Gay porn: an audience for females too?

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
DANEgerous said:
Relish in Chaos said:
DANEgerous said:
I have actually had a woman ask me to let her watch while I had gay sex, so I would assume so.
...Did you do it?
Yes, I think it was kind of awkward for my partner who homosexual whereas I am bisexual. Of course it could be the fact I just take sex very casually and find gender rolls to be a worthless relic that time should have forgotten long ago.
Interesting. Nice that your partner agreed to it, even if he was awkward.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
TheBobmus said:
Pubicly, all the girls I know have said that they find it incredibly unappealing, and so no. This may not be quite so true privately, but there you go.
I'll leave you to figure out where the Freudian slip occured ;-)


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
Lilani said:
TheBobmus said:
Pubicly, all the girls I know have said that they find it incredibly unappealing, and so no. This may not be quite so true privately, but there you go.
I'll leave you to figure out where the Freudian slip occured ;-)
derpa derp derp
Not so much Freudian, but certainly blends well with the topic!

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
For the record I've never met a woman who said they enjoyed watching gay porn. And in fairness to them, there wasn't an awfully large amount of them that watched porn full stop.

What about shemale porn? Do any girls enjoy watching that? I know a few blokes who have admitted to doing so.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Raven said:
What about shemale porn? Do any girls enjoy watching that? I know a few blokes who have admitted to doing so.
I doubt many straight girls would enjoy watching shemale porn, since they're still women, just with cocks. And yeah, there are a lot of blokes who like watching shemale porn, since, like I said, they're still women, just with cocks. Also, it's a fetish for some.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
CODE-D said:
Phasmal said:
CODE-D said:
Trilligan said:
InB4 Yaoi.

But the short answer is yes, to a certain degree. There's a concept at play called 'doubling' (I think) which says essentially that if one nude male is attractive, two will be doubly so.

The same concept applies to lesbian sex in porn aimed at men.
Yknow...thinking about it, yaoi and straight up porn are very different.
Not... always.
You can find some pretty dirty webcomics out there.
well webcomics...
I was thinking of licensed material on the shelf in the manga section that has to be approved.
On that note, theres a store at my mall, fye, that puts anime right next to porn at the back corner of the store. what the fuck people, make me look like a pervert.
Oh I know of a couple licensed BL manga out there that would make me very uncomfortable explaining and you very uncomfortable reading. They're usually crap stories and crap art, but they got published. But for the most part I'd think your right in that BL is different than straight up porn.

OT: As Dags90 said I doubt, at least here in the states, that gay porn is aimed at women. I think in general most porn is rarely intended for women because the porn industry knows it's probably a lot easier to get money out of men (I'm not saying men are weak or stupid and they just throw their money out for porn, just that it's considered more shameful for a woman to own and watch porn.)

As for Tom Finland....I'm sure some women like it, but I'm pretty sure that was made specifically for gay men and probably doesn't draw a large female crowd cause well...*points to yaoi* yeah I think that's where most of the women turn to for gay male art.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Raven said:
For the record I've never met a woman who said they enjoyed watching gay porn. And in fairness to them, there wasn't an awfully large amount of them that watched porn full stop.
Seriously I wonder about how lewd my female friends are as many have admitted such things, I mean I have no social grace so I find it unlikely they confide in me, though perhaps they think I will not tell, and would be true. Then again perhaps I just have sex crazed friends or just people that a real open as friends.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I think a lot of women enjoy "gay porn made for women".
Pretty sure no woman would enjoy a real gay sex porn.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Well, there'd be some, presumably, but they aren't teh target audience.

Pics of naked guys are called "gay porn" not "porn for women" for a reason.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
DANEgerous said:
Raven said:
For the record I've never met a woman who said they enjoyed watching gay porn. And in fairness to them, there wasn't an awfully large amount of them that watched porn full stop.
Seriously I wonder about how lewd my female friends are as many have admitted such things, I mean I have no social grace so I find it unlikely they confide in me, though perhaps they think I will not tell, and would be true. Then again perhaps I just have sex crazed friends or just people that a real open as friends.
It's quite possible your friends are all filthy minded nymphomaniacs... If so...



Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
piinyouri said:
I think a lot of women enjoy "gay porn made for women".
Pretty sure no woman would enjoy a real gay sex porn.
What would be the difference between the two?


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Lilani said:
piinyouri said:
I think a lot of women enjoy "gay porn made for women".
Pretty sure no woman would enjoy a real gay sex porn.
What would be the difference between the two?
Not that (as far as I know) there is gay porn made especially for females (and I'm not attempting to pigeon hole homosexuals into any one box of behavior/role here) but if any type of gay porn would appeal to a woman, it would I imagine be the younger, shaved, super clean stuff. Twinks as it were. Not that there is anything wrong with males or females enjoying it, but almost all the gay people I know like...well. Man sex.
Guys slobbering each others faces with naught an ounce of grace or fucks given for gender roles at all.
There's nothing petit or clean about it, unfortunately and I've found that turns a lot of females right the hell off.

If that confused you then disregard it cause I'm tired as hell at the moment and semi-delusional from sleep deprivation.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
piinyouri said:
Not that (as far as I know) there is gay porn made especially for females (and I'm not attempting to pigeon hole homosexuals into any one box of behavior/role here) but if any type of gay porn would appeal to a woman, it would I imagine be the younger, shaved, super clean stuff. Twinks as it were. Not that there is anything wrong with males or females enjoying it, but almost all the gay people I know like...well. Man sex.
Guys slobbering each others faces with naught an ounce of grace or fucks given for gender roles at all.
There's nothing petit or clean about it, unfortunately and I've found that turns a lot of females right the hell off.

If that confused you then disregard it cause I'm tired as hell at the moment and semi-delusional from sleep deprivation.
There are all sorts of gay porn, and I'm sure there are women who like all sorts of gay porn, so I don't think they will have any trouble finding what suits their desires :p I mean you're acting like ALL gay guys only like watching porn with big hairy men. Gay people you know =/= gay people featured in porn, just as straight people you know =/= straight people who are featured in porn.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Lilani said:
piinyouri said:
Not that (as far as I know) there is gay porn made especially for females (and I'm not attempting to pigeon hole homosexuals into any one box of behavior/role here) but if any type of gay porn would appeal to a woman, it would I imagine be the younger, shaved, super clean stuff. Twinks as it were. Not that there is anything wrong with males or females enjoying it, but almost all the gay people I know like...well. Man sex.
Guys slobbering each others faces with naught an ounce of grace or fucks given for gender roles at all.
There's nothing petit or clean about it, unfortunately and I've found that turns a lot of females right the hell off.

If that confused you then disregard it cause I'm tired as hell at the moment and semi-delusional from sleep deprivation.
There are all sorts of gay porn, and I'm sure there are women who like all sorts of gay porn, so I don't think they will have any trouble finding what suits their desires :p I mean you're acting like ALL gay guys only like watching porn with big hairy men. Gay people you know =/= gay people featured in porn, just as straight people you know =/= straight people who are featured in porn.
Gah, I know what I wanted to say but it didn't come out right.
I need to go to bed.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I've never been into gay porn and none of my close girl friends (the ones I talk about that kind of stuff to) are. I don't think girl-on-girl for men can be compared with guy-on-guy for women. Most professional "lesbian" porn is made by otherwise straight girls with a male audience in mind, most professional gay porn is made with a male audience in mind, it's not a clear-cut comparison.

From what I gather, that Yaoi stuff has more of an element of erotica to it, which would explain why it would be popular among certain groups of women. I don't think you can compare that with standard gay porn either.

Hjalmar Fryklund

New member
May 22, 2008
Colour-Scientist said:
I've never been into gay porn and none of my close girl friends (the ones I talk about that kind of stuff to) are. I don't think girl-on-girl for men can be compared with guy-on-guy for women. Most professional "lesbian" porn is made by otherwise straight girls with a male audience in mind, most professional gay porn is made with a male audience in mind, it's not a clear-cut comparison.

From what I gather, that Yaoi stuff has more of an element of erotica to it, which would explain why it would be popular among certain groups of women. I don't think you can compare that with standard gay porn either.
Yaoi made in Japan is also intended for straight girls/women, so that is another distinction. The genre aimed at gay men is known as Bara.


A Mistake
Jun 24, 2011
Well, being the creepo I am, I actually decided to ask 6 of my girl friends.

Despite all of them being very different people, they actually gave me the very similar answers:

- They all find real life guys doing more pg-13 guy-on-guy stuff (just kissing, making out, cuddling, partial nudity only) to be pretty hot depending on what the guys look like of course.
- They found that two guys actually having sex to be kinda gross however, regardless of what the guys looked like.
- Their opinions on yaoi ranged from finding it to be just okay to screaming fangirl levels.

Buuut that's just 6 girls. Also I find that drawn pornography seems to be more popular with women than actual live-action porn. I can understand why though.