Go 8-Bit Zombie Hunting With the Left 4 Dead "Demake"


New member
Feb 19, 2009
man i wish i was 50 years old right now so that I've could have played this game when it was cutting edge. Assuming he made this game in 1970


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Meh, I don't really see the appeal.

Though since we're on the topic of "demakes", Sonic Robo Blast 2 was pretty sick.



New member
Jun 12, 2009
Lame. Not because it's 8-bit. I think it would be funny as hell to see a real translation of L4D to NES style, but this person totally missed the point. I mean, good lord, it's just a standard isometric shooter. The zombies just stand around most of the time, and having the same hatless-Mario sprites for nearly every zombie isn't all that impressive. Plus, the other characters are totally absent. What the hell? I know, I know, programming AI is hard. But you know what? Flash programmers do it just fine all the time. I've seen tons of Flash games out there that have perfectly functioning AI from NPCs. There's no reason not to have all the characters there, or at least fully functioning zombies.

Really, the only novelty of this is just the idea. NES Left 4 Dead. The graphics are unimaginative and uninspired, and that's not because it's 8-bit. Oh no, I've seen some seriously nice colorful graphics in a lot of NES games. Castlevania III had beautiful, colorful graphics, yet it still pulled off the creepy, dark atmosphere. The gameplay is far too simple. The music was alright, and the fact that he made it so close to the original music is pretty cool. But really, it just draws out the blandness of the game. Having such good music would have made it fantastic if it was actually a good translation.

My problem is that this is far too gimmicky to make it worthy of play. He only got people to play this because it has the name Left 4 Dead on it.

Molotov H20

New member
Nov 17, 2009
scotth266 said:
Meh, I don't really see the appeal.
Though since we're on the topic of "demakes", Sonic Robo Blast 2 was pretty sick.
Oh wow, I haven't played that in a loooong time.
Last thing I ever did was run around as Megaman.

As for the L4D demake, it sure would be nice to play it on the go.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
im pretty sure there where made an 4bit l4d game, it was pretty fun, this just looks boring, and he had twice the bits to work whit.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Ok, I know that it hasbe said that some people do have an excess of time on their hands& for the most part the results are not always the most beautiful of things but in this case we have a Win ladies&gentlemen // Something like this is a thing of joy&should be shared with the world // So let's just hope that steam takes it in board as a free download



New member
Oct 10, 2008
IdealistCommi said:
I wonder if they mean "Hilarious", as in bad funny, or "This is fucking awesome!" funny
That was my first question too. There comment could either be considered flattering or a huge insult.

Well, it is Valve we are talking about, so I assume they meant "it is awesome" funny.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
wordsmith said:
Samurai Goomba said:
Well, I really enjoy the TF2 demake, hopefully this will be good as well. Although it doesn't look quite as fun.
Have a look at "Gang Garrison"
That's what I meant. I ENJOY it, as in I play it frequently.

My nickname on that is "rik," and I usually play Engie, Heavy or Spy.


TF2 Group Admin
May 1, 2008
Samurai Goomba said:
wordsmith said:
Samurai Goomba said:
Well, I really enjoy the TF2 demake, hopefully this will be good as well. Although it doesn't look quite as fun.
Have a look at "Gang Garrison"
That's what I meant. I ENJOY it, as in I play it frequently.

My nickname on that is "rik," and I usually play Engie, Heavy or Spy.
*facepalm* I missread that totally, I thought you said "I'd really enjoy a TF2 demake, hopefully it will be as good as this". Damn skim reading xD


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Crossborder said:
It looks fun, but a bit too easy..
He's playing it on Normal, I think the Advanced mode would contain quite a bit more zombies. They could've moved a bit more as well, if you ask me. But the 8-bit music really did it for me, awesome.

Anyway, this looks great, people would've lóved this if it was released in the 80's. I laughed when I saw the shove ability, but was surprised that I didn't see a Hunter. I see why a Smoker or Witch wouldn't really work, but a Hunter is quite easy I suppose, sure it wouldn't pounce like a regular Hunter, but it would jump around like those fly things in the first Mario game.
wordsmith said:
Samurai Goomba said:
Well, I really enjoy the TF2 demake, hopefully this will be good as well. Although it doesn't look quite as fun.
Have a look at "Gang Garrison"
I totally Youtube'd the shit out of that, and wow, that's even more awesome than the L4D one. Especially the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLFlWw-7FnQ&feature=related] awesome [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLUXBJjJIY&feature=related] TF2 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2keLeYGeuQ&feature=related] music [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gilxrVtyUpA&feature=related] in 8-bit form. Brilliant Youtube comments (*gasp* yes it is true!) under those video's, by the way.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
The Rogue Wolf said:
Fraught said:
To be honest, compared to the real Left4Dead, it looks kind of...boring.
I'm kind of hoping this is sarcasm. The NES is literally almost 25 years old, there's only so much it could take.
That doesn't mean I can't still judge it by today's standards. It was made recently, after all, and for who? Nostalgics who just play inferior games, because "it's meant to look like a 25-year-old console"?

And yes, while "for teh lulz" is the reason anyone does anything, and it's a neat idea, I think they could've bumped up the number of zombies a bit. Also, most of them just seemed to stand there, when the player came up to them and shot them.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
Looks fun, in a very retro and pop-culture'ish kind of way, but fails to instill the sense of panic of L4D. There simply aren't enough zombies.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Even then, for a "retro game" it looks just too easy. I remember those classic games because they were balls-crushingly difficult. This game looks like a joke.