Geekiest habits that you have.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
teqrevisited said:
I watch things like "Behind the Scenes", commentaries on DVDs and generally read up on things I like. The PC goes on as soon as I wake up and I give the disk time to warm up while I go and get a cuppa.

I can probably quote the Life of Brian and Holy Grail word for word, and sometimes if either I or my dad makes a reference we can keep the scene going for ages.

I could go on.
Ba'h why do nerds like you have to post? This nerd here was going to post that... Now its pointless :(.*

I regularly watch the behind the scenes footage of the Lord of the Rings films, the four hour long ones... Back, to back (that's right 12 hours of pure documentary footage on Lord of the Rings).

Actually, I tend to do this with just about any movie I find that has a decent documentary with them. Even games if they have them.

I tend to look up pointless trivial stuff all the time.

When watching a martial arts film I can point out what style each fighter is using or if its a made up style, which style its emulating.

I collect Warhammer figures and 3D art & design books.

I collect figurines and don't take them out of their boxes (even still got the girl from EQ, from the Planes of Power box that you got with the pre-order, still in its box).

I have a longsword that is a Glamdring replica (as seen in my avatar).

I named my bo staff, Nyoi-bo.

Also, the ultimate geekiness, I play D&D. Soon as you start regularly playing D&D, your now Geek, there's no getting out of it, enjoy geekdum :).

Ho the list goes on. I'm a total unashamed nerd and proud of it.

*All in good fun.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I took a thread for all the different types of nerd/geek and I was every single kind except music .. and its not because I havent tried lmao I just fail hard at intrauments

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
I watch Unskippable on realplayer whenever I go to bed, and have it running throughout the night.

My entire mp3 player collection is of videogame soundtracks and remixes.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Putting in an old anime dvd to have as background noise while I play games on my computer. One the few times I didn't do this is when I was pushing my new pc to see how pretty it could play Crysis.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
I maybe watch a few Doctor Who episodes every once in a while. NOT ALL OF THEM, ALL OF THE TIME. NO. LIES. SHUT UP.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
kayisking said:
It sounds like a blast, but I don't have that many friends and I doubt I could learn it by myself. I really need to find somebody who already plays.
Cruise by your local hobby shop and ask around, or look online if you live in a big enough city...

lol I was excited because I'd just gotten back from my weekly game I was all in D&D mode.


Stormfather take you!
Nov 10, 2009
I watch the GSL. Because playing Starcraft isn't enough, I have to watch Koreans play it.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Reading comics, wearing superhero t-shirts and most importantly explaining "No I will not run that red-light, I'm Lawful good".


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering, and the World of Warcraft TCG.

For example, my and my friends spent 3 hours last night raiding Naxxramas. The rules recomend 3 decks, we did it with 6 and still couldn't finish the last boss.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Yu-Gi-Oh!, the card game, anime, manga, all of it, semi-obsessed. Not really a habit, as for habits, constant pop-culture references mixed in with big words and custom slang makes up my dialect to the point where it seems I'm speaking my own language at times.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
docSpitfire said:
kayisking said:
It sounds like a blast, but I don't have that many friends and I doubt I could learn it by myself. I really need to find somebody who already plays.
Cruise by your local hobby shop and ask around, or look online if you live in a big enough city...

lol I was excited because I'd just gotten back from my weekly game I was all in D&D mode.
Sadly I live in the Netherlands. There is no shop that sells the game, since it's not very well known in this country. And I live in a town with less then 1000 inhabitants so I doubt that's going to work either.


In my hand I hold a key...
Oct 14, 2009
My geekiest habit would have to be turning off the alarm on my R2-D2 Droid every night so I can get up and go to work. o_O

Otherwise, my day is 90% geek-filled.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
kayisking said:
Sadly I live in the Netherlands. There is no shop that sells the game, since it's not very well known in this country. And I live in a town with less then 1000 inhabitants so I doubt that's going to work either.
Aww lame! Maybe one day! Seems unlikely unless you move some day though.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
docSpitfire said:
kayisking said:
Sadly I live in the Netherlands. There is no shop that sells the game, since it's not very well known in this country. And I live in a town with less then 1000 inhabitants so I doubt that's going to work either.
Aww lame! Maybe one day! Seems unlikely unless you move some day though.
In two years I'll be leaving for university so maybe I'll find some like-minded souls there.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
kayisking said:
docSpitfire said:
kayisking said:
Sadly I live in the Netherlands. There is no shop that sells the game, since it's not very well known in this country. And I live in a town with less then 1000 inhabitants so I doubt that's going to work either.
Aww lame! Maybe one day! Seems unlikely unless you move some day though.
In two years I'll be leaving for university so maybe I'll find some like-minded souls there.
That's the best time to learn if you didn't when you were a child.


New member
May 18, 2009
Ambi said:
Turning on my computer is the first thing I do when I wake up.
I do that before I get out of bed. Uni break, I decided my life would be a lot easier if my bed was in front of my PC desk, with my keyboard and laptop.
OT: Well, yeah I'm almost constantly on my PC, either watching shows/browsing Escapist or gaming. And there's nerf guns in the drawer next to me. I can play a couple of Mario theme songs, and the Chocobo theme on keyboard. And L's theme from DeathNote. Oh yeah, I watch anime. So, someone tell me, which one of those is most geeky?


New member
Jun 6, 2011
ElNeroDiablo said:
Computer running 24/7
There are an awful lot of people turning their computer off at night, glad I don't feel so alone now.

My geekiest habit I guess is when I'm given an opportunity to express my opinion, I go extremely overboard.

I bit my tongue (so to speak) just now in order to not go into unnecessary detail so I won't be late for work.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
WaaghPowa said:
Ambi said:
Turning on my computer is the first thing I do when I wake up.
This, I also tend to say BRB or L2 or Ninja'd.
I say those jokingly. but I'm still a nerd for saying it. Plus, what Ambi said applies to me as well.

Also, does it count as being nerdy when I dress my daughter up as a game character? Her second Halloween, I dressed her as a little Pikachu and took her trick or treating even though she wasn't old enough to eat anything.

Let's see, I enjoy playing World of Warcraft and have even taken the time to completely learn whatever class I may be playing at the time. I can clean my desktop, as well as take it apart and put it together again... Hmm. I can think of a few other things, but I'm not certain if it would fall under the nerdy category that is the current discussion...


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Zyst said:
Pretty basic, list the geekiest habits or geeky things that you do in real life.

For example, when I get into my car I start driving, then like 20 seconds later I turn around in a panic to check the back seat (Mind you, I actually feel scared) to see if there aren't any zombies. I can thank zombie land for this one.

Rule #31 - Check The Back Seat.
The back seat is where I keep the crowbar I got specifically to fight zombies. :3

I also keep a roll of duct tape back there to fight EVERYTHING ELSE. >:3