Gaming pranker and his family fall victim to extreme revenge prank


New member
Apr 11, 2009
This Keemster obv thinks he's pushing the limit for hilarious effect in his videos, but as soon as you declare yourself an 'internet prankster' you've opened the door to any and all retaliation. The peoples of the internet have no moral limits. Someone has basically beaten his idiot at his own game.

Only thing I feel bad about is the waste of police time.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Wow. What a ****. He deserves it on the one level, for being a complete twat in general, as well as what he did to that girl. However, I'm pretty sure a SWAT raid isn't legally equivalent to a prank in bad taste.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Shraggler said:
Sadly, turning to the XBL support to get the guy banned will have no effect whatsoever, he can just create a new account (he has already been banned several times). As a matter of fact he probably already has several unbanned accounts in reserve.

I agree that this retaliation was a bit excessive but not as big a deal as many others have pointed out. I doubt there was any real threat to the guys family. SWAT teams are highly trained professionals and they thought they where going into a hostage situation, so they would already have been extra cautious about opening fire on someone that wasn't an obvious threat.

The main problem I have is the one that you pointed out about giving the guy extra exposure. The guy got a major ego boost from this. He got to go on the news and act the victim. That was the last thing this fucker deserved.

Edit: I originally quoted the wrong person. It's fixed now.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Carboncrown said:
Sticks and stones.
Doesn't that saying go something like?! Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will emotianly scar me leading to deep depression and eventual suicide? Yeah, unless of course your not talking about the real world one and that fantasy one from childhood, right?! Yes... I'm bored.

Anyways, All I can say is, I like to think of this as all of the griefing he's ever done coming back to bite him in the ass... but of course it was kinda a waste of the SWAT team... As stated quite a bit. It's people like that, that give gamers a bad name.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Why didn't he just do the Duke Nukem Ventrillo? That's funny in a way. Although not really my kind of humor.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
Pyode said:
ColdStorage said:
Sadly, turning to the XBL support to get the guy banned will have no effect whatsoever, he can just create a new account (he has already been banned several times). As a matter of fact he probably already has several unbanned accounts in reserve.

I agree that this retaliation was a bit excessive but not as big a deal as many others have pointed out. I doubt there was any real threat to the guys family. SWAT teams are highly trained professionals and they thought they where going into a hostage situation, so they would already have been extra cautious about opening fire on someone that wasn't an obvious threat.

The main problem I have is the one that you pointed out about giving the guy extra exposure. The guy got a major ego boost from this. He got to go on the news and act the victim. That was the last thing this fucker deserved.
Do you know what I think of you? I think you are magnificent.

You brilliant man you.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
jamradar said:
hittite said:
Well, it wouldn't have been so bad, but Officer Reynolds dropped the flashbang in the doorway and the SWAT leader, blinded, sprayed fire wildly around the room, injuring several people. So he had to try the whole operation all over again...

Alright, name that reference.

OT: Less than he deserved.
"Your standing in my spot sir."

"You son of a *****."

"Your standing in my spot sir."

"What the fuck are you talking about I didn't even start the level yet!"

OT: Yeah the guy was a jerk but I dont think that he deserved a SWAT team busting down his door. I think that might have been a little extreme.
"Oh great, I can't shoot shit. Did you see how I missed him AT POINT BLANK RANGE! I bet those SWAT guys are just laughing at me as they saw a maffia member empty his entire clip in my ASS!"

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Space Spoons said:
Sounds like he definitely deserved what he got. Internet vigilantism and the retaliatory mindset it breeds always leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but this guy absolutely had it coming. No remorse.
Yeah, this is pretty much how I feel about it as well. I don't feel an ounce of pity for this jackass and what he was doing.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Wha..? Seriously, what a twat. It's guys like these that make me sure that I never want to play over XboxLive.

I literally laughed out loud when I read about the SWAT team. Payback is hilarious sometimes. >:D


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Well, in the very least the SWAT hoax is funnier than the "prank"... although I have no idea who considers that a prank. It's just kind of sad. I feel sorry for the girl but really she should have just muted him; don't feed the trolls kids.

Barbie Boy

New member
Jul 11, 2009
I don't feel bad for him tho I do feel bad for swat and the family but I do feel it MIGHT (I doubt it) help him grow up a bit if he relize that his action can effect his family

while I have enjoyed watching some griefing myself they were at lest imaginative and focus on a group of people instead of constantly annoying one person

kinda like if you have a group of frinds who like to make fun of each other, you don't make fun of one person in the group

Sep 9, 2010
matthew_lane said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Um. okay, it's Xbox Live. If someone is harassing you in an online game just quit and find a new game and leave the jerk negative feedback. Done and done. Sorry, no sympathy if she chooses to stick around when the exit is at her fingertips.
Why should she have to leave? Why punish the victim? She has every right to be there? This wanker went out of his way to make her uncomfortable... He went above and beyond what was reasonable.

While i disagree with the whole SWAT thing, this guy deserved being shown that his actions have consequences & maybe he'll think better the next time he wants to be a complete dick. Looks like he wasn't quite as anonymous as he thought he was.

She, you, me, anybody shouldn't have to leave. Thats absolutely correct. However were not talking about someone being bullied in real life. It's the net, were you can remove yourself from any situation you wouldn't want to be in and with in 5 seconds have a fresh start. The idea that one would stay in said game, even on a matter of principal, just seems idotic to me.

Lifes too short. I know I'd rather quit out and start a new game.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I don't know whether he deserved it or not... but that video was funny as all hell. Seriously, I'm freaking crying over here.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
He deserved something, but I think this was a little extreme. But not by too much, if that's what he considers harmless fun. Hopefully he'll take the hint, but we all know he won't.


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Being a dick to people who deserve it is hilarious. Admirable even. THAT's comedy, and everyone can learn something.

Being a dick to people who don't deserve it (and not leaving doesn't count. Absence of common sense doesn't equal absence of innocence) is reprehensible. Really, it's one of the things wrong with society is people who harm other people for kicks n' grins. It's called sociopathy.

This guy's small time. Like every other troll out there. He goes around finds someone who bites and gets his giggles out. So no, he didn't deserve to be threatened with physical harm. Unless he was also threatening people with physical harm, this is disproportionate retribution.

However, it may not even be retribution. I think it's coincidence that this ass got trolled like that - by another ass. "Frosty" didn't care about what Keemstar was doing, he just wanted his lulz.

The cycle of lulz is a cruel one.
Jun 6, 2009
I don't know. I know he is a dick. But he does not deserve what happened. I've seen his videos. I know what he does, but how is the person getting revenge any better? The laws when regarding to the net are a slippery slope.

He's having fun. At a large expense. Is it one expenditure that should keep on spending? Nah. Is this a way to stop it? No! Noone will stop watching this guy, even if there is a ban on him. He will keep doing what he does. He will post a video. Say what happened.

And keep on giving people laughs.

As well as misery.
Jun 6, 2009
CTU_Loscombe said:
This, right here, is the reason Im glad to see the back of XboxLIVE
I often heard people act like that back when I had my Xbox and it just makes me sick. They just ruin everybody elses fun for something that they think is funny
People like him should be banned from using LIVE...Then again, that would bring LIVEs userbase down to about 7 people

*Having a bit of a stress-on here...dont mind me* :)
He has been Console banned 13 times. Along with the rest of his comedy troupe.

They have a official sponsor now. They get donations up the ass.

I don't think a 14th ban will hinder him.