Or perhaps your missing the crucial part of the story. the one where you realize that Gamestop is actually holding down the viability of the market. With outdated selling models and bullying publishers into pricing deals and exclusive content (read: holding content hostage).Zachary Amaranth said:Cue millions of gamers cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
...By celebrating the decline of the retail gaming market, you see.
...Because if Gamestop is closing stores and branching out, it probably doesn't speak much to the viability of the market, you see.
Oh hell, Gamestop's evil and closing stores, so who cares?
The sooner such retail juggernauts die the better it is for the gaming market as a whole. all they do is add extra expenses to games, as if they werent expensive enough.
i cant speak for every city out there obviulsy, but the places i lived in was usually infested with electronic stores (that also sold games) all around, nto to mention the retail copies are being sold in supermarkets as well at least here (though their selection is usually the garbage bin one).Zachary Amaranth said:Most people don't have such easy access? Saying "pfft, you can go elsewhere" is out of touch with the reality. It's like when Bush asked why all the poor people impacted by Katrina didn't just hop in their range rovers and wait the storm out in their second home in the Hamptons.