Gaming Implicated In Colorado Shootings


New member
Feb 8, 2008
people fear what they don't understand.

"what do you mean you can't complete world war craft?"


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Bartiism said:
Oh don't you just love the media today eh?

Its perfectly fine to bull**** about people you have no connection with (e.g. The Sun)
Heheh, so true! The Sun is the British front for Fox News man (oh yeah!), brother of duffman, only he sells misinformation rather than cool, crisp duff beer.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I agree, watching 'Terminator 2' at the age of 8 caused me to make my arm turn into a knife at will and stab people.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Y'know, I live in Colorado. The killings were a tragedy at the time, and I was really sorry for the losses of the family. BUT, I know the police in this state. For the most part, they are lazy, so trying to find an excuse to wrap things up is understandable, seeing as it has worked in their favor before after all. So, because they are lazy, they look at one piece of evidence and proclaim it solved. If they had more brains then Badges, they would have seen that this person was an Introvert psychopath, and that Shooters are the biggest videogame market demographic in America, as well as most of the world as well. So, like the problems the Aussies and Germans are having, what stopping these games would mean removing one of the three legs of the videogame market (Fun, Innovation, Violence)that games are sold off of, and there are way more violent games then innovative ones, thats for sure.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
How come there isn't any week where something DOESN'T get blamed on video games nowadays -.-


New member
Feb 20, 2009
I am seeing a pattern in this, a crime happens, the media blames video games.
I'm so fucking tired of video games getting the blame for EVERYTHING nowadays.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
The general public need something to blame and so they pick video games. If Jack Thompson was still a lawyer he would be all over this case perverting it even further than it has been perverted.

Video games are not the cause of this but of course flak will be given to the game industry like it always is.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Oh yes you had soemone that did not like people or society in general, had mental issues of high stress and self loath(that's me and 1/3rd of the nation so far) and whats picked out and paraded around as the cause media......

Humanity is the only creature that's stupid enough to blame imaginary things for tragedies ban them and then after a few years of hard repression under fascist rule figure out that if you ban/restrict everything that might be(Media,games,music,film,knifes,bats,cars,guns,power tools,2X4's,led pipes,rocks,bricks,manure,gas,fertilizer,sex toys,asthma inhalers,cold medicine, bwains, feel to to add to the list) you create a bland and hard society that can only implode under its own weight.

The only thing or person to blame is the person who went nuts, we as a society can have better programs to teach ourselves basic mental health stuff(which will help de stigmatize / mysticize), allow law enforcement to get a warrant and take people to be checked out mentally if they do not comply with dealing with their mental shit(it sucks but there is little alternative) which means we are going to ahve to reinstate mental wards and prisons or group homes to house these peopel who are unable to cope with life and that may break.

Banning things only leads to banning more things when ever certain(as in will happen) random tragedies happen, we either see the cause as uncertain human nature or blame objects,story's, music and conversation.

Say Anything

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Jan 23, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
nilcypher said:
Say Anything said:
Damn it. The media ALWAYS blames video games. How many news articles are on the Escapist that are very similar to this? It's always the video games. These make me want to go on a murderous rampage or something.
I've written three articles on the subject in as many weeks, I can tell you that much.
why won't any of the companies stand up for themselves?
See, I think that these videogame companies think their way of reasoning is so stupid that they really don't feel the need to say anything about it. Publicizing their feelings to the threat and getting the word out would probably cost more money than maybe losing fifty potential gamers every time gaming is blamed for a shooting.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Yeah! Can't find the 'cause of a murder? Blame it all on video games!

Wanna get out of jail fast? Blame it on video games!

That's right Kids, the all new TV show tonight only on Fox teaching you how to murder and get away by blaming it on video games!


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Hmm, I played Fallout 3 from start to finish two times now. I guess I go now and murder someone with a weapon I built in my garage from a pressure cooker, some metal pipes and a car battery. It shoots railroad nails.

Then I tell the police it was video games that killed the guy, not me. And they will believe it.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
nilcypher said:
"It could be that he was simply acting out a part in a video game. Maybe he had interjected himself into a game in his mind."

Sgt. Clayton said of Martin-Urban's behavior, "In the last year, he had no friends. No boyfriend. No girlfriend. No pets. He was consumed with the video games. He spent an enormous amount of time playing them."
1. When in the history of the world has someone reinacted something violent from the mass media who wasn't already mentally unstable?
2. When you're living a miserable life, people withdraw into a vice, wether it be food, television, alcohol, or video games.
3. Where was his parents? I mean, if they had left him to play video games while they went sightseeing, then there's part of the problem. If they couldn't get him off the computer once, than his parents should have realised that he has problems. And as parents, its their responsibility to do something when their child has problems.

Oh, and The ESRB. Use it.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Labyrinth said:
My brother plays... WoW... OH GOD! HE'LL KILL US ALL!!!

It's just bullshit. First it's Marilyn Manson's music (Seriously, pop music is more likely to send me on a murderous rampage.) then it's games. What next, violent movies? Oh hey, I might be on to something here. Someone call Freud.
Sorry, some other idiot already tried that.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Erana said:
nilcypher said:
"It could be that he was simply acting out a part in a video game. Maybe he had interjected himself into a game in his mind."

Sgt. Clayton said of Martin-Urban's behavior, "In the last year, he had no friends. No boyfriend. No girlfriend. No pets. He was consumed with the video games. He spent an enormous amount of time playing them."
1. When in the history of the world has someone reinacted something violent from the mass media who wasn't already mentally unstable?
2. When you're living a miserable life, people withdraw into a vice, wether it be food, television, alcohol, or video games.
3. Where was his parents? I mean, if they had left him to play video games while they went sightseeing, then there's part of the problem. If they couldn't get him off the computer once, than his parents should have realised that he has problems. And as parents, its their responsibility to do something when their child has problems.

Oh, and The ESRB. Use it.
His Dad was already dead, so I don't think he could really tell him to get off his computer.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
sheic99 said:
Erana said:
nilcypher said:
"It could be that he was simply acting out a part in a video game. Maybe he had interjected himself into a game in his mind."

Sgt. Clayton said of Martin-Urban's behavior, "In the last year, he had no friends. No boyfriend. No girlfriend. No pets. He was consumed with the video games. He spent an enormous amount of time playing them."
1. When in the history of the world has someone reinacted something violent from the mass media who wasn't already mentally unstable?
2. When you're living a miserable life, people withdraw into a vice, wether it be food, television, alcohol, or video games.
3. Where was his parents? I mean, if they had left him to play video games while they went sightseeing, then there's part of the problem. If they couldn't get him off the computer once, than his parents should have realised that he has problems. And as parents, its their responsibility to do something when their child has problems.

Oh, and The ESRB. Use it.
His Dad was already dead, so I don't think he could really tell him to get off his computer.
Through suicide if I may add. Definately probably helped his insanity or something.


New member
May 19, 2008
nilcypher said:
His father committed suicide in 2007 and among favourites on his YouTube profile was a video from a cult that prophesied the arrival of alien beings.
So the kids dad commit suicide and he follows a cult, yet video games made him want to kill people?

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
laryri said:
nilcypher said:
His father committed suicide in 2007 and among favourites on his YouTube profile was a video from a cult that prophesied the arrival of alien beings.
So the kids dad commit suicide and he follows a cult, yet video games made him want to kill people?
I know, I actually said this to my parents.

"Okay, there was a shooting in Colorado. The shooter was in a cult, his dad had just committed suicide, and he played video games obsessively. Guess which one they think is the cause?"

Their response was something to the effect of "Oh for god's sake!"

Yeah, I've got cool parents. It might help that my dad's a psychotherapist.