German Police Official Calls For Ban On Violent Games


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Aww balls. Now we have our own Jack Thompson. Great. Why do they think they can use empirical studies on this? If i follow this lunatics example, i now call for a ban on shoes. Why? Because in every violent rampage that has occurred, the killer wore shoes!

ideitbawx said:
though there was that dipshit who said he stabbed a cabdriver "because of GTA 4", and he wanted to see if he could get away with it in real life. "i didn't know he'd attack me back!" jeez, the games aren't the problem: the morons with no sense of reality are the problem.
Please tell me you re not serious.

EDIT: fixed broken quote. Sorry.


New member
Jan 8, 2008
Yeah, lets just blame witches, protestants, jews, books, french, british, jews again, americans, rock´n´rool, violent movies, heavy metal, cartoons, video games, pokemon trading cards, alcopops, mobile phones and now video games again for all problems.

History doesnt repeat itself....


New member
Jun 18, 2008
SeniorDingDong said:
Yeah, lets blame witches, protestants, jews, books, british, jews, americans, rock´n´rool, violent movies, heavy metal, video games, alcopops, mobile phones, video games for all problems to get sure that history wont repeat itself....
You missed out TV.


New member
Jan 8, 2008
nathan-dts said:
SeniorDingDong said:
Yeah, lets blame witches, protestants, jews, books, british, jews, americans, rock´n´rool, violent movies, heavy metal, video games, alcopops, mobile phones, video games for all problems to get sure that history wont repeat itself....
You missed out TV.
Right. I was editing my text and added some other stuff like "cartoons" and "pokemon", but still forgot TV in generel ;)


New member
Jun 12, 2008
My condolences to the families of the victims, but really people need to stop blaming video games for every violent rampage we see in the news today. Some people say that "ohhh, well the person played a violent game so that?s why they went and killed people, the game inspired them to do that". O.K my thing is that if a game does inspire you to kill people, then you most likely have a very bad detachment from reality that should have been noticeable from a very young age, and if you really have that very bad detachment, then you should have either gotten some very serious professional help or have been locked up in a mental hospital.

Really, video games are just the now scapegoat for society to blame all of its problems. Remember back 40 years ago, people blamed Elvis/Rock n Roll for what they saw as a "moral collapse of society.

Honestly, if for some weird reason we did not have video games in today?s society, then it would be something else that would be blamed for this tragedy.

What?s really stupid is that people are ignoring the most obvious and blatant evidence in front of them. The kid?s dad was a gun nut who kept a bigass arsenal of guns at his house and had an easily accessible shooting range. The kid was an outcast at his school and was unpopular. Really if this is not a recipe for disaster then I don?t know what is.

I will admit though, if a person does have that detached sense of reality or displays sociopathic traits, then video games can be a catalyst for violent actions, but admit ably if someone does display these traits, then most likely they were ticking time bombs to begin with and at most the game might have accelerated that behavior. Also such behaviour should have been noticable at an early age, and the person should have recived peofessional help.

Sorry for the long post, I just get fired up when people blame video games.


New member
Aug 22, 2008
I don't understand how people can buy/believe that games were really the cause, a quick scan of the details and the use of some logical thinking easily shows the kid had clinical emotional issues and a wide knowledge of guns.

Humans are the only animal on this planet capable of rational thought. Though if you were an outsider observing us, half the time you'd never have guessed.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
To quote a comment from a PC gaming mag back when the first shooting happened, "99% of killers wear underpants! It's clear that we must ban underpants!"

Maybe it's time we draw comparisons. Almost all other countries have their ratings only as guides and not legally binding, almost all other countries don't effectively ban games as easily as Germany does... and we get the school shootings?

Now imagine we really ban anything with more violence than Spongebob and we still get killing sprees, what then? What do we ban then? Or do we just build camps to gas all the mentally unstable people?

Maybe we should ban news coverage as stupid as this.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
For him, the fact that roughly a third of children and youths "regularly and addictively escape into a virtual world" sets off alarm bells.
Yes, they regularly leave this harmonious, violence-free world. Frankly, why anyone would want to leave this perfect, Eden like world escapes me.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
It's not about them thinking if video games cause violence or not, it's more about them having to take action. The police can't leave a tragedy like this unawnsered, because after a while that would make a lot of people very, very angry.

Seeing as it's impossible to ban or check up on most of the stuff which probably caused this (bullying, checking each kids living enviroment or being flat out crazy) they're going with video games. Their hands are tied, but they need to lash out at something.

I just hope this doesn't get out of controle. I think it's time someone proved video games don't cause violence, rather then saying it's never proven it doesn't.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
I remember it was mentioned that the most sinister thing of all was that in Far Cry 2, a Beretta Model 29 is used - The gun he used in the shooting.

They need to realise that little Timmy can NOT just reach into the screen, pull out a gun and go fuck up some people. That was just a coincidence at most.

I know for a fact that for every crime commited, be it a parking offense or mass-murder, the person who commited the crime had drank water at least once before the crime. Does that mean that Dihydrogen Monoxide should be banned?
Besides, Far Cry 2 is rated 18. He was 17. The parents don't get in trouble? Geez.

In the 1950s it was Rock music. Around the 1970s it was Communism. Now it's violent video games.
C'mon, people. Show some sense for once.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Well of course every single dude who shots someone will blame it on a game, it's an easy way out of not spending that much time in jail or heck no jail at all. I can play Manhunt 2 for 2 days straight then go kill someone, blame it on the game and get away cheap.

It's not the games that's causing the trouble it's the damn people who actually kill. The question is not if the dude killed 'cause of the game, but why did he had a gun/weapon? What were his motives to kill? Did he do it before? Is he mentally sick? And so on and so forth.


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
Rodger said:
I think him and every other "ban violent video games" advocate are ignoring a far more sinister culprit. Pants.

Think I'm kidding? Consider this: how many violent crimes have been committed while the criminal was wearing pants? Many, many more times as many criminals wear pants than play violent video games. Therefore, I propose the banning of pants in all forms (shorts and skirts included) rather than video games.
Great scott, he's on to something!


New member
Jun 9, 2008
'The manner of the deed is astonishingly similar to virtual examples.'
So...plasma grenade massacre then?

Seriously though. As to 'do games make etc': when the person doing the asking uses the phrase 'addictively escape into a virtual world' I don't think it's even worth dignifying with a response.

...Hell, I want to escape into a virtual world :O


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Why did the kid go bat shit insane? Simple:

1) Social outcasting common to alot of school cultures across the west and probably the east too.
2) Social outcasting leads to bullying.
3) Social outcasting and/or bullying leads to building resentment to society, specifically the jock/fratboy dick heads who seem to rule society these days.
4) Social outcast tries to use escapism to flee pressures and loniness of real life. It fails.
5) Social outcast WHO HAS ACCESS TO GUNS AND SHITLOADS OF AMMO goes out and decides to "even the score". Preferrably on the fratboy leadership, but anyone who let them control society is fair game too.

So, either a) limit access to weapons, b) crackdown on and try to eliminate social outcasting/cliche-ism, or c) improve the escapism available.

Of course, all the police and political leaders where the popular fratboy idiots in school, so wouldn't grasp this.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
We have a German exchange student in several of my classes, and she knew a handful of students from that school she lives so close to it. Kind of crazy.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
meatloaf231 said:
Rodger said:
I think him and every other "ban violent video games" advocate are ignoring a far more sinister culprit. Pants.

Think I'm kidding? Consider this: how many violent crimes have been committed while the criminal was wearing pants? Many, many more times as many criminals wear pants than play violent video games. Therefore, I propose the banning of pants in all forms (shorts and skirts included) rather than video games.
Great scott, he's on to something!
I'm already out of my pants now! *Shakes his booty*


New member
Oct 15, 2008
SeniorDingDong said:
nathan-dts said:
SeniorDingDong said:
Yeah, lets blame witches, protestants, jews, books, british, jews, americans, rock´n´rool, violent movies, heavy metal, video games, alcopops, mobile phones, video games for all problems to get sure that history wont repeat itself....
You missed out TV.
Right. I was editing my text and added some other stuff like "cartoons" and "pokemon", but still forgot TV in generel ;)
Can't Forget Comics.

Edit: I wonder what they would say if the guy had SWAT 4 installed on his computer.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
This just in psycotic man kills 15 people with a lamp!

Lamp makers are to be blamed for this tradegy.
Research has proven that people who have become addicted to the light source that lamps offer are more likely to become killers.
Mobs made of outraged citizens storm the lighting district of (insert city) to bring about an end to this silent killer.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Fine, you know what, all you Germans go play Tetris and Pong, I'll go play Godhand and slice off my enemies heads with the magical wave that comes out of my god-powered arm.

For the love of god, whatever happened to checking for mental instabilaties and such?