Girl Magnets

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
So perhaps today was just out to get me, but damn I hate days like today. When everything seems to just exist to remind me what a sad lonely loser I am.

So after being mildly insulted in class by a female I had liked, watching everyone and their girlfriend/boyfriend out enjoying the nice day, and having to sit behind a group of women in another class discussing whats "wrong with those guys who play games" and "watch those weird Asian cartoons", I had the pleasure of having to watch some random sophomore (I'm in college) get to sit and eat dinner with no less than 6 different fairly attractive women who came up to him to sit with him. While I sat by myself for the 4 year in a row. And then watch as no less than three of them were almost sitting on him within 5 minutes.

Needless to say, I was just a bit irked. I mean, really, how the fuck can people be so lucky? I mean, did I just get shafted in that department? Here I am, can barely get the time of day from women and people like him have women basically throwing themselves at them.

I mean, I could accept that, yes, fine, some guys through no fault of their just will never have any luck finding women. But does life really need to remind them that they suck and that they've failed at something like that at almost every opportunity?


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Some people really are just lucky.

Some of us are just confident and manage to talk to women quite easily.

Some of us even get blessed with good looks.

But that means sod all if you have no self confidence.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I constructed a girl magnet once, it worked really well.
Getting the girls with the magnet was easy, getting them to feel anythign but rage about beeing abducted was not, if the magnet hadn't held them to it like a regular magnet hold a tight grip on iron, i would've been stiletto-stomped into oblivion.
Then came law-enforcement, and all the angry men whose girlfriends, wifes and daugthers had been sucked up by my creation, accusing me of abduction, and generally wanting to whoop my ass just as much as the girls.
Luckily, my one-shot teleporter got me safely to my secret lair hidden inside an underground volcano.
Now i need to change my face.

On a more serious note, why on earth would you want to attract girls who despise what you like? Would you honestly care enough for their company to give up your interrests, to pretend to be something they could like for the sake of their lousy company (not all girls are lousy, those who despise what you are, for you lousy)


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Of course, magnetism!

That explains it all. Women aren't humans with complex needs, wants, and opinions. It's so obvious! Actually, wait. Fucking magnets, how do they work?

So yeah, girls more complex than magnetism, which is itself pretty complex. And some people are just really good at physics. Or getting women. Stephen Hawking is both.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
just think positive, take a step back from self loathing, look at yourself from just a bit closer and see what you project, watch some light comedy, and know it can all get better. you don't believe how fast thing can change. years ago, i was without friends, a hand-virgin, and sucked at pretty much everything, two months pass, i was surrounded with awesome people, i had a girlfriend (for 8 friggin' months, a whole lot for first GF) and was scoring A+'s all around.

i know it can look impossible sometimes but really - optimism causes things to look better, and that helps project confidence everywhere you go without even trying.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Do you look like an anime nerd? Alternatively, are you an uninteresting person or appear uninviting to strangers? Women are people with their own opinions, not pieces of metal. If you're not an interesting person or aren't outgoing enough to make friends, you are unlikely to get attention from other people.

Change yourself, it's more productive than complaining about why other people aren't doing what you want.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
THAT my friend, is not the problem. The problem comes when you actually GET a girl who hates all the things that you like but loves you (somehow) so when you try to tell her it isn't working she rips out a chainsaw and paints the town with your guts.

In short, they aren't the girls for you. Because the girls that float to big macho self-involved dicks usually share at least 10 characteristics with them. Look elsewhere.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Don't worry, chick-magnets have it tough. If they face the wrong way they can turn into chick repellents.
Seriously though, don't worry too much about it. It's all about having a positive attitude about it. Some people just look good enough to get by, others have to work a bit harder at it. You might want to try talking to them and seeking them out. It might also be your reputation, in which case they're just shallow for discounting you for being a game.
Besides, they're just girls, after all. Some (like me) would say that you're better off being a bachelor.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Odds are the the "girl magnets" are over confident people that cheat on or abuse women, have money, and do dangerous/extreme/counter-culture activities. If you don't have at least two of the three, women will ignore you. There's this myth that being very attractive will get you laid, but I've seen some womanizing men, and they are 'woah' ugly.


Pick two.

Highschool and college
Mid-life <executives/managers/engineers have 1 and 2> <drug dealers have all three, but mostly 2 and 3>
Military has 1 and 2, and possibly 3 (women know that if they get preg. with a military guy, they have guaranteed income for at least 4-8 years or longer: government pays them directly and auto deducts from dude's paycheck = no skipping child support).


I longboard (think skateboarding only down hills and stuff). So I've got three down. However, as a student after being unemployed for two years, I lack two. Also, while I have confidence in my ability to ride a board, I'm still timid around women. So I'm sitting at 1 out of 3, and women ignore me and blow me off at every opportunity. That said, at the beginning of each semester when financial aid checks roll out, oddly enough, I find myself in slightly better company if you know what I mean.

Women want confidence, then money, then something unique/dangerous/self damaging.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
I don't mean to brag but I've been known to magnetise quite the few womens to myself in my time, mmhmm.
No but, seriously (kinda), it's confidence, usually. Since about the age of 16 I've had no trouble with women because I developed a decent amount of self confidence. But then there's too much confidence like a friend of mine. He's 23, weighs about 25 stone (I'm not joking) and has a douchebag ginger beard. He thinks he's Zeus' gift to the world because he's in major denial and it's really sad to watch...
Anyhow, yeah, confidence!

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Chemical Alia said:
Do you look like an anime nerd? Alternatively, are you an uninteresting person or appear uninviting to strangers?
I look like a nerdier version of this guy, with a bad, in-curable acne problem:

Conversely, a not insignificant percentage (actually a majority) of men at my college look something like this:

And no, that is not hyperbole or an exaggeration.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Take it from a man with 18 charisma, who rolls 20 every seduction check.

Its all about the pickup line. Making a girl laugh is the best way to break the ice.
"Do i smell fire and brimstone? Cause your the devil i wanna make a deal with."

But really, if you want to find a good woman, dont try to pick women up. Find a girl you can be friends with. Let it evolve over time. Its how me and my wife got together. Friends for 2 years, married for 3.


I didn't pay for this?
Jan 4, 2010
Confidence, as those above me have stated. You may not be the kinda guy who gets 6 girls at one time, but if you're confident and kind, you'll be doing all right for yourself once the girls are out of college and looking for someone with more personality than a brick. Wait for everyone's shallow phase to pass.

The Gnome King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Dags90 said:
Of course, magnetism!

That explains it all. Women aren't humans with complex needs, wants, and opinions. It's so obvious! Actually, wait. Fucking magnets, how do they work?

So yeah, girls more complex than magnetism, which is itself pretty complex. And some people are just really good at physics. Or getting women. Stephen Hawking is both.
Actually, if all you want is to get laid... read the PUA stuff out there.

If you're interested in more, yeah, it's more complicated.

Me, I have my own unique style. :D