George Lucas Says Greedo Always Shot First


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Formica Archonis said:
Nigh Invulnerable said:
I'm really tired of the debate about this. Just enjoy whichever version of the film you prefer, people! Let George go off and do whatever he wants with his franchise.
I would, but now he's telling me I'm remembering things wrong. He's gone from editing the DVDs to wanting to edit the neurons in my head. I'm sorry, but this "Ministry of Truth, Skywalker Ranch division" garbage has to stop.

Anyway, Lucas just needs to shut up. If the uncut, unaltered versions of the films were to ever be released on DVD, then he can go do whatever he wants with the Star Wars films for all I care.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
I have the original vhs of episode IV and a working vcr so let me go look at the scene for a bit...

yup GREEDO shot first, note that by the time Han shoots, there is a small burning hole beside his head. hell he evens MOVES HIS DAMN HEAD a bit to avoid the shot.

sorry fan boys, but he didn't shot first and to this day i can't understand why this is even important. whether or not he shot first changes nothing.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
And this is why, ladies and gentlemen, I will always like Star Trek more than Star Wars.

At least Star Trek hasn't kicked my childhood memories to the curb, and mocked them.

Lucas just needs to shut up.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009

I see what Lucas is saying, but if he wanted to convey Greedo shooting first, he did a spectacularly bad job of editing it.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
soren7550 said:
The hell of it is I didn't see a Star Wars movie until I was in my 20's. He didn't destroy my childhood. My dislike for him is more for his excessive use of Hollywood Truth ("What I just said is truth and how dare you remember what I said yesterday.") - there is nothing I hate with deeper and more abiding passion than a self-superior hypocrite.

That, and he keeps coming back with all the welcomeness of a herpes blister. Everyone else makes movies and then makes other movies. He made movies and keeps tweaking them in an attempt to make us admit that the only good parts of Star Wars are the parts he did, and that the ideas and assistance of others when he first made the movies weren't improvements, but fetters. He's on the ego trip to end all ego trips and I'm not going to show one scrap of support for that.


New member
May 2, 2011
I never thought he'd go this far. It's as if he hates the real origonal trilogy and is doing everything in his power to change and pretend they never existed.
The over-use of digital effects...the pointless re-release in Bluray AND 3D is one thing but now he's resorting to outright lying.

He's either being serious, or he's trying to re-ignite the flames of hatred that actually kept the franchise afloat for a little extra publicity. It's quite a coinsidence that he says this after he decides to officially retire.

Actually, knowing Lucas and what he did with Jar-Jar (keeping him in all 3 movies despite the insanly vile hatred) this is probably just a final "fuck you" to his audience.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Zhukov said:
Are people still going on about this?

Christ, it's worse than the Firefly die-hards.

Move on.
Nonsense, the Firefly die-hards occasionally have valid points :p

But yes, this "debate" does need to die. And by that I mean Star Wars in general...not just who shot first.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
The more he talks about his characters, the more I understand that he doesn't know how the hell to properly write an arc. At all. In case that wasn't obvious from the prequels.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Turbowombat said:
I'm really sick of this trope because the edit literally did nothing to change the character of Han Solo. Look at the time differential, it's under half a second between shots in the current form which means Han was NOT reacting to being shot at. He made the decision to shoot without knowing he was being shot at. Same character, not self defense. The only difference is now Greedo is halfway competent at his job. I like a character with competent villains.
I'd say less competent. I mean, he missed a stationary target from a foot away.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Are we still taking Lucas seriously after all the changes he's made to the original movies?

I still can't get over Vader's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I think he needs to shove his movies to the side, walk away and never look back. You know how the say artists never consider their artwork finished but they gotta stop at some point? Well, George, that's what you need to do. Stop. You will probably get more ideas about how to ruin the movies further, but you gotta let go.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
I keep telling people to stop bringing up this minuscule thing when complaining about the special editions, george. The least you could do is try not to rile them up again. They may be making a mountain out of a mole hill, but with this you're practically cracking the whip to make them go faster. Stop. Right now.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
FelixG said:
Actually, you should watch the scene again. He doesn't dodge, he twitches away from where the laser blast hit on the wall. Greedo was off by about 6 inches before Han even moved, and he moved AFTER the blast hit, showing he just has good reflexes.
im a little confused. how is that different from what i said?


New member
Aug 27, 2011
I'd always thought Han Solo was supposed to be a morally ambiguous character - it was only Chewbacca that acted as kind of a conscience that kept him from going completely bad. It wasn't until he fell in with the Rebellion and became all "respectable" that he changed his ways. Of course he shot first - maybe that didn't fit in with the stereotypical Hollywood image of what a "good guy" should be, but that's not a bad thing if you ask me. (Incidentally, that's why I like James Bond - he's a good guy, but a ruthless one).

I remember watching this interview on Australian television with George Lucas about the time Phantom Menace came out, and he was waffling on about how he doesn't believe in having gratuitous violence in his movies - and the interviewer called him out on the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy casually shoots down the guy waving the swords around. Watching George Lucas squirm while he tried to make up some retroactive explanitory bullshit on the spot is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. . .