Ghostbusters Director Calls Out "Assholes in Geek Culture"


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Well, he's not really wrong. Geeks can be the worst kind of assholes.

I mean, if you're against this movie, just don't go see it. You don't need to sit around stewing in your hate for it and SJW's ruining your childhood and wah, wah, wah.

I can't think of a reboot that would personally offend me as much as some people seem to be offended by Ghostbusters. I guess I don't put that much stock in products.

RaikuFA said:
"Look at that nest of angry hornets, what would happen if I started bugging the hornets? Why are the hornets stinging me now? It must just be the asshole hornets."

Maybe don't sell your movie as a heartless cash grab then you won't feel the sting.
Maybe geek culture shouldn't be a fuckin' hornets nest. But it kind of is.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Great way to respond to criticism, asshole!

Actually, I don't know what he heard to make him start this up. Does anyone know exactly what he's responding too?


New member
Oct 7, 2009
"I live or die on what things are funny and whether or not people will be entertained by them."
They're not funny and people wont be entertained by them.

He claims that the all-female cast is a mere co-incidence: the funniest people he knows just happen to be women, which is why he has cast them in the movie.
That is one massive co-incidence if that is true. Which I highly doubt. Also you need to find funnier friends.

"(Melissa McCarthy) is just this hilarious woman who is so funny," he said. "I don't care WHAT she looks like. As long as she's funny and is a professional. She's hilarious."
No she's not

Recently, pundits started a campaign to downvote the new movie's trailer [] into oblivion. At time of writing, its sitting at 200,000 "likes" and over 700,000 "dislikes.
If it was just sexist/racist bigots then it wouldn't have so many dislikes. The bigots complained about a black storm trooper and a female lead for Star Wars. The Star Wars trailer is at 663,627 likes and 19,415 dislikes, and this is STAR WARS we're talking about, more people will get irate over Star Wars then Ghostbusters.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
To be honest, I'd completely forgotten that this new Ghostbusters was a thing. Watched the trailer, was unimpressed. It's a shame, because I was actually quite intriqued to see what new stuff or interesting changes the all-female angle could bring to the table, but there doesn't seem to be anything of substance in that trailer.

OT: Yes, some members of any internet-based community are very... how shall I put this? "protective" of "their" stuff, but dismissing all criticism of your film by labelling the critics as "sexist assholes" is not going to help.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
i might believe the whole "the genderbent cast is a coincidence" thing if it wasn't literary the first thing i heard about the movie.
and since then i suspected the movie would suck and the trailer seems to confirm my suspicions.
And really did he think people would be happy with a soulless remake of a old classic?


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
Yeah, I'm going prod the hornets' nest with this post. He's not entirely wrong here, nor is he entirely right either. The situation with the Ghostbusters reboot is more complicated than most people are willing to admit. On one hand, you have plenty of people who desperately want to dismiss all criticism as "misogyny". Then again, if you seriously think all or even most of the criticism is free from gender politics you're in denial. Yes, the film (judging by the trailer and everything else we've seen) looks like a dumpster fire of cringe. Yes, you are free to hate it for the terrible, gimmicky, nostalgia exploiting cash grab that it is. Does that mean the cringe-worthy hatedom that has sprouted around this movie is entirely dependent on the movie's quality rather than largely being yet anther front of the SJWs vs ¬SJWs cultural war? Ahahahahahaha ... no!

Right from the beginning it's been mired in politics; if you've paid even the faintest of attention to this movie or even read any of the comments directed towards it you'd have to be blind to have missed the references to SJWs, liberals, tumblr, feminists (or feminazis as they are more likely to be labled), cultural marxism, cucks, political correctness, etc.

Most reasonable people would simply dislike the trailer, maybe discuss it with others, not watch the film, then get on with their life, but an entire culture has sprung up around this movie dedicated to waging a petty vendetta against it. There are people celebrating the fact that they've created multiple accounts just to dislike the trailer again.

Am I really supposed to just close my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears, and pretend it's just a big ol' coincidence that this one shit film in an ocean of shit films is the most disliked trailer on youtube in addition to being a political battleground filled with people ranting about feminists?

Edit: Just in case I haven't prodded this hornets' nest hard enough, I genuinely hope this movie is a massive success and smashes all box office records. Will that set a terrible precedent that sets us up for more shitty reboots like it? Sure, but at this point the hatedom surrounding the film has become so obnoxious that the petulant rage and tears would be worth it.
Hey, I never said I'm not petty in my own way.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Never reflect on yourselfe, never think about what you have done, never admit any blame.

Just keep pointing at the giant strawman you have build and completly ignore the massive amount of warranted and honest critisism.

Thats the wanna be feminist way.

Bedinsis said:
Steven Bogos said:
Well, he's sick of it, and he has called out all of the "assholes in geek culture" for attacking his movie.
Incorrect. He's sick of people attacking him. As he says in the linked article:

Paul Feig said:
Especially after being attacked by them for months because of this 'Ghostbusters' project.
Has he? Has he really? Has he really been attacked more then is usual for any other public figure during this time? And here i was thinking trump and hillary received more bile and attacks on a daily basis then this clown since the release of that terrybad trailer... what a horribly sheltered live this guy must lead if he takes internet comments to heart like this. Hes a little whiny *****... allways has been allways will be.

All i see is a whiny little director who cannot accept the fact that the movie he produced for feminists is rejected by the majority of the public AND the overwhelming majority of people who even still gave a fuck about ghost busters... wich he shat on with this abomination of juvenile and badly timed "humor"

Doesnt matter how "funny" his actors usually are if the script is shit. Not to mention that aparantly that behind the scenes things where anything BUT feminist like. One of the actors was even told to "shut up" when she raised concerns about how the trailer could possibly confuse their audience. Or how about the horrible working conditions on set and the actors having catfights with each other? Or the backroom politics that stabbed the original director who wanted to direct a proper sequel in the back in favor of this feminist agenda driven piece of crap?

Yeahhhh... way to be a good upstanding feminist... if a woman tells you somethings wrong just tell her to shut up and go back to the kitchen. 3rd wave feminists ladies and gentlewoman... fighting the good fight amiright? Its only mysoginy if the others do it!

There are 2 more videos wich paint quite the horrible picture of sonies meddling in the movie and how catastrophic the actual shooting of the movie turned out.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Directors are getting really defensive these days. Love it!! Unleash your anger at those fans and nostalgia blah blah.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
FirstNameLastName said:
Am I really supposed to just close my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears, and pretend it's just a big ol' coincidence that this one shit film in an ocean of shit films is the most disliked trailer on youtube in addition to being a political battleground filled with people ranting about feminists?
At this point it's a self-sustaining, fiery shitstorm due to all the sensitive topics fueling eachother; It's a remake of one of the most beloved and unique 80's movies, it is yet again a blatant nostalgia cash grab, it looks like compltete trash, and it stars all women, one of whom is very divisive (McCarthy).

The feminism hate has always been there, just as it was with Fury Road, but seeing as the movie looks-... the way it does, it works as an amplifier. A lot of these people likely feel justified in crying out even louder due to the film being unanimously hated.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Well done Fieg, you've officially shit the bed.

Instead of say, dealing with negative backlash and perhaps composing a better trailer, you're doing a Tommy Wiseau and just convicing yourself that it's everyone else's fault but yours that your movie looks like shit.

Bonus points for insulting the target audience, you've just alienated a huge demographic with your mouth breathing.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Yeah, just like those of us who wanted an accurate Human Torch are racists, right? Go fuck yourself shitty directors who take something people care about and twist it for your egotistical "look how progressive and trendy I am" needs.

Maybe take a page from the Dragonball guy who eventually realized they dun fucked up.


New member
Sep 2, 2008
"Geek culture is home to some of the biggest assholes I've ever met in my life," Feig told the New York Daily News [].
Well, go fuck yourself with a cheese grater then, Feig. Why even make a movie aimed at geeks if you hate them so much?

"I don't care what shape or size or color or anything they are," Feig said, responding to criticism that SNL star Leslie Jones' character merely plays into Hollywood's mad black woman clicha. "I live or die on what things are funny and whether or not people will be entertained by them."


"(Melissa McCarthy) is just this hilarious woman who is so funny," he said. "I don't care WHAT she looks like. As long as she's funny and is a professional. She's hilarious."
Well, sorry man, I've seen your trailer; it looks like shit. From that, and the list of horrible movies you've made before, it's quite clear you have no fucking clue what comedy is.

Recently, pundits started a campaign to downvote the new movie's trailer [] into oblivion. At time of writing, its sitting at 200,000 "likes" and over 700,000 "dislikes.
Seriously, Escapist? You're just going to print bullshit like this?


New member
Jul 31, 2009
You know how directors that don't want their name on a bad film use an alias? Can the people actually acting in it get that going too? Can they demand that their face is blurred and their voice modified and that their name doesn't appear in the credits?

They will probably wish they could on this one.


Aka Corporal Yakob
Dec 5, 2013
Between this and the Star Wars author who cried homophobia over his poorly received novel, I've learnt something I shall apply in my future creative endeavours. Next time I write something, I'm going to include at least one woman or homosexual person. Doesn't matter if it's relevant to the plot or not, doesn't matter if it fits contextually, doesn't matter if it's appropriate for the setting: I shall put one in regardless. Then, the *instant* someone says they don't like whatever I've produced, I can just call them a filthy sexist bigot, watch the internet implode and then rake in the controversy bucks!


Oct 28, 2013
Geek culture is being surrounded by assholes "calling out" other assholes, then you eventually put a gun to your own head or someone else's.


New member
Dec 13, 2013
We didn't like Call of Doody: Halo Warfa, sorry, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare either (610k dislikes so far) -


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Karadalis said:
Has he? Has he really? Has he really been attacked more then is usual for any other public figure during this time? And here i was thinking trump and hillary received more bile and attacks on a daily basis then this clown since the release of that terrybad trailer...
I do not know, since I am not privy to Mr Feig's e-mail account. My contention was that I think the author of this news article wrote it with the perspective of "Some people have called people upset about this film 'misogynists' and the like, despite there being plenty of good reasons to dislike the film outside of the main characters being gender flipped". This is an understandable perspective that I can get behind. However, I believe that in holding that perspective the author of this news post read the sourced article incorrectly and thus gave an incorrect reporting. As I said, Mr. Feig didn't say anything about people attacking the MOVIE making them a-holes, he was upset about people attacking HIM. From the article it sourced I deem it possible that his perspective is "It is disappointing that people find the movie underwhelming since I've made these choices for [various reasons]; attacking me personally however makes you an a-hole." This reposting of it I believe assumes a fixed narrative and in doing so directly contradicts the direct quotes of the original article.


New member
May 14, 2011
He's absolutely right, and you don't have to look further than this very thread to see it.

Feig: God, these geeks that have been all over me since before the casting for making a female Ghostbusters movie are real assholes.
Responders: Well you shouldn't have made a shit trailer!

Oh come off it. AS IF he's referring solely to the trailer's reaction. He's been getting shit from geeks for "ruining" Ghostbusters from the very beginning, and he's absolutely right that those geeks are assholes.