Ghost in the Shell cast photos apparently leak

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
inu-kun said:
A thought I just had, The Major is a robot right? So doesn't that make the entire "she should be japanese!" debate pointless as she isn't even human?

Regardless, why do they have a person with no acting talent be the main character....
She's a cyborg. Most of her body is robotic, but her brain still has an organic core. Motoko Kusanagi is not her real name (Kusanagi is a famous mythical Japanese sword; her name is basically "Jane Excalibur") because I believe she either doesn't remember or identify by her real name. At least in the anime, she was the sole survivor of a plane crash that killed her family and left her human body broken, so she's been a cyborg for almost her entire life. But she is still human.

As for her looks, I'd say Scarlett is not far off from her appearance in the anime.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Johnny Novgorod said:
ScarJo looks fine. I don't know what to tell you.
As fine as ever Johnny. As fine as ever.

And for people who think she's got no acting talent. Please, do yourselves a favor and watch Lost in Translation, A Love Song for Bobby Long, Match Point and Scoop. She might be a big action star now. But she rose to fame staring in smaller artsy movies that everyone should see at least once. She's really great.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
McElroy said:
Josh123914 said:
So how is this movie expected to fare in Japan?

Do we know how Japanese audiences are to react when over half the revealed characters are played by Gaijin?
I've never watched the anime, just curious since the names listed on the leak sound Japanese. In the original were they?
Dunno if you were asking seriously, but it will fare at least decently. For example The Martian was box-office number 1 for 4 weeks. The audiences will know it's based on a Japanese original. [link][/link]
I'm completely serious. Japanese fans are known for being quite protective of their original stuff, its because 2ch has been on fire about the Death Note movie and from what I've seen of that there's a lot of non-Japanese in that film too.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
The lighting looks off in these pics and the photos are hopefully pre-CG so I don't think its fair to judge 100% yet, I see potential in these photos though.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Josh123914 said:
McElroy said:
Josh123914 said:
So how is this movie expected to fare in Japan?

Do we know how Japanese audiences are to react when over half the revealed characters are played by Gaijin?
I've never watched the anime, just curious since the names listed on the leak sound Japanese. In the original were they?
Dunno if you were asking seriously, but it will fare at least decently. For example The Martian was box-office number 1 for 4 weeks. The audiences will know it's based on a Japanese original. [link][/link]
I'm completely serious. Japanese fans are known for being quite protective of their original stuff, its because 2ch has been on fire about the Death Note movie and from what I've seen of that there's a lot of non-Japanese in that film too.
I don't have the exact source for you right now but in a previous thread like this I asked the same question you did. Nerd rage aside, are the Japanese pissed about this? Someone gave me a link to a collection of reactions from Japanese fans. They basiclaly ranged from "meh, wish she was Japanese" to "this looks great! Just glad it's being made."

Honestly I don't think the Japanese are anywhere close to as mad about this is white people are.

Edit: Found it. There are a few more negative statements that I initially remembered but even so I think it's still a good illustration of my point.

At the end of the day Gits is a niche anime with a small but very zealous fan base here in the states. There simply isn't enough money in that demographic to allow a big budget release to make its budget back and so the film has to attract viewers from outside the anime community. It might seem large on a forum like this but that's only because sites like this serve as rallying spots for hobbies like anime, gaming, computers, and other such things. Hardly anyone knows what Gits is and casting Scar Jo is what's getting this movie made in the first place.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Josh123914 said:
So how is this movie expected to fare in Japan?

Do we know how Japanese audiences are to react when over half the revealed characters are played by Gaijin?
I've never watched the anime, just curious since the names listed on the leak sound Japanese. In the original were they?
My guess is, pretty well, actually.

Japanese are not unfamiliar to the concept of "whitewashing", and they do it themselves all the time. For example, these...
are supposed to be a bunch of European people with names like Elric, Mustang and Rockwell.
characters are named Yeager, Ackerman and Arlert.

That without counting that many people, including the series creator, have stated that they are fine with the changes.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
erttheking said:
Adam Jensen said:
Casual Shinji said:
It'd just be nice if this first live-action venture of Ghost in the Shell would have the main character, who looks Japanese, speaks Japanese, has a Japanese name, and works for the Japanese government, actually be portrayed by someone who is... Japanese.
Then the Japanese filmmakers should make their own live action movie.

And it doesn't matter that Japanese Spider-Man isn't "serious" by some arbitrary standard. The point is that when it comes to fictional characters race doesn't matter. Or at the very least it shouldn't matter. And we're talking about a robot here.
Yes, the Spiderman show that was made in a country that is 99% Japanese has a Japanese Spiderman. There was no other way that was going to work. This is an American movie. We don't have the same excuse.

When it comes to fictional characters, race doesn't matter? Yeah, except it does. What, are we just supposed to pretend that race and everything that comes with it doesn't exist in media? Because it doesn't work that way.

She's a cyborg. A Japanese cyborg. A cybrog in Japan, speaking Japanese with a Japanese name in a Japanese manga being designed to look like a North American just doesn't make any freaking sense. It makes as much sense as "Quiet breathes through her skin."
Now being 2016 and a global market, Spiderman wouldn't fly either. We can't act like America should be aware there is a world out there, but Japan gets a pass being seclusive and mildly racist because it is Japan. If they were to make a movie about an american-looking character and didn't cast an american-looking actor, the one thing it would pop up in my mind is "cheap" (and then "self-centered" and "racist", but first "cheap"). If it were sold as a big budget production, I would laugh at their faces.

Also, you should not use the "she speaks Japanese" argument as justification for her being Japanese. That rolls into my previous point, but... everyone speaks Japanese in anime. I have seen americans, european, elves, aliens creatures from other dimensions, and eldrich abominations speak fluent japanese and nobody batting an eye. Not even when the whole point of the character is being foreigner and having names like John Thompson, they are never shown speaking anything but fluent japanese (at most giving them a distinctive accent), even to themselves. There are some exceptions but, for the most part, the language they speak is as little indication of their race as the color of their hair.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
hermes said:
Japan doesn't exactly get a pass. Japan is not a country America should want to emulate. But simply put, they aren't America, they don't have white actors and there's not much of a way around that. Apparently there isn't much interest in white actors there and while I'm not exactly happy about that, I really don't have much of a say in what goes on there, as much of their live action work isn't really marketed outside the country. America on the other hand is jam packed with people of varying nationalities and is aiming to release this movie with a global audience in mind. In short, Japan is kind of closed off from the world in regards to live action stuff and there's no real changing that anytime soon. America shouldn't be like Japan.

Fair enough.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Zhukov said:
?Ghost in the Shell? follows a female special ops cyborg who leads an elite task force called Section 9 for Hanka Robotics. Section 9 is devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, led by The Laughing Man whose singular goal is towipe out Hanka?s advancements in cyber technology.

They changed the story! Ruined! Ruined forever!
You laugh(Pretty sure this is sarcasm), but now I am worried with how they are going to have The Laughing Man be.

Hacker Joker? Someone out of Deus Ex? Patsy for a Corporate that stands to benefit from said attacks?

Whatever problems people have or don't have with the Major, I think Laughing Man should hold more dread.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
MerlinCross said:
Zhukov said:
?Ghost in the Shell? follows a female special ops cyborg who leads an elite task force called Section 9 for Hanka Robotics. Section 9 is devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, led by The Laughing Man whose singular goal is towipe out Hanka?s advancements in cyber technology.

They changed the story! Ruined! Ruined forever!
You laugh(Pretty sure this is sarcasm), but now I am worried with how they are going to have The Laughing Man be.

Hacker Joker? Someone out of Deus Ex? Patsy for a Corporate that stands to benefit from said attacks?

Whatever problems people have or don't have with the Major, I think Laughing Man should hold more dread.
The character is apparently amalgamated with Kuze so think revolutionary cyber terrorist.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
MatParker116 said:
The character is apparently amalgamated with Kuze so think revolutionary cyber terrorist.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Head desk!

That's not gonna end well.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
MerlinCross said:
MatParker116 said:
The character is apparently amalgamated with Kuze so think revolutionary cyber terrorist.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Head desk!

That's not gonna end well.
Eh...not necessarily. I mean think for a minute on how the Laughing Man was viewed in-universe. Guy kidnaps (or tries to) a corporate executive and forces a confession at gunpoint, disappears, and a bunch of related graffiti, corporate vandalism, attacks, extortion and sabotage follows. Then he goes quiet for a time, then seems to resurface again with similar results some years later. "Revolutionary cyber terrorist" would fit the public perception of the Laughing Man rather well, don't you think?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Well, that looks godawful. It's like everything they THINK is going to help the film just ends up hurting its image more.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
So they are doing a smash together of the two GITS Seasons for this movie.... hmm that should be 'interesting'. What gets me is that their is already a more, hmm how can I say this, American / European friendly medium that deals with cybernetics and augmentation that could be made in to a decent movie and probably not have resulted in quite as much fanboy rage, Deus EX.

Even better it's a story that is better suited to the big budget cinema scene as it tends to deal on more basic terms of body modification and augmentation where as GITS tends to deal on a more conceptual level of what it means to be human in a world in which it is possible to have a body that is entirely artificial, where you can leave and upload yourself not only to the net but to a totally new body.

All I can say is if this movie is going to win it needs two things

1) Batou better loose those real eyes pretty damn quick, flat top white hair, built like a birck shit house and those augmented eyes are ALL his trade markers with the latter being a pretty big fucking on

2). These guys better be in the movie somewhere



New member
Jun 25, 2016
MatParker116 said:
inu-kun said:
A thought I just had, The Major is a robot right? So doesn't that make the entire "she should be japanese!" debate pointless as she isn't even human?

Regardless, why do they have a person with no acting talent be the main character....
Watch Lost in Translation or Girl with a Pearl Earring or Her I could go on.
In "Under the Skin", she is really very good. She's also helped by the director secretly filming quite a few scenes of the scenes, all in Newcastle, and the look of total bafflement when she is confronted by a full on Geordie accent is real and fits the character perfectly (I won't ruin the film by explaining why). When taken in this context, a scene where a pissed up Geordie scamp is trying to chat her up in a nightclub is just hilarious. People can be quite unfairly dismissive about actors and actresses sometimes, to my mind.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
Eh. I like Aramaki's look. Batou is ok. The Major is.. Scarjo in a messy short haircut. Whatever. Togusa, as everyone said, looks ancient but Chin Han himself doesn't, so maybe it's just a bad photo.
It's really going to come down to the acting (not holding my breath) and writing of course. Hopefully they don't focus too much on "it's the wacky cyberpunk future! Look at this Ruby Rodd ************!"

The googly eyes could be hysterical though. Is it bad that I'm kind of hoping the whole thing is atrocious, because it would make for an excellent Rifftrax


New member
Feb 4, 2009
ensouls said:
Eh. I like Aramaki's look. Batou is ok. The Major is.. Scarjo in a messy short haircut. Whatever. Togusa, as everyone said, looks ancient but Chin Han himself doesn't, so maybe it's just a bad photo.
It's really going to come down to the acting (not holding my breath) and writing of course. Hopefully they don't focus too much on "it's the wacky cyberpunk future! Look at this Ruby Rodd ************!"

The googly eyes could be hysterical though. Is it bad that I'm kind of hoping the whole thing is atrocious, because it would make for an excellent Rifftrax
Think they might be placeholders or CGI markers.