Go 8-Bit Zombie Hunting With the Left 4 Dead "Demake"


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Cool idea, but the game just doesn't look like it'd be fun. Most NES games had more variety than THAT!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
HA HA HA HA! That's hilarious! Although I must say considering what happened with that group who was trying to make an unofficial non-profit Chrono Trigger sequel, he probably should have gotten it touch with Valve before attempting this project. On the other hand, Valve does seem a lot less anal then Square.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Could use a bit more polish, maybe a button-mashing horde fest, but all in all, it's at least worth a look.

As for THIS, though...

scotth266 said:
Meh, I don't really see the appeal.

Though since we're on the topic of "demakes", Sonic Robo Blast 2 was pretty sick.

That I will need to look up immediately. Not only does that look far and away better than Sonic 3D Blast (says an unfortunate owner), that looks better than anything Sega's done with the guy in over a decade.

And with that, I'm off!


New member
Nov 23, 2007
That looks pretty weak. It could be any of a number of isometric shooters, he's just slapped on the L4D title and made some admittedly spiffy demakes of the music. He could at least have had the boomer bile act as a magnet for all the nearby zombies, and maybe have the zombies move towards the player once you get close rather than just standing around waiting to be shot. This concept has some potential, but this guy's pretty much wasted it completely.

TheDrunkNinja said:
Lame. Not because it's 8-bit. I think it would be funny as hell to see a real translation of L4D to NES style, but this person totally missed the point. I mean, good lord, it's just a standard isometric shooter. The zombies just stand around most of the time, and having the same hatless-Mario sprites for nearly every zombie isn't all that impressive. Plus, the other characters are totally absent. What the hell? I know, I know, programming AI is hard. But you know what? Flash programmers do it just fine all the time. I've seen tons of Flash games out there that have perfectly functioning AI from NPCs. There's no reason not to have all the characters there, or at least fully functioning zombies.

Really, the only novelty of this is just the idea. NES Left 4 Dead. The graphics are unimaginative and uninspired, and that's not because it's 8-bit. Oh no, I've seen some seriously nice colorful graphics in a lot of NES games. Castlevania III had beautiful, colorful graphics, yet it still pulled off the creepy, dark atmosphere. The gameplay is far too simple. The music was alright, and the fact that he made it so close to the original music is pretty cool. But really, it just draws out the blandness of the game. Having such good music would have made it fantastic if it was actually a good translation.

My problem is that this is far too gimmicky to make it worthy of play. He only got people to play this because it has the name Left 4 Dead on it.
...also, all of what this guy said.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Oh hi there complaining masses who don't know how showing off an incomplete game works, say there are too few zombies? well watch this.

Granted it won't satisfy most people but whatever, I'm convinced. It's a pretty good effort for only one guy.

Also anybody saying the point was missed doesn't get how a demake works. You don't just make the same game with the exact same features but only pare down the graphics. That's not a demake. And it never will be. Even Gang Garrision eliminated a lot in translating TF2 down to 8-bit.

EDIT: I apologize if I come off caustic here but since this ironically seems reminiscent of another knee-jerk reaction to one video to a certain other game including the words "Left 4 Dead" I may have suffered a flashback.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
I had heard Australia's version had the gore turned down but wow...

Ok, sorry.
Bad jokes aside, that looks pretty funny, if not a bit repetitive.


New member
May 22, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Oh hi there complaining masses who don't know how showing off an incomplete game works, say there are too few zombies? well watch this.

Granted it won't satisfy most people but whatever, I'm convinced. It's a pretty good effort for only one guy.

Also anybody saying the point was missed doesn't get how a demake works. You don't just make the same game with the exact same features but only pare down the graphics. That's not a demake. And it never will be. Even Gang Garrision eliminated a lot in translating TF2 down to 8-bit.

EDIT: I apologize if I come off caustic here but since this ironically seems reminiscent of another knee-jerk reaction to one video to a certain other game including the words "Left 4 Dead" I may have suffered a flashback.

Now that looks more complete and alot more fun to play! 8-bit Hunter is awesome.

Joe Matsuda

New member
Aug 24, 2009
i love 8-bit hunter

is it me, or did that seem kinda hard?

sure they made it to the sewers...but just barely....course that witch didnt help much.....


New member
Nov 12, 2009
...am i the only one who noticed this...or does 8-bit Louis look really dorky, but other than that it looks really good