"Girl Gamer Syndrome"


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Shows more about the prevalence of the stereotype of gamers then despite the evidence to the contrary then it does about anything else. It'd be more interesting to note if such ideas are the result of internalized stereotypes on gamers themselves or if its just the people playing off the stereotype for other reasons.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Female gamers aren't that rare : \

and most of the ones I've met try to tone down the fact that they're female gamers so as to avoid sexual harassment.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
some girls want to try "geek chic" with stuff like hipster glasses and "omg I,m such a nerd Zelda is hot" but they mean Link even though they only played Farmville. Or when you talk about computers they turn their heads and say "I,m not that kind of nerd"
I have nothing against farmville but just playing one type of game doesn't make you a nerd.
I doubt girl gamers plaster their hobby all over their profile.
also this
Sansha said:
"I don't care what gender you are, if you act like a moron I'm going to call you out for it. Moron, be the fuck quiet."

And every time it's revealed there's a girl on a server, it hits like a plague of stupidity in men. I hate it.

I know it sucks, but for the peace of all please keep your genders to yourselves, and if you have to please just act like a person, not a girl.
this when I,m against another gamer I don,t care about your gender/race/where you come from and if you say "don,t shoot me I,m a girl" I just switch to a bigger gun or kill you harder (in game of course)
it doesn't help that much that male gamers treat female gamers like mythical creature a friend of mine plays female in most MMORPG,s and noticed that allot of male gamers gave him free stuff.

forgot to mention there is a whole meme based on "nerd" girls
I think there are honest nerd girls sadly these are rare and disguise themselves as male online to prevent sexist remarks.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
henritje said:
some girls want to try "geek chic" with stuff like hipster glasses and "omg I,m such a nerd Zelda is hot" but they mean Link even though they only played Farmville. Or when you talk about computers they turn their heads and say "I,m not that kind of nerd"
I have nothing against farmville but just playing one type of game doesn't make you a nerd.
I doubt girl gamers plaster their hobby all over their profile.
also this
hahahahaaha "zelda is hot" if anyone ever did say that I would promptly say "your right SHE is hot...sooo, you know Im gay too, your cute..wanna go out somtime?" cue her running away :p

I have been guilty of talking about games of FB

like when I said the main charachter in shadow of the colluses runs like a spaz...or on my birthday I claimed I was giving up gaming in favor of gardening


New member
Jun 10, 2010
It's great to be able to date a girl who shares one of my favorite hobbies. I'd be fine with someone indifferent to games but I wouldn't want to date someone who looks down on me for liking video games.

So yeah, girl gamers are pretty great. Please flaunt it, but not if you're just looking for attention. I want you to actually like video games.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Bete Noire said:
-really big snip-
Well put! Indeed if I weren't a guy, I'd probably be accused of being an 'attention whore' given my enthusiasm about games : \
I've never really understood why people think that 'gamer chicks' are THAT unusual; I've met plenty in almost every online game I've played. Some of the top people in the WOW realm I used to play on were female (I've been in ventrillo chat with them, so I know they're either female or they're using elaborate voice changing software)

Actually, the DnD campaign I'm hosting right now has more females than males.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
museofdoom said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Enjoyed looking at your blog as a side note.

You were going to get a couple of people say that to you, let's face it. I wouldn't take it to heart :p Welcome to the Escapist btw :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :p

And yeah, I figured there would be some people being less than kind *shrugs* And Thank-you! :D
I read it...

and to be honest I think..in regards to the responses you got in this thread, you may be making it out to be worse than it is (a little defensive mabye?)

I mean this is the internet...at least you werent hit with a tital wave of "sammich" jokes


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Vault101 said:
Mallefunction said:
Vault101 said:
)rStrangelove]It all comes down to sharing someone's hobbies i guess. If i spot a normal girl wearing an AC tshirt next to the hot looking blonde i'd choose the former. Why?

Chances are higher that Mrs.Assassine will accept games are my main hobby, thats all.

Girls crying for attention by labelling themselves gamer-girls obviously have problems getting attention of guys in the RL.

Just wear AC Tshirts, its really easy
the thing is...guys get all the best T-shits..and its a fucking travesty (Becuase mabye "I" want to wear an AC T-hsirt...dammit)
Oh god THIS! Wanted a Bioshock shirt. Got it, but it's a male-cut and it's a small...which is basically huge on a woman. I have to use it as a PJ shirt T-T I want to wear it out though so bad.
I am Vault101 and I ask you a simple question

is a girl not entitled to a T-shirt of her favorite series?

NO, says the man the studo, "only boys play our games"

NO, says the man in the marketing department "boys make up most of the market, therefore the merchandise will suit boys"

NO says the man in the store "sorry the girls shits are over there...in that tiny corner"

but I chose somthing different..I chose the impossible.... I chose


ok no not really, Id probably really screw things up if I tried that...
I love you XD


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Guys tend to actually be drawn towards girl gamers. Well, guys who are gamers at least. I don't find it any different than them having any other hobby though, but that's just me. I wouldn't mind playing with them though if I could find any that are good.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Well, if we're going to ride the stereotype train, guy-gamer-syndrome involves being a socially awkward, twelve year old shut-in who spews childish taunts and expletives at every opportunity.

Seriously, these stereotypes are hella stupid. I've only known two girl gamers, both of which were in a gaming clan I was a part of and both of which were fine individuals.


New member
May 9, 2011
museofdoom said:
Has anyone else ever noticed how many girls lately seem to think they're a "special snowflake" just because they play video games? It's really prevalent on Facebook especially. Statuses like "Yes I'm a girl, and yes I play video games <3". Or "lol I'm such a nerd, playin COD text ittt." Seriously, do they expect guys to just jump all over them like the fact that they play video games makes them hot suddenly? I'm not a guy though, so I guess that's why I'm posting this. Thoughts?
Often with women in the gaming community there are two extreame sides, on the one side you have the women flaunting their gender using it to get an extra edge, so to speak, and on the other side you have the women yelling at the imposters.

to be honest, I am growing tired of both sides, because there are tons of hypocrisy on both sides most of the time.

There are te flaunters that might truly love games, as with your example of facebook updates, she might just really loves talking about games, I for one barely make any updates that don't include gaming in some way, and guess what, I do it becaus 90% of my time is about gaming, I work with it, I study about it and it also so happens to be my hobby, so go figure what my personal "life at the moment" updates will be about...

and there are the defenders like the OP that might suddenly find themselves on the other side of the coin, and I might as well call you out OP for being an attention whore (theoretically but in all honesty though, I'm not, I'm just presenting my point) for having an IRL profile picture "showing you off" as a female gamer, why do that? most men wouldn't have IRL pictures, femeles are usually in a majority when it comes to using IRL avatars on communities like this.
so I suppose I could call you an attention whore, even though you just might have really liked that particular picture.

but I'm going to agree on the point that the really bad flaunters can in several cases be harmful for other women in the community, but not as harmful as the aggressive attitude some (both men and women) in the gaming community have that assumes women, for often pretty silly reasons, are these horrible flaunters.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I think a girl who plays video games is more likely to be cool than one who thinks they are stupid, but I think girls who make a big deal about being gamers are not much different than the now dwindling presence of girls who make a big deal about being girls on the Internet. Any girl who walkings into a perceived guy thing and says "I'm a girl!" is pretty much going for attention.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
museofdoom said:
believer258 said:
sunsetspawn said:
...All males play videogames...
What? No, not all men play video games. An overwhelming majority of the gaming population is male, and a huge amount of the population, especially among young adults, play video games, but definitely nothing near "all".
^^This. I've dated boys who didn't play video games. It was kinda awkward. "Wanna play COD?" "Nahh." "How about Mario Kart?" "No, that's stupid." "Umm Little Big Planet??" "I don't really play video games..." With people like this, I often wonder what on earth they do in their free time. Do they....go outside? D:
I tried going out side once. Ten seconds later I was covered in first, second, and third degree burns. Curse you Sun, curse you to hell.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I don't really see many girls online at all, but it is fairly annoying when they have a paragraph or so in their bio on Xbox Live that goes on about how awesome they are for being a girl on Live. Only a minor annoyance, though; I get on with my life pretty quick.

...Really don't see a lot of them since the only game I've played online recently is Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I guess girls just don't like fighting games.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Vault101 said:
Mallefunction said:
Vault101 said:
)rStrangelove]It all comes down to sharing someone's hobbies i guess. If i spot a normal girl wearing an AC tshirt next to the hot looking blonde i'd choose the former. Why?

Chances are higher that Mrs.Assassine will accept games are my main hobby, thats all.

Girls crying for attention by labelling themselves gamer-girls obviously have problems getting attention of guys in the RL.

Just wear AC Tshirts, its really easy
the thing is...guys get all the best T-shits..and its a fucking travesty (Becuase mabye "I" want to wear an AC T-hsirt...dammit)
Oh god THIS! Wanted a Bioshock shirt. Got it, but it's a male-cut and it's a small...which is basically huge on a woman. I have to use it as a PJ shirt T-T I want to wear it out though so bad.
I am Vault101 and I ask you a simple question

is a girl not entitled to a T-shirt of her favorite series?

NO, says the man the studo, "only boys play our games"

NO, says the man in the marketing department "boys make up most of the market, therefore the merchandise will suit boys"

NO says the man in the store "sorry the girls shits are over there...in that tiny corner"

but I chose somthing different..I chose the impossible.... I chose


ok no not really, Id probably really screw things up if I tried that...
YES says the guy who took home ec. I can let out those clothes for you. And now I'm stuck repairing my sister's, mother's, and girlfriend's clothes.

I only took it as an easy A. Let me finish my nap. D:


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Sweet Jiminy Christmas, I hate women who do this. I run a tabletop gamer club at my University, and trust me, I get a TON of these women showing up thinking they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's not just video games though, it extends into other media. I think tabletop gamer girls are the worse because they think it's "so underground". A 4th-year told me at our last open house if any of us had heard of a game called WarHammer 40,000, a game she "discovered" only recently online.

Mind you, I haven't read what else has been posted here save for the OP (TL;DR, I know), but I think the problem lies in the general representation of gamers, be they tabletop or video. Video gamers are seen today as they were back in the 1980s, little kids with too much sugar and no parental supervision; whereas tabletop gamers are seen ass, well, Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. It's all so "cute", "underground", or just "different" for a lot of social media addicted kids of today (wow, I sound old) that they use their dabbling in it to form a contrarian image of themselves to set themselves apart from all the faceless "friends" they have online. It's like an achievement for some people to willingly brand themselves a "gamer", whatever their definition is.

All in all, I think being a "gamer" today is the equivalent of being an "anime nerd" back in the 90s was: a way to be just quirky enough to be different and thus be an individual (no disrespect to any anime viewers here).

EDIT: Actually, thinking about this, there are a lot of guys that I know who've done this, but not as many as women. Maybe it also has to do with the more weight women put on in-person social standing than men tend to.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
I've never met a female gamer. I still freak out a little bit when I see females on the escapist.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
erttheking said:
Only ever met one person like this. Don't wanna go into detail but it ended with me swearing a lot.
By all means, go into detail. I bet its quite hilarious. (=