Gaming Showcase 2024


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
@FakeSympathy, @Old_Hunter_77, @TheMysteriousGX, @hanselthecaretaker2, @The Rogue Wolf, @Casual Shinji l and @XsjadoBlaydette I am happy for all of you and me. We're in a world where Metroid Prime 4, Zelda as a the main playable character not in a DW spin-off game and mainline game, with another new Mario RPG that's the Mario & Luigi franchise, and Marvel vs. Capcom classic is back! Along with all that, SOR4, DMC5, the RE Remakes, Bayonetta 3, and both Norse GoW existing and living with each other in harmony. Something thought not possible or a "fools dream". We are living in a good timeline right now.
Yes, I haven't felt this excited about the new releases since the 2009-2010 era; Granted we are seeing some heavy layoffs, ridiculous statements from execs, the "wokeness" flame war, but at the same time We are seeing quality releases getting the attention they deserve, live-service games failing left and right, and expansions that actually feel like expansions.

....You know what? I think I'm gonna try to focus more on postive and good news in gaming world from now on.

Don't care for the cutesy art style. Didn't want the first Zelda-protag game to be about finding Link in some reverse bullshit of the damsel in distress, hoped it would just be HER adventure, without Link, Tails Adventure style. Probably remove Ganon as well. I did want her play style to be less direct, meaning about wisdom rather than courage, but that it's apparently nothing but summoning prior objects is a letdown.
Well there were those crappy Phillips CD-I games, but we don't talk about those. I don't think removal of Ganon is gonna be a thing, but I would certainly move to see an epic battle between Zelda and that giant pig-wizard-demon.
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