"Girl Gamer Syndrome"


New member
Aug 18, 2010
First I want to say sorry for taking so long to reply

Texras said:
Real girl gamers keep quiet about them playing games? You mean girl gamers should keep quiet about them playing games, unlike the guys?
No, I meant NOTHING like that, I'm just saying that in my experience through school the serious GIRL GAMERS tended to keep quiet about their habbits due to wanting to fit in or something else stupid like that... kinda sad but considering it was mostly in middle/high school, so it kinda makes sense... cause high school sucks...
same reason the guys I know didn't want to play DDR because they thought people would see them as playing a more "girly" game despite that I've seen them go crazy on it at the arcade.

Treblaine said:
How is a mainstream game not a game?

Isn't that the most hipster dismissal you could possibly make?
Allow me to explain better; I was REALLY tired when I typed that.
I didn't mean "mainstream games aren't games!" I mean it bugs me when a girl will play (and generally be okay at it) one round of CoD/Halo then call themselves a gamer because they're playing THAT game. Then let's say you try and show them ANY other game, they'll seem at a loss and just say that whatever game you mentioned sucks because it's not the one they played.

I see this happen ALL the time... however it's kinda odd now that I think about it, the girls almost always dress emo/scene and the game is ALWAYS L4D1... huh... can someone riddle me that one?

That is either cutting satire or a callously sexist putdown of female gamers, that they must adopt a "don't ask don't tell" policy in their own pastime.

But considering the context I doubt it actually is satire but in fact geniune extremism.
Oh no no no no no, as said above I was talking about my experiences, to me games are awesome and you should be able to talk about them if you want, I'm just saying that the serious "HARD CORE" girl gamers I know, TEND to keep quite in some stupid desire to fit in, in all my public life I've only met 2 girls who're outspoken about liking games, the rest I've met are pretty much... "Eww, videogames, aren't those for boys?" then when I get home they're breaking the 1000+ hour mark on WoW or TF2

I'm not saying "hey this is how they should act"
I'm saying "hey this is how I've SEEN them act... and it's really freaking stupid and drives me up a wall!"

PS: I'm really freaking sick right now so if something makes no sense or contradicts itself let me know first so I can fix it rather then jumping to assumptions.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I think it was a bit... um, it seems like people jumped to conclusions about what WOPR said about 'real' girl gamers keeping quiet about gaming. I think people may be a little too quick to pull the sexism card. I'm female and I'm pretty much exactly how he described his cousin (save for the Guitar Hero thing. Never played that in my life). I don't talk about gaming unless someone else brings it up first. It's the same with most other girls I know who play video games. They don't bring it up, because they don't see a reason to.

Honestly, the only real reason to say that you're a girl gamer is to... well, to draw attention to the fact you're a gamer who is also a girl. *shrug* And I can't see many reasons to do so, other than dispelling the myth that girls don't play games (had to do this once myself, quite recently) or to attract the attention of men/women who are looking for girls who play games.

I don't really think there's that much of an issue with girls bragging about being gamers (but that said, I don't encounter it much. The only girl I know who does so only does it rarely, and I get more offended by the fact she plays nothing but COD more than the fact she's waving her girl gamer status about). I think it just grates on some people because... well, guys don't do it. So why should girls?

Ffff- I don't know if anything I just said made sense. But alas.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Treblaine said:
we know full well that REAL gamer girls (like my cousin) are the kinds that try and keep quiet about it and just play games for fun
That is either cutting satire or a callously sexist putdown of female gamers, that they must adopt a "don't ask don't tell" policy in their own pastime.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he meant something along the lines of "Real gamer girls don't brag about it or bring it up as special points, they just play and have fun. Though they usually stay quiet to avoid all of the creepers they'll get if they DO reveal that they are in fact female."

You also forgot to quote the bit where he admitted, without shame, that she kicks all of their collective asses at Guitar Hero.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
WOPR said:
Treblaine said:
How is a mainstream game not a game?

Isn't that the most hipster dismissal you could possibly make?
Allow me to explain better; I was REALLY tired when I typed that.
I didn't mean "mainstream games aren't games!" I mean it bugs me when a girl will play (and generally be okay at it) one round of CoD/Halo then call themselves a gamer because they're playing THAT game. Then let's say you try and show them ANY other game, they'll seem at a loss and just say that whatever game you mentioned sucks because it's not the one they played.

I see this happen ALL the time... however it's kinda odd now that I think about it, the girls almost always dress emo/scene and the game is ALWAYS L4D1... huh... can someone riddle me that one?

That is either cutting satire or a callously sexist putdown of female gamers, that they must adopt a "don't ask don't tell" policy in their own pastime.

But considering the context I doubt it actually is satire but in fact geniune extremism.
Oh no no no no no, as said above I was talking about my experiences, to me games are awesome and you should be able to talk about them if you want, I'm just saying that the serious "HARD CORE" girl gamers I know, TEND to keep quite in some stupid desire to fit in, in all my public life I've only met 2 girls who're outspoken about liking games, the rest I've met are pretty much... "Eww, videogames, aren't those for boys?" then when I get home they're breaking the 1000+ hour mark on WoW or TF2

I'm not saying "hey this is how they should act"
I'm saying "hey this is how I've SEEN them act... and it's really freaking stupid and drives me up a wall!"

PS: I'm really freaking sick right now so if something makes no sense or contradicts itself let me know first so I can fix it rather then jumping to assumptions.
Well if anyone plays a round of Halo/COD, you know what... THEY ARE a gamer!

Don't be elitist. You don't have to play a load of different games for a long long time to become a gamer.

I play many many games but I SUUUUCK at RPG games (or the RPGs most common from Japan) and Racing games like Forza. Well I don't suck, I just get almost no enjoyment out of them and it's not for lack of effeort, I played through the first disk of Final Fantasy 8 and put 20 hours in FFX. What a waste.

Everyone has a right to their own particular taste in games or books or whatever. If they only like Halo then more power to them, there are far too many people in this wolrd who will never play ANY game in their entire life and deny themselves an entire CATEGORY of experience. And you know what your dismissal achieves? Nothing but driving people AWAY from gaming.

One thing you most certainly are not doing is succeeding in convincing them to try something new. Baby steps. Start with Halo, and even if they ONLY play Halo, respect them for that. But if you can't respect them for that how will they ever consider your recommendations for other things?

PS: it's kinda hard for girls to cosplay from COD/Halo as who would they cosplay as other than going cross-gender? Left 4 Dead has a female as a main character who is recognisable, distinct and it's not even a particularly hard costume. I'm just annoyed at the lack of Rochelle cosplay :(

PPS: if you're really sick, rest for goodness sake. This thread isn't going anywhere.


New member
Aug 26, 2011
museofdoom said:
Has anyone else ever noticed how many girls lately seem to think they're a "special snowflake" just because they play video games? It's really prevalent on Facebook especially. Statuses like "Yes I'm a girl, and yes I play video games <3". Or "lol I'm such a nerd, playin COD text ittt." Seriously, do they expect guys to just jump all over them like the fact that they play video games makes them hot suddenly? I'm not a guy though, so I guess that's why I'm posting this. Thoughts?

i play a lot of MMO'S and MMORPG'S (none of them shooters) and i have nearly never run into this and plenty of my friends are girls although there has been one example of a girl playing the innocent "i love you even though i have never seen you before and only met you two minutes" act and to be honest it was a strange mix of patheticly stupid and just plain creepy.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I came across this thread and just wanted to put my story out there...well I'm a girl and I love video games. Big deal, I always have and always will. I've never had an issue with "fake girls" because I ignored them and kept doing my own thing. So as of October I have been working at GameStop, I love it there. I'm not the only girl either, there are about 4 others. While I've been working there I've noticed a few things which has been getting under my skin. The first would be the guys that come in, they don't seem to take me seriously when I give them the latest updates on games or systems! I have every system and more games than you can shake a stick at (not bragging) and I'm not talking about just the latest "fad games" also I do my research, because it's something I love and enjoy. The next thing that gets me is the girls, they seemed threatened by me and feel the need to hang all over their man in front of me like I'm trying to steal them away. It's very annoying, I have a boyfriend I dont want yours and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't stick your tounge down his throat while I'm trying to talk. Anyways the last thing is the "fake girls", seriously it never bothered me, but now that I deal with them on a daily basis it's really annoying. I love the comments they make "oh yeah I played god of war on the Xbox" I'm sure you did honey, also the girls who freak out when they see the wii has call of duty...I can go on but I won't, the point is this fad nerd stuff needs to end. I don't play to impress, i play for me, it's what I love it's what I've always loved and I will be making a career out of it so some day my kids will go to school and say my mom worked on -insert awesome game here- :)


New member
Nov 10, 2010
The best thing about beautiful and unique snowflakes is they fall to the ground and just add to the mediocrity of the rest of the snow for we are all simply gamers. Wow, I should be a poet or something.

Anyways yeah gender-anonymous is the way to go. I don't care if I'm playing with a homosexual dolphin, just play.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm, well I think part of it is just girls being girls to be honest.

Girls tend to be rather paranoid in person when it comes to people they don't know, and do most of their "adventuring" online through the perceived safety of electronic communications. It's a good way to experiment with flirting with and manipulating guys without having to deal with real world repercussions, and having some mysterious boyfriend is a lot more fun when there is no chance of him showing up for real. This is in part why girls get in trouble by revealing too much online and then getting tracked down or whatever.

Games tend to be huge social networks, things like say "Call Of Duty" have the appeal of bringing a girl into contact with thousands people, and MMOs are very similar.

A girl chatting about gaming on facebook isn't tht unusual if that's what she does, because really girls will chat about whatever they happen to be doing, whether it's gardening or video gaming.

The point is that I think it's more a matter of girls doing what they do, rather than it specifically being girls and video games.

Also I'll say that yes I know not all girls are like that, but a lot are. It's also why the stereotype of the chatterbox girl rambling and getting overexcited about everything, either IRL or when virtually glued to some communications device exists.


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Annoying: "OMG IM A GURL" Gamers.

Equally annoying: Girl gamers who think they're better than other girl gamers by complaining about their other female compatriots. To me, it rings with just as much attention whoring. "OMG LOOK IM A GURL AND GURL GAMERS R ANNOYING MIRITE LOL <333"

Seriously so much sexism in this thread it's unbelievable.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Oh bloody hell who necro'd this thread??

Honestly who cares?!?!

You wouldn't give a shit if a guy announces his love for Call Of Duty, but if a girl does, she's doing it purely for attention?
Speaking as a female gamer; I do not give a crap if you pay attention to my gender or not. I am not going `tee-hee I'm a girl`, I'm just exsisting as who I am, I've been playing games since I was 7 years old and I dont do it for anybody's benefit but mine.

futurememory said:
Annoying: "OMG IM A GURL" Gamers.

Equally annoying: Girl gamers who think they're better than other girl gamers by complaining about their other female compatriots. To me, it rings with just as much attention whoring. "OMG LOOK IM A GURL AND GURL GAMERS R ANNOYING MIRITE LOL <333"

Seriously so much sexism in this thread it's unbelievable.
You're kind of a perfect example.
So if you're a girl your opinion on other girls is attention whoring?
I sometimes tell people I am gaming with I'm a girl if it is relevant. But now its gotten to the point where everyone will assume I am a man but if I mention I'm not I'm an attention whore.


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Phasmal said:
You're kind of a perfect example.
So if you're a girl your opinion on other girls is attention whoring?
I sometimes tell people I am gaming with I'm a girl if it is relevant. But now its gotten to the point where everyone will assume I am a man but if I mention I'm not I'm an attention whore.
This thread was made by a girl complaining about other girls and their attention whoring. What was her point for this thread? Why make this thread? The whole thread screams, "I'm better than these 'special snowflakes.'"

People should just play video games and enjoy them and not care why other people are playing/enjoying them.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Phasmal said:
Oh bloody hell who necro'd this thread??
It has become a pastime as of late apparently. I have seen four months old threads necroed since yesterday.