Girl Bullied For Star Wars Fandom, Stormtroopers Come to The Rescue


New member
May 20, 2009
For reference I am in my 20s. I seriously hate the two generations before me. While this is obviously a generalization they have turned kids into little shits and they are constantly bitching about stuff that offends them. They are doing nothing for the new generations, and they are shoving their prejudices onto their children. They don't want to take responsibility for their actions and are constantly blaming others for their lack of action.

It is a really sad vicious cycle. We need to call these assholes out and straighten them up. Good for the girl to know what she enjoys.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Years later, the Enclave is formed to police the United States... Bwa ha ha ha haaa!


New member
Jun 6, 2014
I was entirely expecting the Storm Troopers to show up to her school and make her into the coolest kid on the block, and then she'd point out the bully and the Storm Troopers would lecture him in front of everyone, at least.

But this is good, too.


New member
Sep 21, 2013
FillerDmon said:
I was entirely expecting the Storm Troopers to show up to her school and make her into the coolest kid on the block, and then she'd point out the bully and the Storm Troopers would lecture him in front of everyone.
Did not think lecturing was were you were headed.
That would be lame anyway and kind of awkward for a bunch of cosplayers to lecture children. They should just drop her off or pick her up from school on their hoverbikes. They have hoverbikes, right?


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Something Amyss said:
The Empire is the more progressive side?

erttheking said:
I saw something like this like a year ago. Is this the same person or are people really such dicks that this cosplay group found another little girl being picked's the latter isn't it?
Search your feelings....
Sounds more like the Empire Remnant. The reason why the Empire had only men (And humans) in their military(Because Lucas feels the need to justify every little stupid decision he makes. In fact I think there was a guy who had the job of explaining how every little odd detail was canon) because Palpetine was pandering to xenophobic sexist old men who had a lot of power (Though he would secretly employ women and aliens if they proved to be talented)

When he fell, the Remnant was formed, and they started letting women and aliens into the military. Ironically, the Remanent was the most stable region of space after the war between the Empire and the Rebels, due to all of the high ranking Empire generals who turned warlord after, trying to carve out their own small kingdoms. Hell, it even adopted democratic policies after a decade or two.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
erttheking said:
The reason why the Empire had only men (And humans) in their military
Gotta stop you there. I've been reading the EU since the 80s and playing within the source material in RPGs almost as long. While I'm aware of the explanations (and comparison to both the Nazis and feudal Japanese xenophobia and hierarchy), the canonicity of any of this is dubious at best, as Lucas retconned his own vision numerous times. Star Wars is more loosely assembled than the rules of time travel in Doctor Who.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Something Amyss said:
erttheking said:
The reason why the Empire had only men (And humans) in their military
Gotta stop you there. I've been reading the EU since the 80s and playing within the source material in RPGs almost as long. While I'm aware of the explanations (and comparison to both the Nazis and feudal Japanese xenophobia and hierarchy), the canonicity of any of this is dubious at best, as Lucas retconned his own vision numerous times. Star Wars is more loosely assembled than the rules of time travel in Doctor Who.
Aheh. Well shows what I know

(Also shows what happens when you swing the retcon hammer every few years. Take notes Games Workshop)


New member
Feb 24, 2011
And what did the rebel scum do for her? NOTHING!!! XD

Seriously, that's damn cool. It's a cryin shame it had to happen and it can't happen for everyone who needs it. Nerd on girl, nerd on.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
No, what are they doing? They still could've saved her! Aw damn, she's lost for good isn't she. Well, a new recruit for the Empire.


Turtle king
Apr 7, 2012
StewShearer said:
According to Molina, the other girls at Murphy's school were picking on her for liking Star Wars on account of it (supposedly) being for boys.
I want an R2-D2 Jacket... anyway. its amazing how things come around full circle. Girls are picking on a little girls aren't supposed like Star Wars. Seems suspiciously similar to when I was a kid where kids picked on me because girls weren't supposed to like boys who like Star Wars.

I hope this girl had a rockin time. And who knows maybe she'll get a part in the next movie.

Wiggum Esquilax

New member
Apr 22, 2015
Karadalis said:
direkiller said:
Ukomba said:
I had no idea that Star Wars was considered a boy fandom. Most of the best characters (3 of my top 5 favorites) are female. My wife is a huge fan, and my daughter loves lightsabers.
I think it's due to the cartoons marketed to boys.
To kids her age that is the only commercial exposure they have.
Still not a reason to excuse bad parenting, the real root of the problem.

Even if star wars cartoons are aimed at boys, it no where says that girls arent allowed to watch it or enjoy star wars on those shows.

Its a parents job to make sure that their children dont grow up to be total douchebags, wich includes sitting down with your child and explaining to it that its not okay to bully no matter the reason.

Also theres responsibility with the school/teacher cause they often ignore bullying to "keep the peace" or "keep the image" of the school clean (theres no bullying at our school!) The class teacher should have had a talk with the kids in her class and if that didnt change the situation she should have contacted the bullies parents.

Why is it that in these cases the teacher/school never does the sensible thing? (assuming the parents of the girl actually sought out help from the school)

Nope it has to be a media worthy action to stop something so simple as preschool level of bullying.
Horrifying that interfering with bullying is newsworthy, but there you go.

As for school faculty, I had more teachers punish me for complaining about bullying than I had help from them. Don't send your kids to school assuming that they're safe, school is only as safe as the faculty aren't indifferent. Contacting teachers/parents/principals only works if anyone cares, addressing the school board directly can become necessary. If that doesn't work, one can consider legal action (depending on the country).


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Karadalis said:
Pft... this just shows once again that the ones keeping girls from entering these fandoms are not the boys... but other girls...

But remember: its the guys who want to keep the girls out of their clubhouses!
Oh great, guess I'll go tell that to every guy given me shit because clearly you can only have people from one group pissing on you at once.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
One of the guys I work with is in a local chapter of the 501st, top bloke. All glory to Vader's Fist.

And since this is a a bit of a sad story, here's a duck in a hat:

Sadly I was unable to find one wearing a Stormtrooper helmet.


Sperm Alien
Mar 26, 2009
Really... this made CNN? Slow news day or something? Was Trump not around? I mean seriously... good on 501 for stepping up, but give me a break. Little kids at school are bullies to anyone who doesn't conform to them... this is what makes national news now days? Where are the articles about the little girl who was bullied for liking TMNT, or the little boy for liking MLP:FIM? Or hell, the kid who is mocked for being too skinny/fat/tall/short/ginger/white/black/asian/etc ...

Yes, little kids are assholes, especially now days since many parents don't actually instill any values on their kids about right and wrong. It is hardly something that is surprising let alone news worthy... more click-bait from the Escapist I guess, is Archon still away or something, is that why all these are coming out now?

Also Stormtrooper Duck:


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Demagogue said:
Yes, little kids are assholes, especially now days since many parents don't actually instill any values on their kids about right and wrong.
There's no 'these days' about it I still have pretty ugly dreams about being bullied at school and I left 14 years ago father left school 38 years ago and was heavily bullied as well.

Some people are shits and they teach their kids it's okay to be shits and it has always been the case.


Sperm Alien
Mar 26, 2009
Ralancian said:
There's no 'these days' about it I still have pretty ugly dreams about being bullied at school and I left 14 years ago father left school 38 years ago and was heavily bullied as well.

Some people are shits and they teach their kids it's okay to be shits and it has always been the case.
True, it has always been there... and has always been all sorts of variety of kids that got bullied. It will probably always be there too, because lets face it, there are humans that can be extremely self-centered, and will do pretty much anything to get into the spot light.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
It's heart-rending that she should have to go through that. Good for the 501st, and Yankovic, for supporting her, and good for her for coming through it.


Clerical Error
Mar 29, 2009
Gordon_4 said:
One of the guys I work with is in a local chapter of the 501st, top bloke. All glory to Vader's Fist.

And since this is a a bit of a sad story, here's a duck in a hat:

Sadly I was unable to find one wearing a Stormtrooper helmet.
Story is uplifting. Here's a completely different duck in a white hat: