Giving someone $20 in Steam games. [ENTRY CLOSED]


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Now that I have a PC that can handle it, I'd like to play Batman Arkham Asylum (GOTY Edition).

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
Eliwood10 said:
Now that I have a PC that can handle it, I'd like to play Batman Arkham Asylum (GOTY Edition).
Oh me too. I wish it was on sale. I grabbed City GOTY yesterday for like 7.50. I haven't played the first one since it was brand new. I like them both, but I think if I had to pick one, it would be the first in the series. It just feels more personal.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
I just noticed I have a copy of No Time To Explain in my Steam inventory. I sent it to someone a couple weeks ago and they never redeemed it. Anyone want that? First person to speak up can have it.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I always love it when someone in the community does something like this, it makes me regret the fact that most of the give always I do are on our facebook page.

If I get it I'm always up for a copy of the Chaos Rising expansion for Dawn of War II.

Pretty sure my steam details are in my profile.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Louie Clark said:
Hi. It's time to give away some games again.

I'm going to pick someone randomly, around (Mountain Time) midnight on the 1st. So if you want to enter, you have a little more than a day to say so.

You can pick whatever you want on Steam, as long as it doesn't go over twenty dollars. That can be one game for 19.99, or twenty copies of some weird game for a dollar. Then, I'll friend you on Steam so I can send you the games.

That's pretty much it, I guess. Have fun.

Oh, and this isn't some stupid April Fools thing. I know the timing is bad for this, but I've done this thing a few times here. You can look those up if you're worried I'm just trying to be a dick.
I'm always very uncomfortable getting stuff from people but I love giving things, so how about you pick a game under 20 US Dollars that you want and I'll give it to you instead? You seem to have been kind enough to everyone here, I feel like it's time to return the favour.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
Pessimismus said:
I'm always very uncomfortable getting stuff from people but I love giving things, so how about you pick a game under 20 US Dollars that you want and I'll give it to you instead? You seem to have been kind enough to everyone here, I feel like it's time to return the favour.
That's pretty nice and I appreciate it a lot, but I'm good. I have way too many things to play, and there's nothing on Steam that I want until Evoland releases on April 3rd, and I've already got that lined up. Same with Fez, which hits steam in a couple weeks.

Again, thanks a lot, but I'm more than set on games.


New member
May 13, 2010
Don't starve would be tons of fun, sadly I can't afford it this month. ;(

Then you popped up! Yay!

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
I just bought a four pack of Trapped Dead (which might be a totally shitty game, never heard of it) so my friend and I could try it's multiplayer. I have two copies left over, if it looks like something someone would like to try. Link to the game's page is below.

edit: all gone.
Jun 13, 2011
I have an extra copy of Toki Tori that I have, and am willing to give away. First person to quote me or send a PM gets it.

And hopefully this will boost my karma score with the RNG gods for Louie's giveaway. A $20 thing would be nice.


New member
Apr 1, 2013
Hey there Louie. I'm a long-time reader of Escapist, and I happened to notice your thread. I thought, "I have Steam. This guy is probably joking, but oh well."

So here I am! I just added you on steam. Name starts with ded******.

I've been wanting a new RTS game for some time. 'Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity' would be great if I win. I like all RTS though. I'm not particular.

Here's hoping this isn't really a joke. (...or some elaborate scam to hack my Steam account...)