Gay characters in children's cartoons


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Mar 17, 2010
Dulcinea said:
Bobbity said:
I don't have a problem with gay characters in a children's cartoon, so long as their sexuality is not really "in your face trying to make a point", but then again, I'd have that same problem with a straight character, so there's no difference, really.
Every time I see you in the forum, your post is well said and to the point, avoiding any sense of trolling or flame. I've come to enjoy reading your opinions for this reason.

Just saying.
Thanks. :D
Always nice to have someone out there that reads my posts, not to mention that actually respects my opinion. :p


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Aug 2, 2008
ConeFTW said:
You're right there are a lot more than 2.5 billion people on the planet. At least 3.5 billion more. (Yes, that means there are over 6 billion people on the planet...). Ironically at least 80% are at least in some small way bisexual. Unfortunately most tend to pretend to be hetero.
...Wait, what?

I've posted my thoughts on this discussion, but how does someone even go about researching that? I mean, feel free to change my view, but that sounds like you made it up.


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Mar 18, 2009
Calbeck said:
A Weary Exile said:
There is a very distinct lack of gay characters in children?s cartoons, at least here in America there certainly is, and I think that is because being gay still carries a taboo in this part of the world.
Actually, it's that "teaching kids about sex" still carries a taboo in this part of the world, especially in programming aimed at pre-teens. You're talking about taking a G-rated cartoon and bumping its rating up to PG-13, minimal.
Homosexuality is not all about sex. Why do people always assume this? The most innocent kid's TV shows depict boy-girl couples; innocent dates or whimsical little crushes between little animated people or little animated ponies...they are shown purely NON sexual relationships. We're talking about the same innocent TV shows depicting dates and whimsical little crushes between same-sex characters, intended not to teach kids about 'gay sex' at all, but that it's just as normal to be gay as it is to be straight.

Let's be real here, and not unload adult issues of sex, guilt and insecurity onto the kids we're trying to teach to be nice to others regardless of their sexuality :p


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Jul 21, 2010
Condor219 said:
LCP said:
Sexuality in children's shows.... no....

Gays in children's shows... absolutely not... Believe me, it's best for both sides... For once, trying to instill that gay is a valid choice is wrong... for the other hand, you do realize that gays would be shown as flamboyant weirdos in most shows.
Response to "being gay is not a valid choice": Error, trolls will not be responded to.

To the second part: The problem is that they already are show as flamboyant weirdos. The solution would be to create a gay character that isn't completely "fabulous" off the deep end.
How can you say that someone's opinion makes them a troll, just because you disagree with it?

Would that not make you a troll for having an opinion that someone disagrees with?

Why did you bother posting that first part? You are only supporting in the person's mind, whom you quoted that us gay's are ignorant to listen to other's opinions. They may not be right, they don't have to be right, but you are just being impolite.



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Jun 23, 2010
Treblaine said:
I think it's important to have proportional representation but homosexuals only make up 1-2% of the population. It's entirely possible that you could have a main-cast of 10 characters with reasonably only a 1-in-10 chance that any of them are gay. And I mean gay as in exclusive interest in same gender, insignificant interest in opposite gender.
Just so you know your statistics are wrong. 5-10% of the population are homosexual and probably around 80% are to some degree bisexual, even if it's only slightly. Also if it was a 1-2% population and you had 10 characters then there would still be a 1 in 100 chance of one being gay.
Anyway, rant about statistics over I agree with what you're saying. Bisexuals sometimes have to deal with worse than homosexuals as some people refuse to believe it exists and they still have to put up with the same hatred for liking the same sex.
You're also right in the fact that it should be weaved into an interesting part of the plot of side plot or else it's pointless and damaging to the entire argument.


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Jun 23, 2010
Hristo Tzonkov said:
Farseer Lolotea said:
But no one's talking about forcing anything
Sorry if I've misunderstood but I thought that the topic was about a colored cast being essential for a show.
Not essential, just preferable.
Noone's saying we want everyone in every tv show to be homosexual that would be stupid but it would be nice if there were more homosexual characters.


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Jul 25, 2008
Dulcinea said:
Treblaine said:
Dulcinea said:
People, yourself included, say often that the majority of gay men are flamboyant and feminine by nature.
When did I say that?

Particularly the "Majority". I distinctly remember saying "many really are like that. Just not ALL of them."
I would interpret many to mean "consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number," or "being one of a large but indefinite number."
That is still not a majority, I know (as does everyone else) "majority" means "more than half" of something or a group of people, which I never said nor indicated.

Excuse me for nit picking but you made an open and slanderous accusation against me. Now I have pointed out where you were mistaken I suggest you edit your post. (continued in PM)


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Nov 6, 2010
I don't see why there shouldn't be. As long as they're campy stereotypes or actually having sex, where's the problem?


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
BrEnNo1023 said:
Homosexuality is not all about sex.
That is precisely what heterosexuality and homosexuality are. Sexual orientations. You might as well try to teach children how lungs work without any references to inhalation.


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Apr 1, 2009
Guy Jackson said:
There's something that keeps cropping up in these gay threads that I just don't get.

Adjective: Usual, typical, or expected.
Noun: The usual, average, or typical state or condition.

I don't get how some people think that homosexuality fits that definition.
Without doubt that is the correct dictionary definition.

However the term "normal" is often used in a pejorative context, i.e: "let's go beat up that gay kid, he's not normal". This is often the way homosexual people are treated, so tend to respond badly whenever that term is thrown about.



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Mar 1, 2010
I'm pretty sure children under a certain age, probably 12 or something. Don't really notice.

You don't care about it, since you have no interest whatsoever in sex (at least ussually) you don't care about wether someone is gay. At best a child might notice, "that man seems really happy" or something like that. And if they are told they don't mind.

same goes for race, a child couldn't care less if the person he is looking at is white, brown, black or asian.

So it's best to just let them be diverse, then thats what children will grow to assume as normal.


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Mar 18, 2009
Duskflamer said:
I tried, I really really tried to read through all of this before responding, but I keep seeing one argument that I just cannot help but respond to.

Argument: Well, it's impossible to show a homosexual so homosexuals cannot be represented in a kids show!

Response: a) care to tell me how you show a heterosexual person?
b) ACTIONS people ACTIONS! What defines Hetero- or Homo- sexuality is someone's ACTIONS! Watch any kids show around valentines day and chances are you'll see the main character fretting and worrying about how he should confess/display his love for an opposite-sex character. THIS IS A DEPICTION OF HETEROSEXUALITY IN A CHILDRENS SHOW! What, may I ask, would be so wrong with having a sideplot, hell, I'll settle for 5 seconds of background screentime with a guy handing a valentine to a guy? or a girl to a girl? THIS WOULD BE A DEPICTION OF HOMOSEXUALITY! It doesn't have to be about sex! A girl blushing after another girl compliments her and then no comments being made, a piece of chocolate being given in the valentines day special. It is incredibly easy to point to depictions of chaste heterosexuality in children's shows, you just have to swap the gender of one of the characters in that depiction to make it of chaste homosexuality. THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO AND IS ALL THAT IS BEING ASKED FOR!

Dear legend of the interwebz...I think you just said everything that needs to be said about this entire thread ^.^

That was actually quite beautiful to read. If it were in a youtube Vlog format, I'd totally sub :p


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Aug 2, 2008
Calbeck said:
BrEnNo1023 said:
Homosexuality is not all about sex.
That is precisely what heterosexuality and homosexuality are. Sexual orientations. You might as well try to teach children how lungs work without any references to inhalation.
Or you might as well try and teach children about marriage and relationships by making characters just hold hands and cuddle?

I'm sure you knew about Mr and Mrs such-and-such who were marriage before you had a clue about how Mr Such-and-Such stuck his phallus inside Mrs Such-and-Such to create Johnny Such-and-Such.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Calbeck said:
BrEnNo1023 said:
Homosexuality is not all about sex.
That is precisely what heterosexuality and homosexuality are. Sexual orientations. You might as well try to teach children how lungs work without any references to inhalation.
Children learn sexual preference from the minute they can recognise gender. Any 4 year old can tell you that princes mary princesses. That kids have a mummy and daddy (not 2 daddies). Almost every cartoon reinforces heterosexual orientation without once mentioning sex.


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Jul 25, 2008
ConeFTW said:
Treblaine said:
I think it's important to have proportional representation but homosexuals only make up 1-2% of the population. It's entirely possible that you could have a main-cast of 10 characters with reasonably only a 1-in-10 chance that any of them are gay. And I mean gay as in exclusive interest in same gender, insignificant interest in opposite gender.
Just so you know your statistics are wrong. 5-10% of the population are homosexual and probably around 80% are to some degree bisexual, even if it's only slightly. Also if it was a 1-2% population and you had 10 characters then there would still be a 1 in 100 chance of one being gay.
Anyway, rant about statistics over I agree with what you're saying. Bisexuals sometimes have to deal with worse than homosexuals as some people refuse to believe it exists and they still have to put up with the same hatred for liking the same sex.
You're also right in the fact that it should be weaved into an interesting part of the plot of side plot or else it's pointless and damaging to the entire argument.
No, 10% of the population have frequent homosexual relations.

But the definition "gay" commonly means exclusive homosexual relations, with incidental to insignificant heterosexual relations.

A Bisexual man Men on the bisexual-spectrum have "homosexual"(adjective) relations (or at least has interest in that*) but he is not "a homosexual"(noun) as he also has relations with women. He IS bisexual!

(*the bisexual spectrum is VERY broad and can includes people who have never actually acted on their homosexual desires for whatever reason. But obviously for a statistical study they go by actual relations as it is not subjective)

You are right that a large part of the population are somewhere on the bisexual spectrum but it they never act on their same-sex or opposite-sex attractions then it's hard to ever get a metric of it as it's all so fleeting and subjective.

Then of course things are mixed up by society. Back in the 1980's Elton John married a woman, though the marriage didn't last one most consider how at the time it was legally impossible for him to marry a man nor even adopt a child. People do as best they can with the limitations their environment (including society/laws) place on them.

EDITED: for great justice


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Calbeck said:
BrEnNo1023 said:
Homosexuality is not all about sex.
That is precisely what heterosexuality and homosexuality are. Sexual orientations. You might as well try to teach children how lungs work without any references to inhalation.
Okay, i shall rephrase.

Homosexuality, just like heterosexuality is not all about the actual *act* of sexual intercourse. There are many other aspects of the relationship; companionship, trust, etc etc etc, and the relationships created for a tv show like MLP are usually designed to simulate the companionships that children make, so they can relate to the on-screen characters and learn the good and the bad, what lifestyles to avoid and which ones are safe.