Gaming Unpopular opinion


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
B-Cell said:

so my dear friends, what are you gaming unpopular opinion. the opinion which may not accept by majority of gamers?

let me start this

Tomb Raider 2013 and ROTR are 2 of worst games ever ever made
Only Good Resident Evil is Resident evil 7
GTA is most overrated series of all time.
Max payne 3 is best rockstar game of all time despite its weak max payne game
The witcher 3 is mediocre to average game and this generation most overrated game.
90% of open world games are trash
90% of third person shooters are bad
Bioshock infinite is worst AAA FPS game ever ever made. its really that bad
Metro series is best newly debut series of this decade (2010s)
Wolfenstein new order, old blood, new collosus absolutely suck and disgrace towards wolfenstein games and FPS
Doom 2016 is best game of this generation and best FPS of decade.
uncharted, last of us are more of hollywood movies than games
Alan wake is best third person horror action game ever
Mafia 1 is best third person game in general ever made.

i could think of more. but currently these come to my mind.
Dude I will fucking fight you.

You clearly only put this forward to troll people.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
The original Tomb Raider games were bad and only got slightly good with the reboot.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was overrated and poorly designed in many ways.

Sonic the Hedgehog has never been great. At his best, he is merely playable. (YMMV whether his ability to go "all fast and stuff brah" makes up for it.)

The same thing I said about Sonic can also be applied to the "Alone in the Dark" series, only to a far greater extent."The New Nightmare" was genuinely fun and while the original may have created a genre and scratched an itch for fans they never knew they had, it was a horrible game, even by the standards of back then.

Crusader Kings II and Dwarf Fortress are proof that there is such thing as "too much depth." Yes I know the games have their legions of fans but they are all crazy.
Sep 24, 2008
Time to make enemies.

I love the Stormcast Eternals.

Fucking Love them.

Age of Sigmar is an unplayable mess. Every time I tried to watch a match, I was bored to tears. if AoS burned down to the ground, I wouldn't waste the spit to try to even ease its pain.

But God Damned Right I love the Stormcast Eternals.

It gets so tiring to always be presented with the "Evil is Stronger than Good" trope in media. Even in ways that don't make sense. Like with Star Wars games that have Sith Healers.

Even though the Sith code would have practically called for a true Sith to cull anyone who was weak enough to need healing.

The Rule of Two ensured the relationship between a Sith Master and their apprentice was not one of trust; indeed, both the master and the apprentice constantly searched for any sign of weakness in the other, for a weak master deserved to be overthrown by their pupil, just as a weak pupil deserved to be replaced by a worthier, more powerful recruit. This philosophy was embraced by the Sith, who adopted it as a way to purify the weak and become stronger over time, since only an apprentice who had surpassed all previous Sith could take their master's place through honorable combat.[11]
(Source [])

So. Save for Superman and a few scattered pieces of fiction, we finally have a blatantly op and imbalanced force counter to the Evil side. And people hate them. You can call them Sigmarines all you want, The Chaos Chosen [] and the Chaos Space Marines [] were always cut by the same cloth and very few people had a problem with that.

But when it happens with the side of the Empire of Man, people get their underwear in a twist? Not buying it. Hate the game, love the movement.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
B-Cell said:
uncharted, last of us are more of hollywood movies than games
Mafia 1 is best third person game in general ever made.
I wouldn't really say those are unpopular opinions

balladbird said:
"Linear" isn't a dirty word. Not every game in every genre needs to be a sandbox of choice, and many games are failing in areas they used to excel at for the sake of chasing this trend.
You're right. "Linear" isn't the dirty word. It's "Corridor"

Anyway, here's my doozy:

Console shooters peaked when they were splitscreen, fully bot supported, and the crosshair wasn't rooted to the middle of the screen PC style.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Commanderfantasy said:
B-Cell said:
Dude I will fucking fight you.

You clearly only put this forward to troll people.
Take a deep breath my man/woman, this is a B-Cell thread. Everyone here is pretty much used to and knows full well his point of view, it's more for entertainment value than effective trolling by this point. But yeah, if you want to get in a scrap, pick something in the OP and have at it, will certainly add some life to this place!
*hands you vest, sawn-off and handful of shells*

CannibalCorpses said:
Fallout Tactics is the best Fallout game and the first game is mostly shit.
Kane and Lynch 2 wasn't so bad.
First-person shooters are all easy and boring.
Turn-based strategy games are as good as gaming gets.
Gameplay is more important than graphics and story.
Hey, actually I agree with you on all of these! Especially the one about Fallout Tactics.
About FPS, well that is kinda inevitable as it's one of the most widely consumed genres, so the AAA titles have just had a slow downward creep into 'accessibility'.
Turn-based strategy isn't my favorite genre, but some of my favorite games are (X-COM, Fire Emblem).
Gameplay over graphics is something people don't like to admit that much, but deep down people know it to be true, or even subconsciously. You just can't force yourself through a pretty but shitty playing game, it has to at least function well enough.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Now for my very unpopular opinions:
-RE6 is not the worst RE game ever made, in fact it's one of the best. Including the controls! Having said that, I also did not consider RE7 that great a game (definitely not an Outlast clone though, what kind of idiot would say that).
-Mad Max isn't that bad or boring, in fact it's quite fun, exploring, driving and fighting physics are ok, and the story holds it up well.
-Not sure if this is that unpopular, but I think Forza Horizon 2 is better than FH3 (the map and physics).
-I think Nintendo should have released a new Mario Kart instead of boxing in the 'GOTY edition' old one with their NEW console.
-Witcher 1, 2, and 3 are all great games in their own right.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Overwatch was made for cringy and corny ass geeks that likes Cartoony Disney/Pixar/Marvel shit without an ounce of grit and jacks off to the female characters because fan service, and the Memes, oh my goodness the fuckin memes :p

Its art style almost triggers me as a guy that grows up with art style of the older Blizzard Games, We went from this epic, hyper-realistic and gritty look:

To this colorful Disney/Pixar plagerized baby shit:

And the worse part is the mainstream gaming public didn't gave 2 shits about Blizzard except Blizzard fans until Overwatch came out, now its being seen as the face of Blizzard supplanting Warcraft. THIS IS NOW CHIRS METZEN'S LEGACY!!!

Oh my goodness what utter bullshit. Not Thrall, Not Raynor, not heck not even Diablo, no the fuckin Gorilla from Overwatch :p


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
jademunky said:
The original Tomb Raider games were bad and only got slightly good with the reboot.
I'd say the old ones were decent but definitely not great.

As for mine. Sonic beats Mario in 2D. 2D Mario has always felt bad. 3D is another story.

Witcher 3 is a good game but not great. But you can temper that with the fact that I would have never rated anything 10/10. It has glitches to rival any Elder Scrolls, punishes you for doing side content, has very little to explore despite the size of the map and character movement during conversations can be so janky and unnatural, I think I'd prefer the face on Skyrim method.

Fallout 2 is the worst Fallout and set up a lot of problems that are continued under Bethsheda.

The Zelda series is not great. I finish most games but I've never finished a Zelda not matter how many times I try. The only other game I stopped half way through is Wasteland 2. It has worse dialogue, scenarios, choices and consequences than Fallout 3.

New Vegas has a bad storyline.

Seth Carter said:
Ah, well, sweeping generalization time it is, then.

Prettymuch all the iconic turn of the millenium class (Half Life, System Shock, Morrowind, Baldurs Gate, and others) don't hold up by any modern standard, and are at best exhibits of innovative ideas that have aged terribly.

Speaking of BG, Bioware has never been good at writing anything but the most basic story, they're utterly incapable of writing an ending at all, rehash ideas constantly, and their much lauded romance options make Twilight look like a well-characterized documentatio of humans.
I'd agree. For example, BG1 is about a mainly about a Saverak, and in any other game it would be side content. In this, it's the whole main quest. Also, BG1 has very little in side content. The friction of combat in BG1 accentuate this problems.

I also don't think Obisidian are great writers either, relying too much on troupes. Alpha Protocol is, by far, their best game story wise (becuase game play is trash in that game.)

Any the biggest one for me at the moment, temper this with that fact that I'm still in the last section, Divinity Original Sin 2, is flawed. Maybe flawed enough to only be called decent, not good.

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
Skyward Sword is my favorite Zelda game, and BOTW while good lacks a lot of what made Zelda interesting. Fun to explore and mess around in, but the story stuff was boring and didn't offer much in interesting content.

Xenoblade Chronicles has a unique setting and the plot is interesting. However, most of the main cast stays in the background until their little story moment, and the battle system is boring. Then when the end game antagonists show up the game became tedious and the motivations for the antagonists were non existent, or if there was I had no care about them. Also, Shulk is a boring protagonist and Dunban should've been the MC

Metroid Prime 3 was a solid game despite the more linear and action approach, and Echoes is my least favorite of the trilogy because of the hassle of moving between worlds constantly for puzzles.

Blight Town in Dark Souls was not that hard. I got around to playing last year, and between the area and the boss I died maybe 20 times, with more than half of that being from the boss. Perhaps playing it on the PC after being fixed made it not nearly as bad as when the game first came out. All in all, the Souls games aren't that hard, and those who think so need to play God Hand on hard mode.

Final Fantasy 13 wasn't that bad. It wasn't great, but those who think it was the worst thing to happen to gaming or the series really need to calm down.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I didn't get sucked into the media hype so I went in with realistic expectations, and in that framework I think that No Man's Sky was actually fairly decent for what it was.

I appreciate what Anita Sarkeesian was trying to do and the backlash against her was wholly unjustified (that'll piss off about half of you) but I think the points she made were still vapid and unoriginal to the point of being counterproductive and generally not helpful to an uninformed audience, I think she lacks the kind of background knowledge that is a prerequisite to discussing the issues she addresses, and it honestly escapes me how what she came up with could possibly have cost $160,000 given that plenty of other YouTubers manage to consistently produce a lot more with a lot less (that'll piss off the other half).

I think that Zelda II is the best game in the series.

I think that EVE Online is far and away the best MMO.

I really can't stand Super Smash Brothers. Like I fucking hate it.

Nintendo should really just focus on making expansions for BOTW for a few years before starting a new Zelda. BOTW's formula and mechanics are generally pretty good and there's no need to fix what isn't broken, especially if it would mean freeing up resources to focus on some of their other IPs.

They also need to put Pokemon on hiatus for five years or so because it is getting really god damn stale.

Intel's CPUs are grotesquely overpriced for what they actually deliver.


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
Asita said:
Mass Effect 2 was a better game than Mass Effect 1. There, I said it.

I've seen ME2 get a lot of flack for getting rid of RPG elements, particularly with regards to the stat system and weapon pool, but I've never felt that was entirely fair. In terms of gameplay Mass Effect 1 felt...let's say "Bethesada-y". It did a bit of everything, but it did none of it well. The inventory system was terrible, the combat mediocre at best, the level designs were bland, barren, and repetitive, the sidequests overwhelmingly felt like token padding, and the classes not differentiated enough. Say what you will about ME2's failure to progress the story[footnote]Which is by all appearances is at least partially attributable to them changing the story ME2 was trying to set up midway through production of ME3[/footnote] but it ran a much tighter ship with a stronger cast and tighter character focus, more refined combat, better - and more diverse - level design, improved enemy pathing, and a climax (the suicide mission as a whole) that hewed closest to the franchise's promise of impactful choices out of any game in the main trilogy[footnote]Possibly the franchise, but having never played Andromeda I am unaware if it had anything comparable[/footnote], and that makes it a better game in my eyes.
So, I'm gonna have to disagree with you regarding the cast of characters.

ME2 has too many characters who are largely uninteresting. You spend a good 80 percent of ME2 just trying to collect/upgrade all your squadmates, of whom you'll use four or five, tops. ME3's decision to cut the squadmates back to seven was the right choice.

OP: Mass Effect 1's combat pissed me off less than ME2's. Yes, ME2 has better combat, but the levels are too long for as slow as the combat is. ME1 required a small amount of min/maxing and the combat took a less than a minute in most encounters. I like my RPG combat over as fast as possible because it usually sucks.

Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina is the worst character of all time, forever. Seriously, she's memes with a mouth and inane mannerisms. Utterly insufferable. Handsome Jack and Claptrap are enough to drive me away from that game, but Tiny Tina showed me visions of hell.

Elite Dangerous has bad combat. I played the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch mod "Eternal Silence" 10 years ago and it had way better combat, flight mechanics, and feedback.

Dragon Age 2 is better, in every way, than Origins (on PC). Yeah. I said it. It's plot is better, it's combat is better, it's RPG min/maxing is less of a pain in the ass, and Kirkwall is far and away more interesting a setting than Not-Westeros - I mean, Ferelden.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Pseudonym said:
Asita said:
Mass Effect 2 was a better game than Mass Effect 1. There, I said it.

I've seen ME2 get a lot of flack for getting rid of RPG elements, particularly with regards to the stat system and weapon pool, but I've never felt that was entirely fair. In terms of gameplay Mass Effect 1 felt...let's say "Bethesada-y". It did a bit of everything, but it did none of it well. The inventory system was terrible, the combat mediocre at best, the level designs were bland, barren, and repetitive, the sidequests overwhelmingly felt like token padding, and the classes not differentiated enough. Say what you will about ME2's failure to progress the story[footnote]Which is by all appearances is at least partially attributable to them changing the story ME2 was trying to set up midway through production of ME3[/footnote] but it ran a much tighter ship with a stronger cast and tighter character focus, more refined combat, better - and more diverse - level design, improved enemy pathing, and a climax (the suicide mission as a whole) that hewed closest to the franchise's promise of impactful choices out of any game in the main trilogy[footnote]Possibly the franchise, but having never played Andromeda I am unaware if it had anything comparable[/footnote], and that makes it a better game in my eyes.
This is a view which might be more divisive than unpopular as I've encountered quite a few people who prefer mass effect 2 and quite a few others who prefer mass effect 1. If you want to have the properly unpopular view you should say that mass effect 3 is the best one (though it isn't). The difference tends to be that mass effect 1 people are rpg fans and mass effect 2 people are more gameplay focussed. Mass effect 2 has a somewhat crude structure of having 8 similarish recruitment missions and 10 similarish loyalty missions which despite not entirely making sense works very well towards building investment in the characters. Now this works as intended but it is a little easy to see through and it takes a lot of time away from the main storyline which ends up somewhat barebones as a result. Now I think mass effect 2 is a far more pleasant experience than mass effect 1 because of the reasons you mentioned but I understand why some prefer ME1.
Here's an even more unpopular opinion...

ME1 = ME2 = ME3

I absolutely love all three, and keep going back to replay them.

ME1 = best originality (it's the Star Wars IV: A New Hope of the trilogy)
ME2 = best character development, better combat
ME3 = best combat, best atmosphere (dark impending doom)

Yeah, the the RPG details went away after 1, but traded it for more fun and less janky combat, while keeping the epic (although shifting) storyline and character development.

Yeah, the ending to ME3 could have been done better, but the Extended Cut version fixed a lot of it, and it ended up being pretty solid. People act like ME3 is a bad game, but I think it's one of the best RPG's ever made, like the first two in the trilogy. I would kill for a new space epic RPG as good as ME3. But nothing of its like has come out since that can even be mentioned in the same breath.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
renegade7 said:
I appreciate what Anita Sarkeesian was trying to do and the backlash against her was wholly unjustified (that'll piss off about half of you) but I think the points she made were still vapid and unoriginal to the point of being counterproductive and generally not helpful to an uninformed audience, I think she lacks the kind of background knowledge that is a prerequisite to discussing the issues she addresses, and it honestly escapes me how what she came up with could possibly have cost $160,000 given that plenty of other YouTubers manage to consistently produce a lot more with a lot less (that'll piss off the other half)..
Vapid? I'd call it exaggerate or overemphasis.I personally think that a lot of the male troupes are pretty bad too. Anita dismissed them thinking that they empower men when, I'd argue, they are unrealistic expectations and can be damaging.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Ironman126 said:
Dragon Age 2 is better, in every way, than Origins (on PC). Yeah. I said it. It's plot is better, it's combat is better, it's RPG min/maxing is less of a pain in the ass, and Kirkwall is far and away more interesting a setting than Not-Westeros - I mean, Ferelden.
Strongly disagree, although I think DA2 is a solid game, and like ME3, it gets way too much of a bad rap. What sets DAO apart from DA2 is the great characters and the well-written dialogue. Of course, when you're talking about liking or disliking characters, that's entirely subjective, so opinions will obviously vary.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
ZombieProof said:
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided actually has decent length and is probably my favorite of all the Deus Ex games. Also, it's microtransactions were unobtrusive so as not to be even noticeable.
I agree with this, my only caveat is that it seemed like it was super short because they left it off on such a complete cliffhanger that other games were supposed to fill in. They shoulda done what Halflife Tried to do, and done Mankind Divided Episode 1 and then followed up (quickly) with more episodes.

And now on to mine:

Spec Ops: The line was a completely overrated game whos wank-off moralizing falls flat when you realize that it is trying to shame you for input you have no control over.

American Tanker

New member
Feb 25, 2015
Two opinions I fully stand behind that I expect to draw all the hate with:

Need For Speed is at its best not when it focuses on import tuner street racing, but when it focuses on showing off exotic European supercars in the most scenic places on Earth. At 200+ miles an hour.

Nintendo's best console is the Gamecube. Rogue Leader, F-Zero GX and 1080 Avalanche are the best games it got. The Wii was an absolute pile of shit, and Nintendo haven't been worth shit since.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Gee, I haven't seen a thread like this before.

Okay, I'll play:

B-Cell said:
Only Good Resident Evil is Resident evil 7
ReMake, 2, 3, Code: Veronica (maybe), 4, and 5 want a word with you.

B-Cell said:
90% of open world games are trash
90% of third person shooters are bad
Sturgeon's Law states that 90% of everything is crap, so...

B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein new order, old blood, new collosus absolutely suck and disgrace towards wolfenstein games and FPS
What's funny is that Wolfenstein wasn't even an FPS until Id Software took over,

B-Cell said:
Doom 2016 is best game of this generation and best FPS of decade.
No. Just no. It's not even the best Doom game. But even taking it on its own terms, the combat is repetitive, the story is lacklustre, and the game as a whole is what I call "aggressively average."

And I do admit that might be an unpopular opinion, but I guess that's what this thread is for.

Xsjadoblayde said:
well if I must partake...2D sonic does not feel any better to play than 3D sonic.
Can't say I agree or disagree, it really comes down to the game in question. 2D or 3D doesn't have a monopoly over good control.

Xsjadoblayde said:
Megaman always looks aesthetically godawful.
But I like how Mega Man 11 looks. :(

Xsjadoblayde said:
this isn't as inflammatory a B-Cell post as I was hoping. *Le sighs* 2/10 for salt-mining efficiency.

well if I must partake...2D sonic does not feel any better to play than 3D sonic. Megaman always looks aesthetically godawful. FF games seem built from the ground up solely to irritate me on levels I never knew existed until playing, yet there's only myself to blame for trying them. [small]and I don't care for childhood nostalgia[/small]
balladbird said:
"Linear" isn't a dirty word. Not every game in every genre needs to be a sandbox of choice, and many games are failing in areas they used to excel at for the sake of chasing this trend.

balladbird said:
also, I'll take a JRPG over a WRPG every time.
Maybe not every time, but I'm close to that.

BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Resident Evil 5 is better than RE4

But I do quite like RE5. I rank it above more traditional RE games (e.g. Code: Veronica and Zero).

jademunky said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was overrated and poorly designed in many ways.

Sonic the Hedgehog has never been great. At his best, he is merely playable. (YMMV whether his ability to go "all fast and stuff brah" makes up for it.)

JohnnyDelRay said:
Now for my very unpopular opinions:
-RE6 is not the worst RE game ever made, in fact it's one of the best. Including the controls! Having said that, I also did not consider RE7 that great a game (definitely not an Outlast clone though, what kind of idiot would say that).
Never played 6, but I'll posit that the worst RE game is Resident Evil Gaiden (though it seems like I'm the only one who's played it...maybe that's a good thing for the world).

Samtemdo8 said:
Overwatch was made for cringy and corny ass geeks that likes Cartoony Disney/Pixar/Marvel shit without an ounce of grit and jacks off to the female characters because fan service, and the Memes, oh my goodness the fuckin memes :p

Its art style almost triggers me as a guy that grows up with art style of the older Blizzard Games, We went from this epic, hyper-realistic and gritty look:

To this colorful Disney/Pixar plagerized baby shit:

Okay, few things:

-You can't use the cinematics as an example of Blizzard games having a "gritty" look. Look at in-game - Warcraft is far away from "gritty" as you can get (well, almost). StarCraft is fairly gritty, but even in-game, there's a heavy use of colour when it comes to army/faction representation. Diablo? Okay, maybe. Blackthorne? Yep, but again, high use of primary colours. Lost Vikings, Rock n' Roll Racing, and HotS? Nup.

-Isn't that implying that an artist/group of artists should always stick with the one style?

-Disney and Pixar don't have a monopoly over that aesthetic - DreamWorks, Blue Sky, Illumination, etc.

Samtemdo8 said:
And the worse part is the mainstream gaming public didn't gave 2 shits about Blizzard except Blizzard fans until Overwatch came out, now its being seen as the face of Blizzard supplanting Warcraft. THIS IS NOW CHIRS METZEN'S LEGACY!!!

Oh my goodness what utter bullshit. Not Thrall, Not Raynor, not heck not even Diablo, no the fuckin Gorilla from Overwatch :p
Wait, what?

Blizzard's always had high market penetration, and everyone's at least heard of their games. WoW? Largest MMO right now. Diablo? Pretty much birthed ARPGs, and whatever one may think about D3, it's one of the bestselling games of all time. StarCraft? RTS is fairly niche, but SC1 and SC2 are pretty much the top dogs right now, especially in e-sports. Blizzard and its IPs were hardly obscure before Overwatch was released.

As for the legacy of Chris Metzen, realize that's a small bust he was given as a gift before leaving Blizzard, right? It's an obvious homage to Walt Disney and Micky, but Chris Metzen is primarily going to be remembered for his work on Warcraft and StarCraft (Diablo to a lesser extent). You're picking out one gift when Metzen would have almost certainly been gifted with Warcraft swag (the swords, stiens, shields) due to how long he worked at Blizzard.

You could make an argue that Overwatch is supplanting Warcraft, but bear in mind the Warcraft IP dates back to 1994. Overwatch is the new kid on the block, and absolutely exploded. How that'll look years from now is another matter, but even then, I don't think Blizzard (or anyone else) is obliged to have uniform IPs.

trunkage said:
The Zelda series is not great.

Kerg3927 said:
ME1 = best originality (it's the Star Wars IV: A New Hope of the trilogy)
But A New Hope is the best Star Wars movie (shadup, it is!), so...does that mean ME1 is the best game?

Commanderfantasy said:
2. RE7 might very well be the BEST RE game, but not the only good one. RE1, 2, and 4 are some of the best horror action games ever made.
What about 3?

Okay, am I the only person that thinks RE3>RE2?

Commanderfantasy said:
5. The Witcher 3 is what? The fuck did you just say you little sandbag of dickbutts?
Geez, calm down dude.


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
Kerg3927 said:
Ironman126 said:
Dragon Age 2 is better, in every way, than Origins (on PC). Yeah. I said it. It's plot is better, it's combat is better, it's RPG min/maxing is less of a pain in the ass, and Kirkwall is far and away more interesting a setting than Not-Westeros - I mean, Ferelden.
Strongly disagree, although I think DA2 is a solid game, and like ME3, it gets way too much of a bad rap. What sets DAO apart from DA2 is the great characters and the well-written dialogue. Of course, when you're talking about liking or disliking characters, that's entirely subjective, so opinions will obviously vary.
I find Bioware games to have pretty lame characters, but I found the cast of DAO to be particularly bland. Sten was the only character that seemed to have any depth. Which is not to say that DA2 didn't have its share of bad characters, but the good ones outweigh the bad more than in Origins.

But what it really came down to for me was the plot. Replace "Darkspawn" with "Orcs" or "White Walkers" and you have someone else's story. The one time I felt like I was on a new adventure was during the Sacred Ashes portion. Everything else made me feel like I'd seen it somewhere better. DA2, for all its faults, felt new. I also appreciated the tighter focus. You get to know Kirkwall. Ferelden always felt like a series of disconnected encounters.

King Billi

New member
Jul 11, 2012
B-Cell said:
uncharted, last of us are more of hollywood movies than games
And that is precisely what makes them better than everything else.

Seriously though if that is an unpopular opinion: to like pretty much everything so called "true gamers" get hung up on for not being "gamey" enough or trying to hard to be movies then I guess that's it.

Linear, story driven "cinematic" games like the aforementioned Uncharted and The Last of Us are some of my favourite games of all time.

Also interactive movies and/or walking simulators, such as Heavy Rain or the kinds of games Telltale makes I find I enjoy more these days.

And finally probably most egregious of all... I like cutscenes! (Shock Horror!)


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Ironman126 said:
Kerg3927 said:
Ironman126 said:
Dragon Age 2 is better, in every way, than Origins (on PC). Yeah. I said it. It's plot is better, it's combat is better, it's RPG min/maxing is less of a pain in the ass, and Kirkwall is far and away more interesting a setting than Not-Westeros - I mean, Ferelden.
Strongly disagree, although I think DA2 is a solid game, and like ME3, it gets way too much of a bad rap. What sets DAO apart from DA2 is the great characters and the well-written dialogue. Of course, when you're talking about liking or disliking characters, that's entirely subjective, so opinions will obviously vary.
I find Bioware games to have pretty lame characters, but I found the cast of DAO to be particularly bland. Sten was the only character that seemed to have any depth. Which is not to say that DA2 didn't have its share of bad characters, but the good ones outweigh the bad more than in Origins.

But what it really came down to for me was the plot. Replace "Darkspawn" with "Orcs" or "White Walkers" and you have someone else's story. The one time I felt like I was on a new adventure was during the Sacred Ashes portion. Everything else made me feel like I'd seen it somewhere better. DA2, for all its faults, felt new. I also appreciated the tighter focus. You get to know Kirkwall. Ferelden always felt like a series of disconnected encounters.
Actually the only characters I'd jettison from DA2's party options are Fenris and Anders. The first is a barely restrained and deeply damaged man who I wouldn't want within a million fucking miles of me and the other one is an unhinged extremist responsible for about 90% of the death and destruction you see in DragonAge Inquisition. Give me Varric (ALL the Varric), Merrill, Bethany, Aveline, Sebastian and Isabela. In fact, we can add Feynriel as the other mage character and maybe let us keep Carver as the warrior; he was a whiny bugger but he was family and whiny within the appropriate confines of being a moody teenager.