Gay characters in children's cartoons


New member
Sep 28, 2010
i get that there are not any but that might have more to do with kids not giving a crap about social isues at all and the partent unless they are gag chacters are not very importent in alot of cartoons charlie brown is the best example of this.

Also mabey the reason this has not been but in kids show is a place with fart jokes and slapstick or just the lack of maturity is not a good place to adress a somthing like that

but kinda drepresing now that you mention it that people are still not there yet


LRR Stalkin'
Feb 1, 2011
As someone who recently came out as being bi to my family (they took rather well, but they still aren't thrilled) I highly support anything that can make it easier and more comfortable for others to admit their sexual orientation to themselves and to their families. I think that some of the younger generations in America are becoming more tolerant and acceptable of the GLBT lifestyles, but they still have a long way to come.

On the topic of Rainbow Dash, I honestly think she could easily be gay or straight, and I like the idea of leaving her character up to interpretation. I personally think that cartoons could benefit from more characters that could go either way as they can help to open up young minds to new idea without shoving it down their throats.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
We need people to be tolerant of other peoples choices. And the best place to start is when they're young I guess.
I wouldn't call it brain washing more........ your choice to watch this cartoon. Cause so long as the shows good, they'll watch.

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Okay, I fully support that there are gay charachters in cartoons and such but I have to just wonder for a second.
Why do cartoons meant for children that are young have to focus on sexuality, at all?
I watch alot of cartoons and sure, when the charachters are 13-16 then we can start talking about it, but focusing on it when maybe a charachter is a fish? Not neccesery.

Also, that's just one thought, personally, I would love seeing gay people in video games, why? Because it would push under a positive image of the gay community, kids might think that it's OK for John to kiss Steve or Cindy to have feelings about Sam.

But about the rainbow dash thing, well, that's just random hind thought of 4chan, trust me, they've thought of worse things.


The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Dragongod_Zenos said:
i think you guys are all just a little stupid to be arguing, or for that matter even discussing this topic. its a fucking tv show. and pretty bad on at that. the supposed sexual orientation of a cartoon is just a waste of a topic. stop watching tv shows meant for 5 year old girls looking for some hidden meaning. sure maybe there is something to it cuz we are old enough to see a correlation between the jokes in the show and past cartoons/movie/anything pop culture.

let the show die off. its a waste of time

I smell a troll in the woods!

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
I've never seen Shark Tale, but is it true that the shark being vegetarian is a metaphor for homosexuality?

EDIT: Goddammit. I suppose I'm not going to have this answered because what was supposed to discuss homosexuality in children's cartoons has devolved into yet another MLP fanon discussion.

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
And what did we learn, today, kids?

Yes, that's right!

The handy dandy notebook has no sexual preference. And at your age, neither should you.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
JMeganSnow said:
A Weary Exile said:
-Does the idea of including more or any gay characters in a show targeted at younger audiences bother you? Reasons for why or why not?
Not any more than having overtly sexual characters in a show targeted at younger audiences. If they want to have crushes and infatuations and similar that is age-appropriate, sure. If they want to have adult characters (many "kids" shows contain adult characters) who are gay in the same way that adult characters in those same shows are shown to be "straight" e.g. "here is my life partner" instead of "here is my wife". They don't need to be discussing the details any more than they generally discuss the details of the adults paying their taxes or going to town council meetings.
This. Though, the very thought that just because the character's gay means that it'll be inappropriately sexual is a bit offensive.

The Stonker said:
Okay, I fully support that there are gay charachters in cartoons and such but I have to just wonder for a second.
Why do cartoons meant for children that are young have to focus on sexuality, at all?
I watch alot of cartoons and sure, when the charachters are 13-16 then we can start talking about it, but focusing on it when maybe a charachter is a fish? Not neccesery.

Also, that's just one thought, personally, I would love seeing gay people in video games, why? Because it would push under a positive image of the gay community, kids might think that it's OK for John to kiss Steve or Cindy to have feelings about Sam.

But about the rainbow dash thing, well, that's just random hind thought of 4chan, trust me, they've thought of worse things.

Focusing on sexuality? It doesn't mean sexuality as in penis-into-[insert hole here]... it's the same sort of thing as "oh, my wife [blahblah]", or "oh, I have a crush on [insert character]". Nobody's trying to say WE SHOULD SHOW GAY SEX ON TV WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!. It's simply, "Hey, showing a gay character every once in a while could be a pretty good thing!"


New member
Jul 12, 2010
This is all very true, in that sex isn't something kids cartoons should address and there's more to being gay than sex and gay children need positive role models. My problem is that, since there aren't gay characters, making one who is positive and moral while being gay is going to be a huge challenge to whoever decides to tackle it


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I know if only we had more cartoons containing shia and sunni muslims, then maybe we could solve that problem as well.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Antari said:
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!
a reason gay people are needed in kids cartoons are above lets all rise above this this moral akwardness


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Well, it's probably alreayd been said through these 10 pages..

But who said Haku was gay?

Why do certain factors of a character immediately mean a certain sexual orientation?
Maybe the reason they don't have gay characters is because everyone'll start generalising gay people, or maybe becuase most cartoons contain child characters, and as a child most people aren't fully aware of sexuality, and quite a lot of gay people werent sure until later.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
sharpsheppard said:
Antari said:
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!
a reason gay people are needed in kids cartoons are above lets all rise above this this moral akwardness
Equal rights do not mean special rights. I have problems with any group that feels they need special treatment for one reason or another over any other.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
how is being pot
Antari said:
sharpsheppard said:
Antari said:
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!
a reason gay people are needed in kids cartoons are above lets all rise above this this moral akwardness
Equal rights do not mean special rights. I have problems with any group that feels they need special treatment for one reason or another over any other.
getting the same treatement as everyone else is not special treatment not showing gay people is giving special treament to intolerant people cause they think it's wrong

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Antari said:
Equal rights do not mean special rights. I have problems with any group that feels they need special treatment for one reason or another over any other.
Go look in a mirror.

I presume (and correct me if I'm wrong) that you're looking at a heterosexual male.

Look at how the society around you is set up. Listen for people talking about their spouses and kids. Look at how people behave around each other and consider how that might become inappropriate if they were gay. Look at the way visual media is constructed, look at how images of bodies are used. Above all, look at normality.

Your life already invades the life of every single person who doesn't conform to it. We live in an overwhelmingly heterosexual culture in which heterosexuality is not even a norm, it's an assumed totality broken only through outright identifying as gay. We all live in your heterosexual culture, not some neutral culture which comes from nowhere and is experienced the same by everyone.

You talk about groups demanding special treatment, but you have gotten so used to special treatment that you don't even have to demand it any more. You are so so caught up in the heterosexuality of the world around you that you assume it applies to everyone, and then the second evidence to the contrary has the temerity to appear. The second you might have to contend with the idea that you're a particular human being and not representative of every other human being on earth, you whine about groups demanding special treatment. Can you see the irony there?

The fact is that unless a character, intended for children or otherwise, is outed as gay then they are straight because heterosexuality can always be assumed for everyone everywhere. If that's not an 'invasion', what is?

Small Waves

New member
Nov 14, 2009
Antari said:
sharpsheppard said:
Antari said:
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!
a reason gay people are needed in kids cartoons are above lets all rise above this this moral akwardness
Equal rights do not mean special rights. I have problems with any group that feels they need special treatment for one reason or another over any other.
How is being shown in the same light as heterosexuals "special rights"? I never understood this since they do not demand anything heterosexuals do not have already from the get-go. The phrase is EXCLUSIVELY used to whip up a storm of senseless moral outrage.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
sharpsheppard said:
how is being pot
Antari said:
sharpsheppard said:
Antari said:
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!
a reason gay people are needed in kids cartoons are above lets all rise above this this moral akwardness
Equal rights do not mean special rights. I have problems with any group that feels they need special treatment for one reason or another over any other.
getting the same treatement as everyone else is not special treatment not showing gay people is giving special treament to intolerant people cause they think it's wrong
Or perhaps its just a childrens show and this sort of stuff doesn't belong there. Just because there are gay people doesn't mean we need to start educating people at the age of 3 about it. Keep in mind, gay people ARE a minority. Its not racism its just a FACT. There are some things about being a minority you'll just have to accept. Complaining about it at every possible turn, including children's programming. Will not get you anywhere. You have to allow people to live their own lives too.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Small Waves said:
Antari said:
sharpsheppard said:
Antari said:
This is an absolutely stupid idea. Honestly, you want to be gay. Be gay, somewhere else. Stop trying to invade everyone else's life and just LIVE YOUR OWN!
a reason gay people are needed in kids cartoons are above lets all rise above this this moral akwardness
Equal rights do not mean special rights. I have problems with any group that feels they need special treatment for one reason or another over any other.
How is being shown in the same light as heterosexuals "special rights"? I never understood these words since they do not demand anything heterosexuals do not have already. The phrase is EXCLUSIVELY used to whip up a storm of senseless moral outrage and if you debate otherwise you're only lying to yourself.
Just because they aren't displaying homosexuality doesn't mean its bias towards hetrosexuality. Its a kids show!!!!