Gay characters in children's cartoons


New member
Mar 11, 2011
PatSilverFox said:
I'm confused, I already think that rainbowdash is a good gay character :s
Except for the fact there's nothing canon that suggests that she's gay. Except for the stereotypes that she fits. Nothing concrete.


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Apr 2, 2011
Bags159 said:
PatSilverFox said:
I'm confused, I already think that rainbowdash is a good gay character :s
Except for the fact there's nothing canon that suggests that she's gay.
That show is practically driven by the internet, whatever the internet says about MLP becomes the canon for me.


New member
May 10, 2010
Jack Macaque said:
Don`t you people get that this could also turn kids gay?
Kids don't get turned gay by seeing gay characters on TV. If they did, we'd never see any gay people because straight couples are on TV all the time, it didn't turn the LGBT individuals of today straight, now, did it?

But fine, okay, let's assume some kids see Rainbow Dash has a crush on Applejack, and they think, "Golly gee, that sounds swell". What's wrong with that? What is inherently bad about an individual being gay?


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May 13, 2009
Irony said:
Although I don't think that throwing in token gay characters whose defining trait is "gay" is a very good idea. Make fleshed out, believable characters that happen to be be something other than straight, that way to kids, it'll just be another part of life. You don't need them in every work, but some more representation would defiantly do some good.

Do it like Persona -> good.
Do it like Enchanted Arms -> bad.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
PatSilverFox said:
Bags159 said:
PatSilverFox said:
I'm confused, I already think that rainbowdash is a good gay character :s
Except for the fact there's nothing canon that suggests that she's gay.
That show is practically driven by the internet, whatever the internet says about MLP becomes the canon for me.
Well, the internet's conclusion is based on the fact that she fits a stereotype, which is what we're trying to get away from. When they write her having a crush on Spitfire I'll believe it; until then it's bull.

Anyhow, on topic: if they can put a straight relationship in a children's cartoon they can put a homosexual relationship in a cartoon.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Bags159 said:
PatSilverFox said:
Bags159 said:
PatSilverFox said:
I'm confused, I already think that rainbowdash is a good gay character :s
Except for the fact there's nothing canon that suggests that she's gay.
That show is practically driven by the internet, whatever the internet says about MLP becomes the canon for me.
Well, the internet's conclusion is based on the fact that she fits a stereotype, which is what we're trying to get away from.

When they write her having a crush on Spitfire I'll believe it; until then it's bull.
Well until then I don't think it's "bull" just up in the air and to be determined.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Any sexuality in kids shows is bad. Straight, gay or robosexual.

Although, for awkward points, I'm going to rate 'Grown men arguing the sexuality of a product-tie-in show designed for kids' as what the fuck is wrong with you people.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
FarleShadow said:
Any sexuality in kids shows is bad. Straight, gay or robosexual.

Although, for awkward points, I'm going to rate 'Grown men arguing the sexuality of a product-tie-in show designed for kids' as what the fuck is wrong with you people.
This is not about adding sex to children's cartoon shows, this is adding an occasional gay character to make it seem more normal for people to like similarly built people.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Thats a tough one...on one hand i don't like the idea becuase as you said earlier being gay is about sexuality and this isn't somthing that should be focused on in a kids cartoon HOWEVER i do think it would be a good way of teaching kids that gay doesn't = evil...I guess as long as it didn't go past hugging or the occasional smooch it wouldn't be too bad but i garantee it would get ALOT of flack from conservitives and keep in mind animation studios are very concerned about what conservitives think.

As for the MLP character, i wouldn't mind if she ended up being i guess I'm down with seeing gay characters in cartoons


New member
Jul 28, 2010
...Am I the only one who DOESN'T think about what kind of sex the characters in cartoons would be having when I'm watching it?! Even in real life I don't think about what kind of sex that my friends are having! Sex doesn't matter, it's what kind of person they are. A girl character can have a crush on another girl in a cartoon but they don't need to show them having sex... I really don't see why it matters.

Pedro The Hutt

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Apr 1, 2009
FarleShadow said:
Any sexuality in kids shows is bad. Straight, gay or robosexual.

Although, for awkward points, I'm going to rate 'Grown men arguing the sexuality of a product-tie-in show designed for kids' as what the fuck is wrong with you people.
Then I propose you never, ever, watch Animaniacs, the amount of stuff they slipped past the radar is absurd. =p


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Radoh said:
FarleShadow said:
Any sexuality in kids shows is bad. Straight, gay or robosexual.

Although, for awkward points, I'm going to rate 'Grown men arguing the sexuality of a product-tie-in show designed for kids' as what the fuck is wrong with you people.
This is not about adding sex to children's cartoon shows, this is adding an occasional gay character to make it seem more normal for people to like similarly built people.
And when have you ever seen a kids show where they even broach the topic of sexual preference? Hell, most kids shows say 'Yucky!' when the topic of kissing girls comes up, so I can't see how you're going to jam in being gay as acceptable without making it appear out of place (Precisely the opposite effect you'd want).


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Pedro The Hutt said:
FarleShadow said:
Any sexuality in kids shows is bad. Straight, gay or robosexual.

Although, for awkward points, I'm going to rate 'Grown men arguing the sexuality of a product-tie-in show designed for kids' as what the fuck is wrong with you people.
Then I propose you never, ever, watch Animaniacs, the amount of stuff they slipped past the radar is absurd. =p
And I love them for that. Good night everybody! Honestly though, how did they get by with "No no, finger Prince"? That was absolutely absurd.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
FarleShadow said:
Radoh said:
FarleShadow said:
Any sexuality in kids shows is bad. Straight, gay or robosexual.

Although, for awkward points, I'm going to rate 'Grown men arguing the sexuality of a product-tie-in show designed for kids' as what the fuck is wrong with you people.
This is not about adding sex to children's cartoon shows, this is adding an occasional gay character to make it seem more normal for people to like similarly built people.
And when have you ever seen a kids show where they even broach the topic of sexual preference? Hell, most kids shows say 'Yucky!' when the topic of kissing girls comes up, so I can't see how you're going to jam in being gay as acceptable without making it appear out of place (Precisely the opposite effect you'd want).
*sigh* In Kim Possible, there is apparently a kid with two moms. This covers that nicely considering no one treats it as taboo or even out of the ordinary. Or you know, since they also have those little crushes regardless of how old they are? Bill has a crush on Jon, done. Seriously, everyone treats this like its impossible to do.

In Rugrats, all the main characters have parents. Is this sexual? Of course not, that'd be silly. But it covers the subject of parenting.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Captain Pooptits said:
Bags159 said:
Well, the internet's conclusion is based on the fact that she fits a stereotype, which is what we're trying to get away from. When they write her having a crush on Spitfire I'll believe it; until then it's bull.

Anyhow, on topic: if they can put a straight relationship in a children's cartoon they can put a homosexual relationship in a cartoon.
I agree that it's unfair to assume Rainbow Dash is gay just because she fits the stereotype (and is basically a walking gay pride flag in terms of coloration). However, Friendship is Magic is not exactly known for its subtlety.


So if there were to be a gay character in FiM, then it's probably going to be Rainbow Dash. I wouldn't mind seeing this inverted, though. With Dash developing a crush on a male pony and her friends acting surprised. Would be great.
Despite the fact that I love the idea of Dash being gay, I have to agree that that would make an amazing episode.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
tomservo4prezident said:
Captain Pooptits said:
Bags159 said:
Well, the internet's conclusion is based on the fact that she fits a stereotype, which is what we're trying to get away from. When they write her having a crush on Spitfire I'll believe it; until then it's bull.

Anyhow, on topic: if they can put a straight relationship in a children's cartoon they can put a homosexual relationship in a cartoon.
I agree that it's unfair to assume Rainbow Dash is gay just because she fits the stereotype (and is basically a walking gay pride flag in terms of coloration). However, Friendship is Magic is not exactly known for its subtlety.


So if there were to be a gay character in FiM, then it's probably going to be Rainbow Dash. I wouldn't mind seeing this inverted, though. With Dash developing a crush on a male pony and her friends acting surprised. Would be great.
Despite the fact that I love the idea of Dash being gay, I have to agree that that would make an amazing episode.
Add in perhaps a pony who actually was gay but never really showed it (or nobody detected) and it would do a great job of showing "gays are just like everyone else".

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Pegghead said:
Wouldn't it be better to simply show kids that it's good to accept the differences of other people as a whole?
Probably, but that's kind of what this thread is about to begin with.

Pegghead said:
We didn't see heterosexual couples force themselves on each other to get the message that they're together and love each other, so why is there some crazy illusion that to show two characters of the same sex as being a part of each other's live you have to make them fuck.
And I still really have no idea why people seem to simply not get this.

LuckyClover95 said:
I think the only way to stop it being a taboo is to raise the next generation not thinking that way.
And that's what I (at least) have been trying to get across in this thread. Thank you.

Jack Macaque said:
Don`t you people get that this could also turn kids gay?
Sexual orientation is not an ideology to which people can be converted.

BiscuitTrouser said:
Im sick to death of everyone on this thread treating everyone who doesnt agree with it "backwards" or "homophobic" or "happy to be the majority". No. It doesnt work like that. A post that doesnt agree with yours isnt a "bad post" or an "ignorant post" its an opinion, and ive seen them referenced as such a few times either way.
I'm really not sure why you quoted me there, seeing as I never used any of those words.

But if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it's not really in a position to get offended if someone thinks it's some species of waterfowl. Just saying.

tomservo4prezident said:
Here's the fundamental issue with this conversation as whole: When people think "straight", they think the whole array of emotions regarding love. When they think "gay", they think "sex". It's innocuous to have a character with a straight crush, because kids can handle "they're in love". But when a character has a gay crush? THAT MEANS THEY MUST FUCK. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. With the Blueblood thing, imagine if Rarity was male. Now play the exact same arc out in your mind. Done.
You hit the nail on the head. (Or if Blueblood was female. Either way.)


New member
Nov 26, 2009
YES! I'm tired of being at school and hearing "fag," "gay," "homo," etc used as insults. If gay characters in cartoons can help remedy this, then great! Although, I think I would prefer it if there were characters of all sexual preferences included.