Gay Gamers Want Dragon Age 2 Writer Fired


New member
Oct 14, 2009
King of the Sandbox said:
theultimateend said:
King of the Sandbox said:
I like the cut of your jib.
How did you know I have a boat?
/looks up from his deckchair... on an actual deck. The boat kind.

All cool people do, don't we?
Pshaw! The truly awesome own zeppelins! Manned by hyenas! Addicted to hash!

I'm going to start a petition for a gritty reboot of Up. If this can get signatures...


New member
Dec 16, 2008
See, people pull crap like this, and then everyone gets supprised that game makers are about as willing to work with the topics of homosexuality and racism and other such 'serious' topics as they are to work with a cobra-crocodile-shrew hybrid.
I'm just glad that the Dragon Age 2 writers have enough balls to stand up to their desisions, and I sure as hell hope that will continue to be so.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
I don't think it's an anti-gay issue. Replaying the scene in question, I believe it's just how the writers chose to display Anders. Playing through as a female character, you also gain rivalry points if you tell Anders not to flirt with you after completing his recruitment quest. Because the response is the same regardless of which gender you play as, saying this is anti-homosexual doesn't stand up. If anything, Dragon Age 2 is fairly groundbreaking in the sense that all romancable characters can be pursued regardless of the player's gender.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
EllEzDee said:
Wow, seems like he has a point. That's fucking stupid. Don't want your character to take it up the chuff? Well tough, you'll be penalised.
That doesn't make sense at all, though. First, rivalry points are not necessarily negative points. Second, it is entirely believable for Anders to be offended when you turn him down. Throughout the game he looks at every issue with a very narrow black-and-white view, including the issue of romancing Hawke.

This whole thing is just stupid really. Sigh. :(


New member
Aug 20, 2009
This gamer shouldn't play Duke Nukem Forever then, not that he'd want to. The game is a long cartoonish stereotype from one end to the other. The difference: straight males apparently find stereotypes of them to be funny.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Wow. I didn't think it was possible, but my facepalm literally went through the back of my head and touched a wall.

This is the most retarded thing I have EVER seen. Well, one of the most retarded things I've ever seen. Another being the idiot who started the "DA2 DOESN'T CATER TO MY MANLY HETEROSEXUAL NEEDS! GAY RELATIONSHIPS NEED TO BE REMOVED!"

Come to think of it, since this is obviously a troll petition, I wouldn't doubt it if this was the SAME GUY who got a big owning rebuttal from Gaider himself. I wouldn't be surprised if this is indeed that guy, his reason for making this pointless petition being only that he was pissed at Gaider for blasting him.

The fact that some people actually signed it gives me an even bigger facepalm.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Guess what? Stereotpyes are more true than you think! Im part of the LGBT spectrum, and I constantly see stereotypes being fullfilled. I was just talking about this today. Offensice people are bad, but people who get overly offended are just as bad. This guy is not helping homosexuals this way.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
am i one of the few who never was hit upon on of the character, including the 'gay' ones? on my run i never had the idea the were intrested in me. sure i had the love choices, but i never chose those.

OT: i think its stupid to fire someone for writing gay characters in the game, and to be serious, i don't think its stereotypical. yeah they hit on you, but isnt that normal? that a person who is in to, wants to know what you think about it?


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I blame Justice, Anders wasn't this horny in Awakenings. Justice on the hand hasn't gotten any in a long time.

I'm also really suprised this guy called Anders a gay stereotype and not 1 or 2 elves in the brothel (all of which are bi-sexual anyway).


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Argh, I'm gay and I just want to say that all of us arent ramblin' idiots either who think they should make huge fuss out of everything.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Weird. All it took was one conversation option and Anders never did anything flirty ever again. Seriously. Plus all my support of mages has kept him pretty firmly in the friendly spectrum. And Fenris has never done anything flirty and I have not once picked a romance option with him. Again, nothing comes up. This just sounds like another B.S. complaint trying to ride on the coattails of the already vocal complainers who've made their grievances annoyingly well known.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
The advance from anders probably wouldnt feel as unformortable with a female hawke, its just they gave them the same romantic lines for you whether your male or female in the game that caused all this trouble.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I'm reading this and just being pissed off that people are saying Anders flirted with them.
He never flirted with me :<

Anyway, people are stupid, and you can't please everyone. Schmeh.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Canid117 said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Didn't Mass Effect 2 remove gay relationships? I know that ME1 had 'em.

Complain about that.

Anyway, I haven't gotten rivalry points for spurning the advances of either of them.
ME1 had a lesbian relationship while ME2 did not. I do not recall any romantic options between men in either game.

As for this supposed gay gamer I think it is just another person looking to complain about DA2 any way he can.
Technically it wasn't a Lesbian relationship. Asari do appear rather female. But they don't really have genders in the way humans do.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
nightwolf667 said:
Realitycrash said:
Okey, is this REALLY such a big deal? I mean..If I hit on you, and you turned me down, I'd be pretty upset too.
Where are the angry-feminist-mobs when you need them? I can think of several more on-the-spot criticisms for Dragon Age 2 concerning character design. Isabella and her giant knockers (every females giant knockers, come to think of it..Maybe Dragon Age just have better breedingstock?) comes to mind.
Forget Isabella's knockers, I could live with those. What's up with the way female Hawke (and any female in the game) runs? I mean, it's this weird, strange, girlie, 50's woman shimmy that looks exceedingly uncomfortable. They're warrior women for god's sake, why can't they run like any decent athletic person? Worse, it doesn't follow Hawke into the cutscene so half the time Hawke walks like a normal person and the rest of the time she's running like like her knees are knocking together with her arms swaying from side to side like little miss prissy.

As a woman, I think that was the most irritating.
Hahhaha, I haven't noticed that. Then again, I don't have any females in my party, simply because they all look so ridiculous for different reasons (Merril looks like a pansy, the guard-what's-her-name is a ginger and Isabella is just..Eh..Distracting.).
I miss Morrigan.