Gaming Unpopular opinion

Captain Chemosh

New member
Sep 5, 2011
The entire Call of Duty franchise, without exception, is garbage. Same for Battlefield and Medal of Honor. The only good military shooter was Socom 2.
Overwatch is an overall inferior product in comparison to Battleborn and lacks adequate content to justify being priced as a full game.
GTA hasn't been good since San Andreas.
Red Dead Redemption was an okay game, same for Bully.
Minecraft is more of a building utility than a game.
Dark Souls 2 was the best dark souls
Oblivion was better than Skyrim in the majority of ways (still an rpg without the unpleasant streamlining)
World of Warcraft (including all the expansions) is hideous to me on an aesthetic level.
The story of starcraft 1&2 is utter garbage, though I love the gameplay, that I cannot diss.
Halo is garbage, from gameplay, to lore. Utter, unrefined, garbage. 343 literally just stuck an air freshener on it.
Destiny is (ludicrously broken) garbage, Destiny 2 is shiny garbage. Bungie's writing department hasn't been even remotely passable since the Myth franchise.
There's no such thing as a good sonic game, just a bunch of passable (at best) ones
Any game with zombies as a major component is a bad game
Anything produced by Telltale is trash and barely qualifies as a game so much as a multiple ending visual novel
The Xbox One is just bad. From menu layout to sluggish speeds, to it's insistence on being a home entertainment suite.
Black and White 2 was one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played.

I'll actually agree with the mass effect opinion above from Kerg3927, for the same reasons too.
Though, as a detracting point, I hated both Jack and Miranda from ME 2, I found them both to be insufferable cardboard cutouts whose purpose in the story line is shallow and whose usefulness in squad is easily overlooked.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Cold Shiny said:
We've already lost the lootbox war and there is nothing we can do about it.
I am kinda rooting for that Rep from Hawaii to bring some legislation down on publisher's heads.
Sep 24, 2008
Dragon's Dogma was a better experience in the Souls-like experience than Dark Souls, save for sense of discovery.

If you could have the Nioh weapon Crafting and Stances, the Boss Scale and Class system (with a lot more skills and classes) of Dragon's Dogma, and the sense of discovery and enemy variety of the Dark Souls series, you would have made the perfect game in the classification.

If you somehow want to cram into a Cyberpunk landscape, like really Shadowrun it, I will have your children. Or at least steal them as I am a dude with dude parts.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Captain Chemosh said:
GTA hasn't been good since San Andreas.
GTA hasn't been good since two. Going 3D sucked all the fun out
Ironman126 said:
Dragon Age 2 has DLC? I'm only half serious. I haven't played any of it, I think. Is it worth buying?
There were two story packs and one DLC character. I didn't care for the character. Both story packs were pretty good. The thieving one was probably the best


New member
Feb 3, 2016
I cannot for the life of me fathom why everyone went nuts over Divinity: Original Sin. It crams way too many ideas in a small space, tries to do everything and does nothing well. There's some cool combat, but the novelty of it wears off not long after the game FINALLY frikkin' lets you fight a bit, because it'll try to stop you dead in your tracks with awful, AWFUL writing every step of the way. The guys at Larian Studios seem to be very passionate in what they do, and they're my countrymen, so it hurts even more to distance myself from this embarrassing product. And now everyone is going nuts over the sequel. I'm not gonna bother.

I love me some Borderlands - that's not an unpopular opinion - and I don't understand why everyone is so negative about The Pre-Sequel. It's great, I love it! Beaten it twice and probably again! Yeah, it's shorter, but that doesn't mean anything. Borderlands 2 was huge and felt padded at times. TPS is still very meaty and feels more focused. And the humour's certainly still there. Gamers are very hard to please, damn.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Ironman126 said:
Dragon Age 2 has DLC? I'm only half serious. I haven't played any of it, I think. Is it worth buying?
The DA2 DLC was solid, IMO. Of note, if you play on Nightmare difficulty and like a challenge, Legacy and Mark of the Assassin have probably the most difficult boss fights ever implemented into a Bioware game. I know, that's not saying much, but I found them to be an actual challenge.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Cold Shiny said:
We've already lost the lootbox war and there is nothing we can do about it.
Yep. Lootboxes, DLC season passes, microtransactions.... all here to stay. So I don't get too worked up about it.

You can't fight economic forces. The practices exist because they are profitable (supply). And they are profitable because consumers are obviously willing and eager to pay for them (demand).
Sep 24, 2008
Potjeslatinist said:
I love me some Borderlands - that's not an unpopular opinion - and I don't understand why everyone is so negative about The Pre-Sequel. It's great, I love it! Beaten it twice and probably again! Yeah, it's shorter, but that doesn't mean anything. Borderlands 2 was huge and felt padded at times. TPS is still very meaty and feels more focused. And the humour's certainly still there. Gamers are very hard to please, damn.
My unpopular Gaming Opinion will build off of this question.

I hate Handsome Jack.

I hate him so much that I don't touch the series any more. We've had four real game releases of borderlands, and three of these revolved or starred Handsome Jack. He's a whiny, self absorbed little prick who was funny at first but just became grating at the end of 2. And then, the next releases of the series decided we needed more of him?

I got the argument for him. He was the Joker for the series. Great. But then you need a Batman. The Player Controlled Characters don't fit that role because we simply don't even get enough backstory to come close to matching what we get for Handsome Jack. Hell, their fates aren't even intertwined like Joker and Batman. We were just some Mercs who asked a call and he tried to off us. Ok. So? It's Borderlands. EVERYONE tries to off us.

I'm out. I might be back for three if we can find a way to exist without him.


New member
May 11, 2016
Assassins Creed is an awful franchise that needs to die.

Duke Nukem Forever is highly underrated.

Alien Colonial Marines I enjoyed more then Alien Isolation.

Steel Battalion Heavy Armor was a good game that was not "broken" in the least.

Elder Scrolls is an immensely overrated franchise.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
That both PC and consoles have their virtues and it is perfectly fine to like one over the other or both.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Dark Souls games are massive waste of times, artificially padding their gameplay out with bullshit combat and controls

Walking simulators are games, they're just terrible

GTAs are all the same and are boring as shit

Blizzard hasn't had a good game since Diablo 2

Minecraft is boring

Streaming and Game-play channels are all terrible

Handsome Jack is the lamest, dumbest and least interesting villain of all time

Portal was okay, and has no replay value

Non-local Mulitplayer was one of the worst things to happen to video games

Romance, and dialogue trees in general, are never done well in video games

The Witcher series is slow and uninteresting

I was 9 when Daikatana came out, and I thought it was pretty good

Bayonetta is not an empowering, sex-positive female icon, she's a shallow sex symbol given fake agency and empowerment by writers who tricked gamers into thinking she's progressive

Silent Hill 2 is one of the worst Silent Hill games


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
darkrage6 said:
Assassins Creed is an awful franchise that needs to die.
I think that?s pretty much the POPULAR consensus. I don?t personally know of anyone who wasn?t drunk, high or both who said ?y?know what gaming needs? More Assassins Creed.? That being said, I don?t know the Ubisoft execs personally, but I?m sure they?re all drunk, high or both.

Duke Nukem Forever is highly underrated.
For all the shit it got after finally getting pissed out like a 9 pound kidney stone after 37 years of development and delays, I know I got pretty much what I expected: a crude-humored, over-the-top FPS that was mostly functional and also managed to pull of some interesting level design from time to time. I picked it up for $5 expecting $1.50 worth of fun ($1 of that being laughs at how bad it was,) but was pleasantly surprised when I actually managed to enjoy it; it?s far from the worst thing ever like so many claim; ?not being what one expects? is not the same as ?being bad.?
Sep 24, 2008
Silentpony said:
Handsome Jack is the lamest, dumbest and least interesting villain of all time

Non-local Mulitplayer was one of the worst things to happen to video games
We are now friends.

Silentpony said:
Dark Souls games are massive waste of times, artificially padding their gameplay out with bullshit combat and controls

Bayonetta is not an empowering, sex-positive female icon, she's a shallow sex symbol given fake agency and empowerment by writers who tricked gamers into thinking she's progressive
... We can still be friends, I guess...

Silentpony said:
Silent Hill 2 is one of the worst Silent Hill games
I always wanted to try Krav Maga against Kali. Weapons or no, friend?

Seriously, is it because it deivates from the Silent Hill mythos in a way that game designers have been messing up since then?


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
trunkage said:
Silentpony said:
Silent Hill 2 is one of the worst Silent Hill games
Alright. You got me interested. Can we have some reasons for this one?
ObsidianJones said:
Silentpony said:
Handsome Jack is the lamest, dumbest and least interesting villain of all time

Non-local Mulitplayer was one of the worst things to happen to video games
We are now friends.

Silentpony said:
Dark Souls games are massive waste of times, artificially padding their gameplay out with bullshit combat and controls

Bayonetta is not an empowering, sex-positive female icon, she's a shallow sex symbol given fake agency and empowerment by writers who tricked gamers into thinking she's progressive
... We can still be friends, I guess...

Silentpony said:
Silent Hill 2 is one of the worst Silent Hill games
I always wanted to try Krav Maga against Kali. Weapons or no, friend?

Seriously, is it because it deivates from the Silent Hill mythos in a way that game designers have been messing up since then?
My problem with Silent Hill 2, and this may be my fault, is I played if after several other Silent Hill games. After Silent Hill 1, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill 4, Silent Hill Homecoming, Downpour, Shattered Memories, and Origins. I had heard it, Silent Hill 2, was the scariest, deepest, more disturbing, shocking and cerebral game of the series.

And I played it. And its really really boring. Not only is the majority of the game spent running around, doing nothing in the town, the enemies couldn't care less. With a few exceptions, you can go through huge sections of the game without having to fight anything. You can just walk right passed the nurses and weird leg monsters, and sometimes they'll attack, sometimes not, and always too slow to catch up to you.
The notable exception are the bosses, all of whom except Pyramid Head, are way too dirty brown amorphous shapes to know what they are, let alone be scary.
Pyramid Head himself is...barely in it. You see him a few times, he chases you a few times, you fight him, and then you kill him. Granted when he's chasing you its kinda scary, but its over way too soon and happens twice.

The plot is all over the place, fluctuating from mindlessly dull to mindbogglingly stupid. James as a protagonist is lame. He's unlikable, the voice acting is terrible, his dialogue is terrible, and his character arc is predictable, although it may be my fault as I played plenty of SH games, I was easily able to guess what was going on pretty early on, right around the time you meet Maria.
All the other characters are just annoying. I know within the town itself, reality is weird and different for everyone, but the NPCs are so non sequitur I feel like they should have taken dialogue from different games entirely.

"My name is James. What's going on in this town?"
"Every time I look into a monitor, Prime, my circuits sizzle! When are we going to start busting Deceptichops?!"

"We should go to that hotel, the one on the lake"
"Your treasury is too small. Make it larger"

The combat I will give them is supposed to be bad. James is not a Space Marine, and I can't expect to swing a bat or anything, but that doesn't make it any more fun. And its not scary or intense, like Bloodborne or Bioshock. Its dull and hard to control and frustrating, like Blast Corps 64.

More than anything though, its not scary. The atmosphere isn't great or oppressive. Homecoming and Silent Hill 3 both did a much better job of keeping the town threatening and creepy. Silent Hill 2 just has an empty town for most of the game.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Silentpony said:
Bayonetta is not an empowering, sex-positive female icon, she's a shallow sex symbol given fake agency and empowerment by writers who tricked gamers into thinking she's progressive

Silent Hill 2 is one of the worst Silent Hill games
HAHAHAHAHHAHA....NO! I don't know what led you to believe Platinum, Sega, or Hideki Kamiya made those claims. The only people to claim that were some other Platinum fans, and game journalist or reviewers that liked her. I like Bayonetta, but I don't see her as the all empowering sex icon you claim her to be. If anything, she is just a female version of Dante (not many those running around Kagura from Onechanbara is the only other female version)

Speaking of Platinum, they have made only one bad game: TMNT. Everything else is excellent to greats, and one is just average. Some people in the gaming media lately have been making some bizarre statements lately.

Shadows of the Damned is better than RE5 or RE6 or most shooters that followed in the footsteps of RE4.

SNK made some decent brawlers, but people assume they're the worst things ever. This has changed with YouTube,but before it existed, lots of review sites would have you believe they made complete trash. If anything, SNk made too many tournament fighters.

Other than storytelling, walking sims don't add much to the experience once a player is done with it.

Everything went downhill after PoP: Sands of Time with only a few minor step ups here and there.

Far Cry Instincts is the best in the entire series. 2 was tedious, 3 was good, 4 was more of the same, and Primal was just $60.00 DLC put on disc. 5 looks be like 3 & 4; only set in rural America. Though it is the first game in the series to be set in the states, so I will give it that.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
ObsidianJones said:
Potjeslatinist said:
I love me some Borderlands - that's not an unpopular opinion - and I don't understand why everyone is so negative about The Pre-Sequel. It's great, I love it! Beaten it twice and probably again! Yeah, it's shorter, but that doesn't mean anything. Borderlands 2 was huge and felt padded at times. TPS is still very meaty and feels more focused. And the humour's certainly still there. Gamers are very hard to please, damn.
My unpopular Gaming Opinion will build off of this question.

I hate Handsome Jack.

I hate him so much that I don't touch the series any more. We've had four real game releases of borderlands, and three of these revolved or starred Handsome Jack. He's a whiny, self absorbed little prick who was funny at first but just became grating at the end of 2. And then, the next releases of the series decided we needed more of him?

I got the argument for him. He was the Joker for the series. Great. But then you need a Batman. The Player Controlled Characters don't fit that role because we simply don't even get enough backstory to come close to matching what we get for Handsome Jack. Hell, their fates aren't even intertwined like Joker and Batman. We were just some Mercs who asked a call and he tried to off us. Ok. So? It's Borderlands. EVERYONE tries to off us.

I'm out. I might be back for three if we can find a way to exist without him.
Handsome Jack was just terrible. I'll admit he was kinda amusing the first hour, when he was just a troll, but he gets so old so fast. And his "evil" attitude is just comically stupid, its amazing anyone thinks he's a good boss. He's just so bad and drags the game down so much!


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
B-Cell said:
Bioshock infinite is worst AAA FPS game ever ever made. its really that bad
Why so? I loved that game. I found it very challenging and exciting. Hell, its the only game I've 100%.
What didn't you like about it? Granted the ending is bugger nuts, and Elizabeth can get kinda annoying.