Gearbox: DLC Allows Opportunity to Take Risks

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Gearbox: DLC Allows Opportunity to Take Risks

According to Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, DLC is a gambling man's game.

Gearbox Software is no stranger to downloadable content, with two DLC packs for the popular third on the way []. In an interview with, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford revealed that the company uses DLC as a testing ground for new gameplay styles.

Pitchford first praises DLC for its convenience and relatively low cost: "The DLC option is about a convenient way to offer value to gamers that want it, and it's neat for gamers because if I love something, I'm excited when DLC happens. I can click a button, and a few minutes later it's there - I didn't have to drive to the store, it's not very expensive."

He goes on to say how DLC is actually relaxing to developers compared to a full product: "You also know that if we sell 400,000 units of the DLC we're really happy, as opposed to if we don't sell 2 million units of this game we're not going to make our money back, so the economics of the relationship between the creator and the customer change."

Pitchford continues: "So it's nice for gamers, but it's great for developers too - it's something we can explore, and take risks with. There are things we've done in our DLCs that aren't the kinds of things we'd risk in the core game - because you know you're offering it to the audience that's the most dedicated and loyal." Does this mean that DLC might not be evil after all? Could it actually be good for both developers and consumers?

I'm with Randy on Gearbox's DLC philosophy, but I'm not sure it kicked in until the island full of zombies [], and guns, but Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot is almost a new gameplay mode. The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, Gearbox's next expansion for Borderlands, could be the biggest up to this point, and will add giant mechs.

I haven't bought Borderlands yet because I feel a gold edition which will include all of this stuff for a bargain price is inevitable. It's going to happen, right Gearbox?

Source: []



New member
Sep 14, 2008
Yes, DLC allows opportunity to take risks.

Like the risk of being sued for introducing a DRM after people bought a DRM-free game.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
I guess it all depends on who is releasing the DLC. There are some companies that create all new content. Then there are some who take out integral parts of the game just so they can slap another price tag on it.


Resident Batman fanatic.
Apr 22, 2009
I would say The Underdome was a failed risk if I'm honest. I loved the game, I loved Zombie Island, I'm excitedly waiting for Knoxx, but Underdome really didn't do much for me.

Was too unrewarding for too long. I mean, 90 minute gunfights are a-ok, but 90 minute gunfights where you earn no xp is not ok. Maybe getting xp all that time would make levelling too easy, I don't know, I'm sure there's probably a legit reason or two they decided against it, but for the gamer, it feels incredibly tiresome. At least collecting all those damn brains on Zombie Island got me xp.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Low Key said:
I guess it all depends on who is releasing the DLC. There are some companies that create all new content. Then there are some who take out integral parts of the game just so they can slap another price tag on it.
Then there are those who put in a little bit of work in making a few new missions and expect us to pay a ridiculous amount for it.

I can appreciate dlc sometimes but I rarely pick it up because it's usually really overpriced.

I really liked Borderlands and I do intend to pick up the dlc but I'm going to wait for the price to drop. I've heard good and bad things about them.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Man, DLC used to be small bits of free content as a reward to loyal customers to hold them over between expansion packs, now they're a way to nickle and dime loyal legitimate customers for even more money.



Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
So Tom you like the philosophy but won't support it? You think the DLC is a great idea but won't buy the DLC? Instead would rather wait until it isn't DLC to buy it?


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
They did some great work with the DLC. I love what they came out with for Borderlands

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
squid5580 said:
So Tom you like the philosophy but won't support it? You think the DLC is a great idea but won't buy the DLC? Instead would rather wait until it isn't DLC to buy it?
Supporting a philosophy doesn't necessarily mean putting money into its pockets. I'll do it, eventually. I'm cheap okay????


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Personally, i despise the greedy asshole who came up with the idea of selling one tenth of an expansion pack at the same price as a full expansion pack.

Age of Mythology: The Titans was a great addition to the base game, a new campaign about 2/3rd the length of the original, new features for everybody and a well balanced extra faction. All for converted to dollars and adjusted for inflating, $15. Thanks to DLC and there being too many idiots buying it, that barely gets you a new unit for each side.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Abedeus said:
Yes, DLC allows opportunity to take risks.

Like the risk of being sued for introducing a DRM after people bought a DRM-free game.
I'm glad someone brought it up. Of ALL THE STUPID THINGs for them to do, they put DRM in their DLC!? WHY!? I wanted their DLC badly then they had to go and put install limits. Hell the DRM actually breaks the game, textures wont load, the game crashes, it's just stupid!

Bioware has the right idea, you get DLC for free if you buy the game new or special edition. That's a good intensive to buy the game new or whatever. Instead of screwing your customers with DRM.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Nurb said:
Man, DLC used to be small bits of free content as a reward to loyal customers to hold them over between expansion packs, now they're a way to nickle and dime loyal legitimate customers for even more money.

2005 called it wants its stale, overused joke back. Then again despite Bethesda effectively doubling the length of Fallout 3 with its DLC people still complain so this again proves gamers are impossible to make happy about anything


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Nurb said:
Man, DLC used to be small bits of free content as a reward to loyal customers to hold them over between expansion packs, now they're a way to nickle and dime loyal legitimate customers for even more money.

2005 called it wants its stale, overused joke back.
it's still Apt... APT DAMMIT!


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I'm against it.

I see what he means, and I think that's perfectly valid, however DLC is far too exploitable. The vast majority of DLC have been costume packs and other crap. There have been too few companies that have actually gone outside the (gear) box (*Bah Dum Tish* [])and released something that they wouldn't dare release in the "final" product.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
DLC is only good if its done right. the Fallout 3 DLC is good and worth the money (id have got it all if my HDD was not a crappy 20GB) but in other games is a waste of money, bandwith, time and HDD space. it wil be a cold day in hell that i pony up £10 for a map and some new outfits in a game.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I have a love/hate relationship with DLC, it adds more to a game that I enjoy and do not want to leave. I hate it because they will usually make stupid add ons like costumes to a game that needs more maps, an example is Resistance 2.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Frequen-Z said:
I would say The Underdome was a failed risk if I'm honest. I loved the game, I loved Zombie Island, I'm excitedly waiting for Knoxx, but Underdome really didn't do much for me.

Was too unrewarding for too long. I mean, 90 minute gunfights are a-ok, but 90 minute gunfights where you earn no xp is not ok. Maybe getting xp all that time would make levelling too easy, I don't know, I'm sure there's probably a legit reason or two they decided against it, but for the gamer, it feels incredibly tiresome. At least collecting all those damn brains on Zombie Island got me xp.
I'm pressing charges on opinion theft. You're completely right, although I don't regret getting the Underdome DLC. It's fine with friends if you have the time and it presses me to keep playing for loot after getting the platinum trophy.

After Knoxx I'd love for Gearbox to expand on the game without just missions and maps. I loved the Zombie Island but I really want to see some new features integrated. The item bank was a start and Gearbox could really add legs to the game with things like a weapon/item auction system, competitive matchmaking or leaderboards.

Also, I would love to see some minor free content become available like what BioWare is doing with Mass Effect 2. If Gearbox actually expands the features of the game, regularly adds new weapon parts and raises the level cap I'll definitely keep playing and paying for years.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Oh, it's an opportunity to take risks, all right -- the risk that you'll pay for something and only be able to play it for a limited time.

Can I plug my own thread here? Is that legal? Do people care about owning content yet? []

The summary (so you don't have to go there if you don't want) is that, with Microsoft pulling the plug on Xbox Live support for all original Xbox games, all DLC for those games (free and/or paid) is no longer available.

You don't buy DLC, you rent it.