyle have contributed to that, but I can still walk into a gym and put up 250 on a bench easy, I can still put up 600 on the leg press or hit the track and run a mile in ten minutes (hey, I'm almost 30, what do want from me?)...and yet, I am still considered "fat", all because of the pony keg under my shirt, and now I have to deal with ignoramuses at GAME STOP of all places, trying to shame ME into losing weight? I got enough of that shit from my mom and grandmother, I don't need it from some plastic assholes in California, too.

If this thread had to do with anything else, i.e., anything of a racial nature, or dealing with sexual orientation, or even some "hot button" political topic (abortion, the first black president, etc.) this thread would have been locked already, but since it's just us fat kids, well, have at it.

"Hey yo, fat people are hard to kidnap/So if you're fat and you're all in this *****, then grab your nutsack/Fat bitches, don't feel left out/Cause you can grab one of them skinny bitches, and knock her ass out/Chubby love, show a ninja some/Cause this fat ************ stay ready however they come..."

--Fat Kidz by Twiztid.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I'm deeply offended and will sue their asses to Oblivion! To effing Oblivion!! How dare they make a joke about obesity? It's tasteless and wrong! Gamestop, just you wait...

Heh, really now, if somebody can't laugh at this retarded marketing scheme, has no sense of humor and irony. Hell, I have extra weight on me, I've been called a lardass, a fatty, I'm 187 cm and 122 kgs, so what? I just take my Idontgiveacra-P 500mg and laugh at them. If the only thing they could come up with to market that retarded game is to "let's make fun of the people who would actually BUY it"... it's hilarious :)

If you are fat, and you get offended by things like this, well, you deserve to be offended. If you don't like being called a lardass, do something about it. One way is to lose weight, IF you can. The other way is to stop caring, and just feel good as you are.

What most "normal" (non-fat, by description) people don't realize is, that being fat has more to do with genes and biology, rather than personal will. No fat person ever wanted to get fat and live like that. It just happens, genes, bad digestive system, working conditions, time and money. Yes, some people can't afford to lose weight, because it actually costs money and time. No, my skinny friend, losing weight isn't about "stop eating". A great many percentage of obese people simply can't lose weight just by eating less. Hell, I'm eating so little an anorexic model would be jealous. I don't eat junk food, I don't eat sweets, chocolates or snacks. I only eat healthy stuff I prepare myself. I just have a job where I have to sit on my ass all day, either that, on sit on my ass in the lecture hall on the university. I do exercise when I have time, but that's not enough to actually do any difference, just to keep myself in shape. I simply can't lose weight, for that I'll need much more time to exercise and much more money to afford the diet to supplement it. But I'm not complaining. I'm reasonably healthy, I have a job and I have friends. And I don't care about people calling names.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
If you are a fattie you have 2 options:
1. lose weight
2. get terrorized by people

fatties have a choice of looking like they look now, amking fun of em isnt bad, unlike making fun of somone who isnt responsible for his looks.

So what is the difference? If you are fat, loose weight and you wont get terrorized by people like me (also you would live longer and more healthy)


New member
Jul 8, 2008
If I walked into a game shop and one of the employees said "Hey fatass! Buy Wii Fit!" to me, they would get a solid punch in the face and probably in the goolies too. I know they probably wouldn't say that, but putting on a fat suit seems almost the same thing to me.

Some people have a good excuse to be overweight - myself included - I was overweight because we didn't have money to buy healthy food. I am slightly offended by the stupids who run that place, but whatever, I'm British...

Additional: Not everyone has the time to go for a run every day of the week. Your lifestyle directly affects your weight, my lifestyle is bad, my weight is bad.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
Rath709 said:
Quite frankly, if you're a morbidly obese person intent on "picking up a cheap copy of Haze", then I feel you deserve to be offended into losing some weight and gaining some perspective.

And I really don't feel you can compare a fat suit to blackface. While there is never an excuse for putting on blackface unless you're in an ironic role in a Spike Lee movie, motivating unhealthily overweight people to fucking well do something about it and maintain that weight loss is a serious social issue and in fact the very purpose Wii-Fit was designed for. So yeah, GameStop could have a little more diplomacy in their marketing, but to be honest an aggressive marketing capaign such as this is probably exactly what the obese need to see, because obviously less aggressive tactics make little practical impact.
Harsh but fair. Discriminating against fat people clearly isn't the same as racism. Obesity is self inflicted disability. While I am not completely without sympathy for obese people. You would have to say that people being fat helps noone. I don't hate people who are a bit overweight, far from. I hate the people who make themselves so fat that they can't work and contribute like the rest of us.
Uh huh. There's a huge difference between race, which you are born with - it's YOU -, and weight, which is variable across a lifetime. Although lots of advocate-style fatties like to point to the role of genetics (while they eat their cheesesteak).

Also, Sexual Harassment Panda is quite possibly the best forum handle I have ever come across. Kudos to you, sir.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Wow...yet another prime of example of human ignorance and stupidity. I'd really like to find whoever said this was a good idea and bash their head open with a sledghammer to see if that much stupidity makes their brain look different. I mean, it must, right?
Malygris said:
"Don't end up like me." Which, admittedly, could be taken a couple of ways: It could be urging you not to forgo college, a move which will doubtlessly land you in a low-paying, dead-end job in a place like GameStop, where you'll toil thanklessly while living in your parents' basement until your mid-30s..."
And if I walked into one of those stores and was overweight and offended I would definetly go up to one of the guys and ask if that was what he meant.

And to think that all this trouble and offending people was just over a Wii Fit.

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
vesavius said:
Angry snip
antipunt said:
I'm really not sure where you two are coming from. I was giggling as I read this because the whole thing smells of a "tee-hee, Gamestop are pillocks" angle rather than a righteous fury one.

vesavius said:
not worth the time to write this column
But it is worth the time to reply to it?

vesavius said:
Log in thine eye, brother.


Jan 23, 2008
I kinda have a thing about the whole "DON'T PICK ON THE FAT KIDS!" issue. You know what? Pick on them! DO IT! If you don't they'll never stop gobbing down 5 hamburgers a day while they sit on their asses and become increasingly chunkier. If someone is truly happy being fat, picking on them cause they're fat isn't going to do bugger all as they won't particularly care about it...But most people are not, they're just lazy, and if there's one thing the world doesn't need is more lazy fat unhappy people...

On a more hilarious note: Did anyone else totally read "don't end up like me" as something else? To me it reads "Don't end up sucking corporate cock at a menial job that pays fuck all and slowly devours your soul and dignity".


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Er, quoting TvTropes...Dude, not funny.

Being an unpopular girl and having the resulting social and body issues, I know it sucks when a) people seem to be set on making a point about how unattractive and gross you are, especially when they use you as THE low point on the slider (don't be a nerd kids, nerds smell really bad!), and b) your self-esteem issues are being milked for all they're worth by the establishment.

Although I do have to admit these guys are being so idiotic it's hard not to point and laugh. So I'll just sit here and type about how stupid they are instead. :'>