Gaming Sins


New member
May 2, 2011
teebeeohh said:
i never finish sandbox games

btw is it because of portal 2 or why does everybody and their companion cube confess their hate/dislike/non-interest for the half-life series?
that's alright, they'll all fell stupid when valve finally releases Half Life 3 (in 24 years by the current production schedule) and ties in the two stories. extra points for including a reference to left4dead also.

OT: I spend more time tweaking tweaking and modding PC games than actually playing them. I really don't think i could have finished Fallout 3 with installing the mods I used to make the game completely different and therefore better than Bethesda's original version. come to think of it in the 400 odd hours of oblivion i played, at least half of that time was spent on TESNexus. and i never finished the main story.

this post really belongs in a "you know you're a PC gamer when" topic.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
I am a compulsive saver. By the time I finished my first play through of Dragon Age 2, it said that I had saved the game.....over 1600 times.

Right now I've been doing my first play through of Mass Effect, it isn't as bad as DA2 because I am around three-fourths of the way through and I only have a little over 800 saves.

Also, with Pokemon, even if I already have a certain pokemon and have been training it, sometimes I will catch other of the same certain one for the heck of it and then never us it. That poor poor pokemon will always be sitting in its pokeball on that computer, unable to run free.

I guess it is kind of like that episode of Pokemon that I believe never actually aired in America, where Ash caught a whole herd of Tauros. I'm assuming it never aired, because every time I've watched all the original first series I never seem to find that one to watch it, I know I was confused when I was watching for the first time through and I got to the episode where Ash is with his herd of Tauros at Oak's lab and I wondered where he got them all from and what episode.

DrNobody18 said:
If it is a story driven game, I will play it on very very easy the first time through, for the singular reason that I want to know the story before anyone else I know does.

Though, I'm an achievement hunter too so I pretty much always have to do a second hellish difficulty play-through to make up for this, but playing a game twice to never be spoiled on a good story, worth it.
I really wouldn't call that a gaming sin, I do it as well. In a game that is meant to have an well written and deep story, it is important to play the game at a pace that allows for full enjoyment of the story. When hearing about some problem or boss, you go oh that is interesting lets learn what happens with that, instead oh hell, I'll never survive that. With the higher difficulty settings there is too much worrying about survival to pay attention to the intricacies of a story.

I play BioWare games on casual, then when I get the time to replay I go for the harder stuff.

It was also the same with every one of Bungie's Halo games, though I don't play on easy, normal is just right without being to comically easy. The I played them Legendary to mop up the rest of the single player achievements.

Though it pisses me off that with every new map pack there are more achievements. Before Defiant came out, I had a 100% completion on Reach, but now they have added 3 more achievements, and aaaargggh, two of them are for multiplayer flag games, I hate flag games.(Easy to see I don't favor team objective games.) I don't want to spend the ten bucks for the new map pack because I'm already saving to buy all the DLC I don't have for Mass Effect 2 when I start to finally play it for the first time.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Being a little too dependent on walkthroughs for RPG's. Hate missing anything, but not exactly a completionist either.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Never finishing any Legend of Zelda games. I own Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, and I've gotten to the second to last dungeon in both of them but I've never beaten them.
I did play all the through Nier, and did a good amount of the quests (even the fishing one) if that make up for anything.
I also always play as Sheik in Smash Bros. so that should make up for something too


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Thinking the story of Halo 1-3 is actually pretty good. I mean, not Valve-Good, but not, I don't know, Crackdown-Bad either.

Thinking that Gordon Freeman sucks as a character, and is no different from any other mute protagonist you can think of.

Having never beaten a Mario, Zelda, or Metroid game.

Not hating post COD4 entries in the Call of Duty series. In fact, they're pretty good. Even the ridiculous stories.

Not giving a flying shit about the damn Companion Cube. It's just a cube, people.

That's all I got right now.
But, but... The cube is your friend and does not lie! Though it would be a good idea to ignore it if you ever happen to hear it talking to you.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Sonic Doctor said:
I am a compulsive saver. By the time I finished my first play through of Dragon Age 2, it said that I had saved the game.....over 1600 times.

Right now I've been doing my first play through of Mass Effect, it isn't as bad as DA2 because I am around three-fourths of the way through and I only have a little over 800 saves.
Same here - just a heads-up - Mass Effect numbers saves 1-999, so make sure you don't have any saves numbered in the single digits once you start pushing toward 999, or you'll run into some bugs - otherwise, the counter just loops back to 0 (though you may need to go off one save for a bit).


New member
Apr 18, 2011
One Hit Noob said:
artanis_neravar said:
twistedmic said:
I play C.O.D. games for the single player campaign only, I never, ever go online with any of them.
Same except I go online to piss people off, although it usually backfires
That's why I bring my friends to play with me. Bonus points if I have a whole pack of friends backing me up when I get into random fights for the laughs.

OT:I don't like Bioware.
Oh I do a great job but last time I did this I got banned for "hacking" lol


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Not sure if you would call it a sin, but I have this habit of changing clips every time I take cover/kill something. Its gotten me killed on hundreds of occasions.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Tohron said:
Sonic Doctor said:
I am a compulsive saver. By the time I finished my first play through of Dragon Age 2, it said that I had saved the game.....over 1600 times.

Right now I've been doing my first play through of Mass Effect, it isn't as bad as DA2 because I am around three-fourths of the way through and I only have a little over 800 saves.
Same here - just a heads-up - Mass Effect numbers saves 1-999, so make sure you don't have any saves numbered in the single digits once you start pushing toward 999, or you'll run into some bugs - otherwise, the counter just loops back to 0 (though you may need to go off one save for a bit).
Thanks that's good to know, but I think my lowest numbered save is like 400 something.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
maiqtheliar said:
not reloading until completely out of ammo-- i constantly have to check myself on this.
I feel like I have the opposite problem, especially in games like COD, where I am OCD about having a full clip and will even reload after firing 1 bullet. It's led to me getting killed a lot more times that it should have.