Can we just get this out of the way by trying to make a statement that pleases everyone? Okay so I'll attempt it first:
Sony is not the devil for letting this happen. They didnt do it themselves, they didnt let it happen intentionally, they arent complete retards as I'm sure that their security was at least serviceable, although obviously not serviceable enough. Their security should have been a lot stronger especially in the face of Anonymous' threats, and even earlier whenever it was proven by Hotz (I refuse to call him GeoHot) that their fortress was not impenetrable. However the lawsuits are ridiculous, when you put information on the internet there's always the risk of it being stolen. Also Sony should have released the information on the security breach way earlier, God knows the risks they caused by holding on to it for even a those few days. Let us not forget though, the dick(s) who stole the information in the first place. He(they) isnt a hero(es), he(they) isnt standing up for anyone's rights, he's(they are) just some sad douche(s) who's skilled at hacking. One last thing; X-box fanboys, Nintendo fanboys and self proclaimed PC gamers, this does not mean that your respective gaming platform is better than the PS3, so please stop gloating on threads related to this subject about how PS3 sucks, X-box/ Wii/ PC rulez or how we should convert as though owning a console or computer is the same as being in a religion.