German Police Official Calls For Ban On Violent Games


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Bluntknife said:
This just in psycotic man kills 15 people with a lamp!

Lamp makers are to be blamed for this tradegy.
Research has proven that people who have become addicted to the light source that lamps offer are more likely to become killers.
Mobs made of outraged citizens storm the lighting district of (insert city) to bring about an end to this silent killer.
This just in psycotic man kills 15 people after seeing a lamp!


New member
Jan 14, 2009
It's gonna get to the point where they're gonna say that Bin Ladin played Counter Strike and that made him a friggan' terrorist.

Or that Hitler loved The Catcher In The Rye, and that book gave him his psychotic viewpoint of the world.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Griever18 said:
It's gonna get to the point where they're gonna say that Bin Ladin played Counter Strike and that made him a friggan' terrorist.

Or that Hitler loved The Catcher In The Rye, and that book gave him his psychotic viewpoint of the world.
Stalin once saw a vision of the future, a future containing Counter-Strike. From that one brief glimpse, he became the power hungry mass murderer we all know today. Damn you Valve, damn you to Soviet Hell!


New member
Oct 14, 2008
have they forgotten that his dad owned 16 guns and regualry allowed his son to go shooting?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Doug said:
Bluntknife said:
This just in psycotic man kills 15 people with a lamp!

Lamp makers are to be blamed for this tradegy.
Research has proven that people who have become addicted to the light source that lamps offer are more likely to become killers.
Mobs made of outraged citizens storm the lighting district of (insert city) to bring about an end to this silent killer.
This just in psycotic man kills 15 people after seeing a lamp!
The lamps must be stoped!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I think it's sad how even at the commemoration they blamed games for that. I mean, c'mon
that's just inappropriate!

And how they played down the fact that his dad went shooting with the boy regularly.

I even remember an interview with a german police... somewhat. Went like this:
"So what do we do now after that gun rampage?"
"Ok, but what about maken the weapons law harder?"
"Nonono, we already have a hard weapon law."
"And how comes that a single man posseses 16 guns and goes shooting with his boy?"
"Videogames caused it! I tell ya"


New member
Mar 20, 2004
Would there be less violence if violent video games were banned? Yes.
Would there be less violence if violent movies were banned? Yes.
Would there be less violence if violent books were banned? Yes.
Would wearing a helmet all the time instead of only when riding a bike make you safer? Yes.

The point is that the world is NOT made of Nerf. It has pointy edges and you are going to get hurt? There's a lot of stuff that we don't do that would make us safer but at some point you just have to accept the risk of living and actually get out there are live.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
To be honest, I think the Pants Guy had more of a point than this police chief -_-
A wedgie can really rile people up. the dude may have been crazy to start but it was the pants the threw him over the edge..... o_O!

Link Kadeshi

New member
Oct 17, 2008
Do I hear wedding bells? Did Thompson finally find someone who understands him? How cute... Two "Blaime anything but the parents" people in love.... Makes a tear come to my eye... Now if you will excuse me, I have an inexplicable urge to push the A button in a public area...


New member
Dec 2, 2008
Games are an easy scapegoat. If someone decides to shoot someone in real life and are found to play a game in which you shoot people, most uninformed (and generally unintelligent) people will assume that games were to blame because it's simple, neat and does not require they flex their brains for a few moments.

This type of attitude towards games won't end until people are educated on games and virtual worlds or the entire world turns into gamers. Personally, I'd rather the former. Enough douches playing games as it is, ruining the experience for everyone else. That's right, teabaggers.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
"killergames"? Seriously???

This thing has gone full-circle since the 70s. Pulp Fiction, RocknRoll, Metal, Movies, and now video games. This is only the scapegoat of the decade, it will pass, no need to worry. As they didn't ban metal music or Rambo 3 in the day, they won't ban video games either...

I think we should ban violence. I mean every form of violence. That would make this a better place. No, wait... I love CS and StarCraft.... DAMN!

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
dagens24 said:
Would there be less violence if violent video games were banned? Yes.
Would there be less violence if violent movies were banned? Yes.
Would there be less violence if violent books were banned? Yes.
Would wearing a helmet all the time instead of only when riding a bike make you safer? Yes.

The point is that the world is NOT made of Nerf. It has pointy edges and you are going to get hurt? There's a lot of stuff that we don't do that would make us safer but at some point you just have to accept the risk of living and actually get out there are live.
Actually, I disagree. Without any kind of violent virtual outlet to relieve stress in, there might be more violence. Either way, there's no evidence supporting your claims that less violent virtual media translates into less real-life violence. Lots of people know the difference between fake and real.

Germany really has no credibility here, considering they, you know, allowed a Holocaust in their own backyards at a time when there were no video games. That kind of defeats their argument more readily than anything I could say.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Again! I don't know why, but in the eyes of the public EVERY(!!!) Gamer is a psychopatic, non-social, nerdish, genocidist.


Divine Ronin
Jan 20, 2009
nilcypher said:
Playbahnosh said:
"killergames"? Seriously???
The quote from Schmitt was originally in German. It might make a little more sense auf Deutsch.
That's a pretty point on translation actually. Politics came up with that term and everybody using it here (in Germany), obviously has no idea about gaming.

The original term here is Killerspiele with "Spiel" meaning game.

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
I've been a gamer all my life, and I'm very defensive of my pastime. I certainly don't believe that banning games will solve any issues, especially when there are other forms of violent media. I do however also see the merit in the work of Albert Bandura, who was a cognitive theorist. In his studies, children who were exposed to staged scenes and images of violence, replayed those actions on their toys.

I work with children. Some of them have mental deficiencies. One boy, Adam has had obvious exposure to violent games/ movies. He has threatened his teacher on a few occasion, to cut her head off, or set her on fire, and shoot her. He is only 6 years old. He is constantly in trouble for biting, punching, kicking, verbally abusing and making death threats against other children. Where does a 6 year old learn to threaten cutting someone's head off?

I'd argue that a sane person will not re-enact things that they see, and observe in a game or movie. Unfortunately some people are not 'all there'. I dread to think what Adam might be capable of in a few years, as he is one that cannot identify that what he is doing is wrong.


New member
Sep 16, 2008
Oh good lord, lets forget the fact that this kid was clearly an insane social outcast and go right ahead and blame the video games. If video games had such an effect on anyone surely that would mean anyone thats played harvest moon would have a sudden urgent need to go start clearing some land and farming, but no apparently its just the violent video games that affect people. How do they even measure violent anyway? I'm a Film student at university and we did censorship and learnt that in order to figure out how violent something is they simply watch it and count the acts of violence which provides the result that the most violent program out there is the socially acceptable childrens cartoon Tom and Jerry. Like most people on this forum I've played games for a good many years, games such as counter strike at the local internet cafe in my town were a social activity, but not one child from ym town has as far as i'm aware gone out, got a gun and felt the need to hunt terrorists or plant the bomb at bombsite A in town.