GDC 2011: First Look at Jurassic Park Gameplay


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Yeah, that didn't look so good. But I'm buying it. I have complete faith in Telltale.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
The graphics are bad? I guess I have low expectations, I think the game looks great! For a Telltale game, this is a big improvement over their other series. However, I do agree that they need to fix the animations. Especially the facial expressions. Hopefully while meeting the deadline, they can further polish the game and improve on the problems here and there before it's released.

Mr Mellowguy

New member
Sep 15, 2008
This was a disappointment on so many levels. Most has already been said, but I think it's pretty relevant to mention again how ground-breaking the cg was in the first Jurassic Park. It wasn't just that it was good- it was - but also that they were able to conceal the limitations of it's time in a way that didn't force push people out of the island. This game's use of cg though, is not concealed. It's not used well. They don't hide the limitations. Plus, the gameplay they showed seemed like a failicorn, and the dialogue seemed mediocre at best.

I am a huge fan of the Jurassic Park franchise- The novels were great, then the first movie was great, then the 2nd and 3rd movies were far better sequels than they could have been, all said. And I thought it was just Hollywood making crap movies out of classic games- I didn't know that the game industry strikes back. (Concurrent video game tie-ins aside)

Which reminds me! If they wanted to be able to tell a different story, THE NOVELS WERE FRIKKIN AMAZING. They had a wealth of story and action and awesome, and the novel format translates well to the Heavy Rain style of quicktime event they were using, imho.

A sad face does not do this justice, but it makes it's appearance anyway: :(


New member
Jan 19, 2011
...Did anyone else just suddenly get the urge to play the old Jurassic Park game for the Sega Genesis again? No? Just me?

I am old.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
TheAmazingTGIF said:
This makes the worst of the cgi from the first movie look absolutely amazing.
Thats a very big compliment for the game, since the first movie is still the only movie, doing the cgi perfectly.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I was gonna say that this game might actually be good, until I saw the gameplay video. It looks horrible, to put it bluntly.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Is it really that expensive to license a game engine that doesn't look like arse?

Seriously, I thought this was an April Fool's joke or something, like this game was actually made back when the most recent Jurassic Park movie came out and someone has dug up this interview from the archives. Not to mention also that the dialogue made me cringe and you can tell it's often completely out of sync, so it actually looks like it comes from the old days of hilariously bad movie tie-ins.

Graphics aren't everything, but based on this preview, I struggle to fathom what else this game has.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Gee whiz does this look like a big missed opportunity. Why oh why was this not a big budget free roamer?

Imagine how much more harrowing it could have been to be actually lost in a pitch dark rainy forest with nothing but a flashlight to illumminate your way, and desperately trying to hide from the looming shadow of a T-Rex before it sniffs you out.

Imaging running through the forest in a blind panic with nothing but the deep growls and thundering footsteps of the Rex behind you, while you try to break it's line of sight in a fashion similar to Assassins Creed?

Imagine kneeling against a kitchen door, pressing it shut it an attempt to fool the prowling Raptor outside that it cant be opened.....only to see another one stalking the dimly lit corridors across the other side of the room....searching for you.

Imagine taking shelter in the cage lift and losing your balance as a Brachiosaurus bumps past with its head?

Instead, we get shit graphics and quick time events. SNORE.

The only good thing I'll say for it is that girls screaming does sound realistic, but still, this is yet another case of a game that frustrates me to no end because I know I've got way better idea's than whoever wrote it.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
The sylized design works for things like sam and max and monkey island, but in this case it just doesn't seem like it is working at all. I still think this game has a chance of being good, but it looks like Telltale is going to need to improve its facial animations in the future.
I don't know how I feel about Telltale making a quick time event based game, but I suppose it couldn't always be use _____ on ______ forever.

Wade Knapik

New member
Feb 7, 2011
Taipan700 said:
Gee whiz does this look like a big missed opportunity. Why oh why was this not a big budget free roamer?
Agreed. I don't want to play along with a movie. I would much rather have more control over intereacting with the dinosaurs and exploring the park in general.

Someone will pick up that ball and run with it one day. The JP franchise doesn't have exclusive rights to dinosaurs.

Always a pleasure to see Lisa Foiles though.


New member
May 6, 2010
Firstly, and most importantly:
Brunette Lisa! :-D

But yeah, nothing I saw made me care at all about that game.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
I like the graphics, I mean, it's not being made with the UE3 or something, also let's keep in mind it will be a multi platform release, the Wii included and it's being developed by an (not so quite) indie studio.

Watching that vid really got me interested in this game, especially that last part when the T-Rex is approaching, it made my speakers tremble and I like when my speakers tremble and suddendly everyone is keeping quiet.

Also, I like the voice acting and I'm quite interested on how the story develops, especially if it's going to be like the first movie.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
My god. This game looks like CRAP!

My idea was better than this! You play a soldier sent with a large group of marines to find whatever was causing the dinosaurs and destroy it! I could make a better game than them with my hands tied!


New member
May 28, 2010
shadyh8er said:
My expectations for this game just plummeted.
Same here man, I was looking forward to seeing more of this game because I liked the direction they were taking it in. It's not just the graphics, but the voice acting and animation etc. are just lacking any sort of life to it. These things matter even more so in a game of this style, the immersion can just be killed completely.

I'm open to this still being a surprise of course, but I can't say I'm really looking forward to it now...

Also, Heavy Rain is a fantastic game, since so many here seem to dislike it I thought I'd add my two cents, that includes the gameplay as well.