Gaming Unpopular opinion


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
Gordon_4 said:
Actually the only characters I'd jettison from DA2's party options are Fenris and Anders. The first is a barely restrained and deeply damaged man who I wouldn't want within a million fucking miles of me and the other one is an unhinged extremist responsible for about 90% of the death and destruction you see in DragonAge Inquisition. Give me Varric (ALL the Varric), Merrill, Bethany, Aveline, Sebastian and Isabela. In fact, we can add Feynriel as the other mage character and maybe let us keep Carver as the warrior; he was a whiny bugger but he was family and whiny within the appropriate confines of being a moody teenager.
I don't think I could have said it any better myself. Though, I have no idea who Sebastian is.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Warhound said:
Spec Ops: The line was a completely overrated game whos wank-off moralizing falls flat when you realize that it is trying to shame you for input you have no control over.
I'm not as against Spec Ops as you but believe the point is valid. The problem is that most games do exactly the same thing. Dishonored 1 and 2 were they explicitly make out that NOT killing the target is worse for them. Portal 2 where you getting betrayed isn't a choice - you cant trust those AIs. New Vegas vault 34 where you have to choose between people trapped or crops. The game tries to make you feel bad either way, despite the fact that there is another vault dedicated to farming that might be useful. Or you could help find a place to move to. Or the Crones vs Tree Heart quest in the Witcher which would probably be easily solved by asking any of your friends to help. But no. You have to be made to feel bad.

In fact, all choice that seem to have bad consequence on both side but have easy fixes can go jump in a lake


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Ironman126 said:
Gordon_4 said:
Actually the only characters I'd jettison from DA2's party options are Fenris and Anders. The first is a barely restrained and deeply damaged man who I wouldn't want within a million fucking miles of me and the other one is an unhinged extremist responsible for about 90% of the death and destruction you see in DragonAge Inquisition. Give me Varric (ALL the Varric), Merrill, Bethany, Aveline, Sebastian and Isabela. In fact, we can add Feynriel as the other mage character and maybe let us keep Carver as the warrior; he was a whiny bugger but he was family and whiny within the appropriate confines of being a moody teenager.
I don't think I could have said it any better myself. Though, I have no idea who Sebastian is.
Sebastian is a DLC character who only becomes a party member in chapter 2 onwards. If you have the DLC you should see him post a notice on the Chantry noticeboard about finding the mercenaries that murdered his family and retainers.

He's not a deep character since he was DLC, but he provides an interesting pro-Chantry voice, and can be romanced by Fem!Hawke but their relationship is chaste because he's umming and ahhing about taking his vows again to the Chantry as what I presume would be a ley-brother.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
Hmmmm, might as well weigh in on this, because we can...

I hated Pillars of Eternity, the entire party management/AI was utter shite
The Guitar Hero games need re-releasing as a full package
Tales from the Borderlands was boring AF
Borderlands itself can fuck right off
Killing Floor 1 is better than 2
Doom 2016 was utter trash
Torchlight STILL better than Diablo
The world needs S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
And Escape from Torkarov (W/e spelling) needs a solo/co-op only mode

That is all

EDIT: I forgot to add.
Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005) was the peak for the series


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Fallout 3 is a better game than New Vegas, especially when the DLC additions are taken into consideration. (NV is the more ambitious game, sure. It's also a buggy mess, even in its final form, with non-trivial segments of what were probably once intricate plans puttied-in with repetitive filler, especially near the endings.)

System Shock 2 is vastly over-rated. Throwing you up against a boss who can't be taken on with melee weapons without enough ammo isn't tension-raising survival horror gameplay, it's just lousy game design. Also nigh-useless skill trees and weapon degradation that makes Breath of the Wild look positively generous by comparison.

"Walking simulators" can be relaxing and enjoyable.

Telltale is probably going to kill off Clementine, but they waited too long for it to have any significant emotional punch.


New member
Aug 18, 2017
trunkage said:
the Crones vs Tree Heart quest in the Witcher which would probably be easily solved by asking any of your friends to help. But no. You have to be made to feel bad.
The real problem I had with that quest is that they simply didn't give you access to enough information to decide how the pivotal point should go. I wouldn't want them to spell out the consequences around the Baron etc. but there should have been some way of determining who was in the right and what had happened early enough to make at least a semi informed choice. As it was I flipped a coin, I don't mind rug pulls or morally grey choices but the randomness of the decision just felt unsatisfying.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Ironman126 said:
But what it really came down to for me was the plot. Replace "Darkspawn" with "Orcs" or "White Walkers" and you have someone else's story. The one time I felt like I was on a new adventure was during the Sacred Ashes portion. Everything else made me feel like I'd seen it somewhere better. DA2, for all its faults, felt new. I also appreciated the tighter focus. You get to know Kirkwall. Ferelden always felt like a series of disconnected encounters.
You could say that about most fantasy stories. Tolkien defined the genre, and pretty much everyone else who has written a fantasy story since was influenced by him in some way.

I thought the grey wardens vs. archdemon thing was a fairly original twist. As was the mages vs. demons in the tower thing. Yeah, there were dwarves and elves, but there were original twists there, too. Dwarves living underground fighting an endless war against darkspawn in the Deep Roads. Elves vs. werewolves.

I guess I just don't see humans, elves, and dwarves fighting an ancient big bad and immediately think Tolkien ripoff. I think, oh cool, it's a fantasy story.


New member
Feb 9, 2016

Assassins creed 3 is better than 2
Only good AC is AC4 black flag. even 2 suck
As someone mention earlier, only Good wolfenstein is RTCW. wolf 3d is too dated and new order/colossus suck. and even 2009 wolf is better game
nintendo were never great. at peak sega genesis was better than snes in every way.
All JRPG suck

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Mass Effect series had great story, world and music.
However, gameplay wise, rpg-wise, UI-wise, shooter-wise it's trash.

There are no good Assassin Creed games. It's all glorified glitchy parkour simulators in stunning visual surroundings with endless items to tick off chore lists and clunky qte like combat. While at it, all Ubisoft open world games are dull garbage with differentreskins and all Bethesda open world games are just different breed of dull, buggy garbage reskins. Both prey on inducing compulsive, completionist behaviour and go for quantity over quality.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Skyrim sucks. Full of bugs and bore.

Mass Effect. Romance options is for creepers.

Undertale. Looks like it's made in M$ Paint and boring.

Every Dave Cage game. Wannabe film with obnoxious thematic elements.

Every Final Fantasy game after the PS1 days is total shite.

Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne are the best games ever made.

Both Mikami and Kojima are over the hill and younger game designers lack spark.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
trunkage said:
In fact, all choice that seem to have bad consequence on both side but have easy fixes can go jump in a lake
This reminds me of the pre broken steel Fallout 3, where there were like 4 better options than killing yourself at the end that Bethesda were too stupid to figure out for themselves.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Life is Strange sucks because the characters are simultaneously stupid, two dimensional, and look like plastic barbie dolls.

I have never played a good Blizzard game (though I have never touched Overwatch); they're all derivative, mawkish and totally lacking in aspiration.

AAA games should just stop with sex scenes. If a AAA game has a sex scene, it is always a bad sex scene. They're either too graphic or not graphic enough, always have terrible animation, and only exist as a perfunctory prize for sweaty nerds.

I have never played a good Japanese Visual Novel. People who provide me with examples of "good" graphic novels inevitably provide me the trash I've already tried and found to be terribly translated, flowery, boring, and with a terrible interface design that prevents you from reading properly whilst also failing to offer much to look at beyond a static image of a girl for 10 minutes.


Regular Member
Jan 15, 2013
- I absolutely cannot stand anime-style visual design, so much so that it puts me off even trying well-received games that use it. I will never play games like Final Fantasy XV, Nier: Automata, Ni No Kuni, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The overdesigned, inconsistent, throw-everything-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach to most anime styles I've seen annoys me to no end, and keeps me from getting into a game and its story.

- I was severely unimpressed by Halo 1 when I got it with my original Xbox in 2002, and obviously wasn't won over by any of the later installments I played.

- The Xbox and X360-era Forza Motorsports are better than any Gran Turismo has ever been, perhaps not as simulations but definitely as games.

- The Metal Gear Solid series is fun enough to play, but the storyline for which it is revered is a textbook example of elaborateness and detail passing itself off as depth.

- The original Unreal is better than Quake 2.

- The Batmobile sections in Batman: Arkham Knight are not nearly bad or frequent enough to detract from the game as a whole.

- Even though I abruptly had to give up on Middle Earth: Shadow of War when I reached the grind-or-pay stage, I got enough out of it before that to justify my (admittedly, slightly discounted) purchase.

- Increasing the difficulty on Bethesda-era Fallout and Elder Scrolls games makes them exponentially worse and more boring by turning enemies into damage sponges.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014

-Advance Wars: Days of Ruin may be the black sheep of its franchise (in terms of tone and setting), but it's still a good game, and IMO, the #2 Advance Wars game

-Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars is the best CnC game, and Red Alert 3 is the best Red Alert game in the sub-series

-Diablo III is the best Diablo game

-Doom 3 is the best Doom game. Doom 2016 is average at best.

-Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is a good game, just not as good as its predecessors

-Half-Life 2 isn't that great. It's got great elements, but too many frustrating ones as well.

-Halo 5 is a good game, better than Halo 2 and way, WAY better than Halo 4 (and ODST for that matter...then again every Halo game I've played is better than ODST, so meh)

-Heroes of the Storm = best MOBA

-The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is overrated, especially when compared to A Link Between Worlds

-Majora's Mask is a good game, but overrated (I know there was a period in time when MM was arguably underrated, but similar to what I've observed with FF7, the pendulum seems to have swung too far the other way)

-Metroid: Fusion is the best Metroid game (that I've played) - still better than Super Metroid (I'd argue that Zero Mission is also better than Super Metroid, but it's a tight race)

-Other M is a very flawed game, but not the monstrosity that people make it out to be. It's still far more palatable than Hunters

-Resident Evil 5 is a good game. Not as good as RE4, but still good, and better than some 'traditional' RE games (e.g. Code: Veronica and Zero).

-On that note, RE3>RE2

-The Sonic the Hedgehog series gets too much flak. On that note, Adventure 1/2 are still the best 3D games that I've played in the series.

-The Legend of Spyro sub-series doesn't get enough attention - while fun, it's unfairly overshadowed by the original series.

-StarCraft II>StarCraft I

-Star Fox Adventures>Star Fox Command (may be an atypical Star Fox game, but at least it's actually fun to play)

-The original Star Wars Battlefront games aren't that great (they were fun, sure, but I don't think they deserve to be on the pedestal so many put them on)

-Aliens: Colonial Marines is a good game

-Another World is overrated (I can appreciate what it's trying to do, I just don't think it does it that well)

Maybe I could think of others, but meh.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Some call games like Doom 4, the Shadow Warrior reboot, Hard Reset the revival of the old school fps. I disagree. They're more what people think old school fps were like. They IMO have more in common with Painkiller (and to a lesser extent Serious Sam), than with OG Doom or Quake. The only recent fps I've played that I'd call truly old school, is Dusk, because it essentially is one.

Motion controls are not inherently bad. They can work well when as a pointing device (and the Trilogy version of Metroid Prime 1 & 2 are by a country mile the superior versions because of it) or when used in addition to more traditional controls. Unfortunately, it was mostly wasted on shovelware with poorly implemented waggle, which has become embedded in people's minds and soured many of them on motion controls in general.

I much prefer 2D Zelda over every 3D title I've played.(all, except BoTW, so won't pass judgment there). The only 3D Zelda I enjoyed was Twilight Princess.
Hawki said:
-Other M is a very flawed game, but not the monstrosity that people make it out to be. It's still far more palatable than Hunters
Oh yes, I'll readily agree Hunters is the black sheep of the franchise, over Other M or Federation Force. The only thing Metroid about it is the paintjob, the story is a big far nothing and the controls are a pain (often literally) whether you use the stylus or not.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Warhound said:
trunkage said:
In fact, all choice that seem to have bad consequence on both side but have easy fixes can go jump in a lake
This reminds me of the pre broken steel Fallout 3, where there were like 4 better options than killing yourself at the end that Bethesda were too stupid to figure out for themselves.
screw you Fawkes. Hop in the Mcguffin for me that wont kill you but will kill me


New member
Feb 9, 2016
heres more

Hitman is better stealth series than MGS
Agent 47 is better character than solid snake
Doom 3 was almost as good as Half life 2
Quantum break is best third person shooter this gen better than likes of uncharted and tomb raider
Goldeneye was never good. it was only praised because it was first console FPS. compare to PC FPS it was bad.
Average FPS games have better story than average RPG.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
- Half Life 2 is okay

- Bethesda makes bad games

- Halo 4 has a really good soundtrack

- Halo 4 also has an excellent story

- Dragon Age 2 is the best in the series

- Doom 2016 was average

- Mass Effect 1's gameplay makes the game borderline unplayable

- Mass Effect 3 is the best in the series

- Overwatch is boring

- Most open-world games are boring

- Japanese games are clunky

- Bioshock 2 is really good, and easily has the best combat in the series