Gaming Concepts You Absolutely Loathe


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Neurotic Void Melody said:
When the dialogue clearly wants to show one character interrupting another, but there's a glaring second gap between the person stopping mid-sentence and the other character starting their 'interruption.' it's...just...don't. All these modern teraflop cores with a billion quantum space pixels fueling ray-tracing super high-def ultra motion-captured shadows and you idiots still can't make dialogue overlap with any hint of naturality. (Is that not a word? Oh well)
As much shit as one could throw at Sonic adventure 2, they did actually have a lot of overlapping dialogue. Yes, the execution was god-awful, but that's the sort of thing you're supposed to improve upon as we trundle to our pointless masochistic doom!
This made me recall playing Willy Beamish [] on my Sega CD back in the day. The awe of the [then] new CD-ROM technology connected to my 16-bit gaming system and the majesty of hearing actual spoken dialogue between characters weren?t enough to outshine the fuggin? lag during conversations; it was painfully palpable. One character would say something, and it was 2-3 seconds before a reply would come, and that?s on TOP of the voices sounding like they were recordings of recordings being played through a cassette player inside of a shoe box. And the skitchy animation as the laser struggled to read the disc was enough to cause seizures. Still, it was a charming little game; never got to finish it, though; a scratch on the disc caused the game to freeze at the exact same point near the end game sequences.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
'Pay To Win' mechanics.

As someone above me mentioned, 'We Cannot Go On Without You', mainly in the Persona series. Even the tougher main SMT series ditched it, so why hasn't Persona 5?

Lack of a button to skip cutscenes. This was invented decades ago yet some developers still refuse to include it. They genuinely believe it won't get grating on the 10th watch.

Also seen above, mandatory Dark Souls PvP. I completed the 3rd game recently and actually enjoyed it more than the others... except the handful of times where I had just gotten past another very difficult segment, only to see the Invader message pop up, and know that I could no longer save or recover, and had no other option but to wait for a Level 2409812491 red phantom to come along and rape me. And that even if I did somehow manage to fight them off, they would simply run into a horde of monsters and wait for me to foolishly give chase. They get safe havens, yet I, the 'host' of the world, don't.

There was one time where I was fighting one on the cliffs of Irithyll and they accidentally rolled off to their death which was amusing, but probably my sole PvP victory, and Irithyll actually has an entire section notorious for having lots of invasions.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
WhiteFangofWhoa said:
Lack of a button to skip cutscenes. This was invented decades ago yet some developers still refuse to include it. They genuinely believe it won't get grating on the 10th watch.
I firmly believe devs who do this should be forced to watch their own cutscenes over and over again on loop until their eyes start bleeding.

And doubly so if it's a 5 minute cutscene before a boss battle. A difficult boss battle. Yes, I'm looking at you, Final Fantasy X.

Personally, I believe all cutscenes should be skippable after the first time as a standard feature(and anytime if the devs are nice). The ability to Pause cutscenes would also be appreciated if the cutscene runs longer then a minute(because bathroom breaks and phone calls happen).

WhiteFangofWhoa said:
Also seen above, mandatory Dark Souls PvP. I completed the 3rd game recently and actually enjoyed it more than the others... except the handful of times where I had just gotten past another very difficult segment, only to see the Invader message pop up, and know that I could no longer save or recover, and had no other option but to wait for a Level 2409812491 red phantom to come along and rape me. And that even if I did somehow manage to fight them off, they would simply run into a horde of monsters and wait for me to foolishly give chase. They get safe havens, yet I, the 'host' of the world, don't.

There was one time where I was fighting one on the cliffs of Irithyll and they accidentally rolled off to their death which was amusing, but probably my sole PvP victory, and Irithyll actually has an entire section notorious for having lots of invasions.
I didn't find this so bad in DS1 due to being able to mostly opt out(by staying hollow) but DS2 pissed me off quite a lot by it's "Nope you can't avoid being invaded" and some spots are very invasion prone. I got in the habit of exiting out the game just before an invader got to me to fuck with their griefing asses.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Phoenixmgs said:
Lock-on is an archaic and obsolete mechanic that really has no point being in modern games.
The Ace Combat games have a pretty good "point" to having a lock on system.

Casual Shinji said:
Final Fantasy 10 also gets a pass since you can swap party members in and out whenever you want with no repercussions. One of the reasons it's the best JRPG out there.
You can unlock the ability to do this in Persona 5.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Dalisclock said:
WhiteFangofWhoa said:
Also seen above, mandatory Dark Souls PvP. I completed the 3rd game recently and actually enjoyed it more than the others... except the handful of times where I had just gotten past another very difficult segment, only to see the Invader message pop up, and know that I could no longer save or recover, and had no other option but to wait for a Level 2409812491 red phantom to come along and rape me. And that even if I did somehow manage to fight them off, they would simply run into a horde of monsters and wait for me to foolishly give chase. They get safe havens, yet I, the 'host' of the world, don't.

There was one time where I was fighting one on the cliffs of Irithyll and they accidentally rolled off to their death which was amusing, but probably my sole PvP victory, and Irithyll actually has an entire section notorious for having lots of invasions.
I didn't find this so bad in DS1 due to being able to mostly opt out(by staying hollow) but DS2 pissed me off quite a lot by it's "Nope you can't avoid being invaded" and some spots are very invasion prone. I got in the habit of exiting out the game just before an invader got to me to fuck with their griefing asses.
Heheheh... Belfry Luna. XO
Some good demonstrations of Dark Souls 2 PvP (among other things) here:


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Dalisclock said:
I didn't find this so bad in DS1 due to being able to mostly opt out(by staying hollow) but DS2 pissed me off quite a lot by it's "Nope you can't avoid being invaded" and some spots are very invasion prone. I got in the habit of exiting out the game just before an invader got to me to fuck with their griefing asses.
Something I liked to do in DS2 was to wear the Guardian's Seal and make things a little more difficult for the invaders on other players' world.

And sometimes I had fun with the Crest of the Rat at the Doors of Pharros.