Gears of war 3 Yey or ney ?


New member
Dec 20, 2010
cplsharp said:
kman123 said:
Looks pretty amazing. Always got chills at the 'Brothers to the end' thing. But of course the game is NEVER like the trailers. Shame. Still, I'll be picking it up at the end of the week.
i get the shivers too, and yeh its very true that the game will probably be nothing like the trailers, but we can all hope right :D ?
i shuddered in horror that gears as a franchise was still alive

the mechanics work but cover based combat was done much better by tom clancy games to begin with
the narrative is total shit
and worst of all it's boringing

just to clear up i have no intention on buying gears 3
mostly because the only entatainment it would probide is the fleeting thrill of putting the disk in a microwave


New member
Jul 20, 2010
suxturdman said:
cplsharp said:
suxturdman said:
cplsharp said:
personally i'm buying it because the story hasn't let me down so far, and i always feel awkward not finishing a good story ! :D
Really?! I feel like the story in Gears of War 2 was kinda a let down from the sort of non-existing one in the first game. Although after reading all the Gears of War novels that's been released up to date I am super excited for the third game so I am definately picking it up. Especially since they went back to basics with the mp, I loved the beta!
Yeah, gears 2 felt a bit empty, but there was that feeling of futility through both 1 & 2 and i like that feeling in games, knowing that this is a far superior and larger force than your own makes it feel epic in a sense haven't read the novels yet but will be doing =]

Now that I can agree with! You really should, some of them can feel a bit long but in the third and fourth one you get to follow Baird around a bit which is awesome ;D

yeh deffo man, sounds like a good purchase :)

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Tomorrow's schedule:

7:30--Wake up.
7:45--Go to Target
8:02--buy Gears of War 3
8:30--Play Gears 3 for the first chapter
9:30--Sit and bang my head against the wall as I wait for my friends to get out of school and off of work so we can all play together without any of us spoiling to fun for each other
11:00pm--HOPEFULLY my squad will all be online then, and we can start playing for real

Totally getting this game. I want to see what Prescott is hiding on the disc, where he went, where the Lambent came from, where the Locust came from, and who makes it. So many people say they don't care for Gears' storyline. I do care about it. I've read all the books, which makes me care even more. Looking forward to this.


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Jun 13, 2010
I Love it so far. The Lancer chainsaw got buffed pretty good so you don't have to wait a minute to let it rev up and I can walk around chainsawing people like nobodies fucking business and guess what? It feels AWESOME, the story seems meh so far, I still love Baird and his being a complete asshole to everyone all the time (but that's just me)

Oh also I love the new horde modes. Which seem to have gotten rather beefed up. I don't remember me and my buddy getting our asses handed to us so much in Gears 2. But maybe we're just rusty


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May 29, 2011

A good friend of mine is a big Gears of War guy and has been excited for this game ever since it's been announced. I bought the first one at Gamestop for like five dollars the other day to give it a shot, but it didn't appeal to me. The game play, the brown and grey colors, and the colors...didn't fit for me. But I respect it for being a well designed game and stuff.


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Nov 4, 2008
Ney to buy, definite yes to rent. Eventually. I like the series, but not enough that I don't find it hard to be too enthusiastic about another one.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
if you've played the first two its worth finishing the trilogy, couple of moments in there which might catch you off guard
Mar 26, 2008
Yey! Been playing it for the last couple of days and it is fantastic. Best in the series.

Incidentally, anyone notice that the gears roadie run at different speeds? Marcus seems faster than the lumbering brute that is Cole.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
nope, I heard it's gettin a DLC soon enough, I'll buy it when I can buy both at the same time
Dec 14, 2009
Programmed_For_Damage said:
Yey! Been playing it for the last couple of days and it is fantastic. Best in the series.

Incidentally, anyone notice that the gears roadie run at different speeds? Marcus seems faster than the lumbering brute that is Cole.
I've noticed that too.

The female characters certainly feel like they move quicker anyway. Don't know if it's my imagination or not.

OT: Hells to the yes. This the best in the series, the multiplayer is near perfect in terms of balance, and I have yet to have a laggy match (and I've had more than 70).


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Yay so far. (No lag but sometimes I teleport across 3 walls and into someone's Sawed-off)

Though the "showing off muscular arms" is something i didn't like before hand, now i've gotten used to it. Besides, the game gets Bonus points for letting me play as Ben Carmine, my favorite and most relatable Character.

Its too bad thats not until level 34......

Lunar Templar

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Sep 20, 2009

don't own a 360 for one, and its never been interesting to me in the least

always look like 'the adventures of CPT angry mcscowly' and we really have to many games like that
(Irony: love Warhammer 40K in general)
(( Space Marine dont count :p he's never angry till the ending))
Mar 26, 2008
This one guy said:
It takes six minutes to find a beast game but it has only one minute of gameplay.
Not really. I was watching my son play it for about half an hour this morning and the time went up the quicker they cleared the levels.