God of War III Launch Trailer Will Make Europeans Jealous


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Mr Companion said:
I now officially dislike John Funk.
In addition I am from England so I get to wait super long woo FUCKING hoo.
Hey don't be hating on the Funk.


New member
May 16, 2009
As a 360 english gamer i expected to be truely jealous but again i am disapointed with the "only intresting ps3 exclusive" trailer.Im not saying its not a good trailer but its nothing special.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Looks good, but seeing as I haven't played GoW 1 or 2, it didn't have the same effect on me as say, the Mass Effect 2 trailer.

Still, if I do get a PS3, this'll be one of the first games I get.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
dududf said:
Yeah that was OK.

I'm pretty sure I've seen better trailers. But nonetheless it's probably making people who were already looking forward to it to a state of shivering of awesome. ;)
I found an example.
Dude, I dare anyone to find a trailer that can even come close to the awesomeness presented in the ME2 launch trailer


New member
Aug 31, 2009
someboredguy said:
dududf said:
Yeah that was OK.

I'm pretty sure I've seen better trailers. But nonetheless it's probably making people who were already looking forward to it to a state of shivering of awesome. ;)
I found an example.
Dude, I dare anyone to find a trailer that can even come close to the awesomeness presented in the ME2 launch trailer
I thought that trailer was good, but not that good.

Don't get me wrong, it had me jump out of seat and pre-order the game. But the L4D2 trailer I showed was enough for me to say "Shit Yeah!" and buy it.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Have they actually released the God of War Collection for PS3 in the UK yet?

I kind of don't want to play the third game in a series until I've played the first two, really...


New member
Aug 16, 2009

I gotta play through the collection first though, I'm ashamed to say I've never owned a GoW :O

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Meh nothing too exciting there, I'll probably get it when it gets cheaper. the God of War games never really bothered me.

If that was a trailer for last guardian though, then I'd be interested.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
bjj hero said:
Proof thay Sony hates Europeans?

Sweet trailer though.
Well, ironically I think it's a matter of the smaller European market, combined with the fact that they probably have to do more localization to more languages. That and Japan has this wierd love/hate/worship/scorn relationship with America.

Also I am a bit surprised people are heralding this as any kind of finale. I could have sworn it was said flat out that this would NOT be the end of the story or Franchise rather clearly, here on The Escapist in fact. It addressed the issue of both it and Mass Effect not "ending" at the end of their respecting trilogies.

That said I've never been a fan, the concept of Dante's Inferno was more interesting to me (and yes I am a minority), it's the only brawler of this style I've bought new.

Last night I picked up "Dragon Age: Awakenings" and am installing it now as I type. :p


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Jon Etheridge said:
I officially hate PSN right now. Why you ask? Demos.

I had never played a GoW game until I checked out the demo. Now I HAVE to go out and buy the first two and this one because that demo was freaking insane.

Now I know that I should have played them a long time ago but I'm kind of an "open world whore" where if a game doesn't have a sandbox style of gameplay, I generally don't play them. Yeah it's a close minded way to game but that's what I like you know.

Then "Just Cause 2" demo came out and I had to check that out. Now I'm gonna have to buy that game. DAMN YOU PSN!!!!
Now shake your fist.
Good, now shake harder.
That's what I've been doing and for the exact same reason.
I downloaded both of those demos and I really want both of those games.

Here's what I'm going to do. As the size of JC2 will probably mean that its going to take me a while to do everything I want to in it so that's a definite buy. God Of War 3 looks amazing but based on my experience with the earlier ones, I'm going to rent it, play through it, and then later buy it when I feel like playing through it again.
There's just too many good games at once.


New member
May 10, 2008
People that haven't played it, need to, its a superb series and easily one of the best action games I have ever played. I remember playing the demo of the first game for the first time and becoming hooked from the get go, we ran out and bought the game at launch, nobody really knew much about the game back then, so we spread the word (by 'we' I mean my brother and I), since then, its become massive and I'm glad :D Its an intense game from start to finish and probably my most anticipated this gen :D


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Oh Damn and blast! The only downside to being an Englishman! *lights pipe* But just you wait! we'll have our day when We get the exclusive First!


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Mr. Funk, you have now become the object of my scorn for the next several weeks, and I will probably react badly to most things you say, even if they are pretty cool.

Couldn't you have left that out and said "Here am God of War III launch trailer, it come out in US today, Mainland Europe tomorrow, UK and Ireland on 19th.
Kratos go bang-bang on enemies with sword."
That would have involved less effort on your part, made you readable by cavemen, while saving you a lot of hate from a fairly large proportion of the UK and Ireland reader base that they could channel towards Micheal Atkinson, or whoever made the decision to cast that thing as the new Doctor.

Anyway, hate aside, this looks amazing, even if it is slightly too lacking in Kevin Butler.
I can't wait for my copy, and I'm regretting preordering on Amazon, and having to wait for it to be delivered.


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
John Funk said:
Now, don't get me wrong here: We have lots of readers across the pond, and for the most part all y'all are awesome.
What's that supposed to me, "for the most part"? =D

someboredguy said:
Dude, I dare anyone to find a trailer that can even come close to the awesomeness presented in the ME2 launch trailer
Amen to that!!

Back on topic, though, the trailer looks pretty enticing, though, I'm a fan of the blades Kratos wields. I might be tempted to pick this up, but I'd have to go through the first two before that...


New member
Nov 14, 2008
I must have played the demo 30 times by now. I live in America but I plan on buying it on Thursday because I get paid. With this trailer, I am more than willing to kill to get this game today. Excuse me while I go mug an old lady.