'Pay To Win' mechanics.
As someone above me mentioned, 'We Cannot Go On Without You', mainly in the Persona series. Even the tougher main SMT series ditched it, so why hasn't Persona 5?
Lack of a button to skip cutscenes. This was invented decades ago yet some developers still refuse to include it. They genuinely believe it won't get grating on the 10th watch.
Also seen above, mandatory Dark Souls PvP. I completed the 3rd game recently and actually enjoyed it more than the others... except the handful of times where I had just gotten past another very difficult segment, only to see the Invader message pop up, and know that I could no longer save or recover, and had no other option but to wait for a Level 2409812491 red phantom to come along and rape me. And that even if I did somehow manage to fight them off, they would simply run into a horde of monsters and wait for me to foolishly give chase. They get safe havens, yet I, the 'host' of the world, don't.
There was one time where I was fighting one on the cliffs of Irithyll and they accidentally rolled off to their death which was amusing, but probably my sole PvP victory, and Irithyll actually has an entire section notorious for having lots of invasions.