God of War III "Not the End of God of War"


New member
Jul 14, 2008
Maybe Kratos will go on a pan-Mediterranean theological killing spree. After he finishes off the Greek gods he'll move east and take on Osiris and Baal.

Or we could get really crazy and have him take on Raiden or Amaterasu.

Or Quetzacoutl.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
John Funk said:
Pallindromemordnillap said:
Kratos is Greek, Mars is Roman. Nerd alert!
Anyway, if this is the end of the trilogy, I wonder what the next step will be. God of War Viking? Replace Kratos with a burly, bearded Norseman and have him hunt down Tyr?
Well yes, but there's no month called Aresch.
There was a botanist who went by Aresch. A botanist isn't very God of War-like though.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Pallindromemordnillap said:
Kratos is Greek, Mars is Roman. Nerd alert!
Anyway, if this is the end of the trilogy, I wonder what the next step will be. God of War Viking? Replace Kratos with a burly, bearded Norseman and have him hunt down Tyr?
Oh yeah... well Mars is a planet!...

[sub] yeah[/sub]

I'd only want KTR if it was as good as CTR. If it was, I'd be flabbergasted but probably out of pocket after buying 50 copies!


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I agree with others on the whole moving onto different mythologies, I would definitely love to see that.
John Funk said:
Kratos Team Racing?
Yay? I think if that happened the gods couldn't take me from this earth fast enough.


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
Amnestic said:
John Funk said:
Pallindromemordnillap said:
Kratos is Greek, Mars is Roman. Nerd alert!
Anyway, if this is the end of the trilogy, I wonder what the next step will be. God of War Viking? Replace Kratos with a burly, bearded Norseman and have him hunt down Tyr?
Well yes, but there's no month called Aresch.
There was a botanist who went by Aresch. A botanist isn't very God of War-like though.
And poets aren't crazy crusaders (well... some might be) but look at Dante! Someone would find a way to make it work... God of Botany... I like it!

I'm fine with them continuing the license if it gives them money and time to create a new franchise. And maybe a great game or two. It can only be good, people.

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
HEY cmon,...the PSP GoW was an awesome game with imba gameplay and amazing cinematics! It was the psp title that hooked me on the big bro versions,


New member
Nov 14, 2008
I remember after playing GOW 1 they mentioned a storyline involving Kratos' brother whom he was separated from as a small child. I wonder if they still plan on going ahead with that storyline after the trilogy.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
We really dont need anything after this game.But if they were to pull off a final fantasy 7 kind of thing.With the prequels and squeals and stuff.

Say how about playing a young Zeus or something Or playing as the god of war.

no one really

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Oh my god -.- (lol, god)

Wait, why is that lava titan attacking Kratos? I thought he teamed up with the titans!
Don't tell me he's angry at them too!


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Lord_Panzer said:
BehattedWanderer said:
I'm glad they're wanting to be careful with it, though I wouldn't mind a mythology change. Egyptian, Norse, Slavic, Chinese, Japanese, even Indian (Brahma Creates, Vishnu Preserves, Shiva Destroys, anyone?). No one says that God of War has to focus around Kratos, after all. There's plenty of pantheons to slaughter yet, each with their own God of War
What would be funny if if they did the next trilogy focusing on the Roman pantheon.
Uh...not...really? And what, call him Kraytus? Cheap remakes are not funny, no. They need to stay with quality, not with shite.

Cod of War

New member
Jan 13, 2010
My two theories.

1. Kratos defeats Chaos itself and becomes a supreme higher being. He then notices that aside from the Olympians there are several more pantheons. This angers him and he separates his spirit into several pieces which infect and influence specific children from various lands.

A baby girl from Eqypt, a young boy in Scandanavia. And thus the cycle continues

2. The year is 2010. A US Army squad discovers the dead massive husk of Kronos with the temple still intact. They investigate. One moron activates Pandora's Box and all hell breaks loose.
Now, he must use a fusion of technology and magic to travel the world and defeat various ancient monsters in...

Call Of Duty: Godly Warfare

I love this series.


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
BehattedWanderer said:
Lord_Panzer said:
BehattedWanderer said:
I'm glad they're wanting to be careful with it, though I wouldn't mind a mythology change. Egyptian, Norse, Slavic, Chinese, Japanese, even Indian (Brahma Creates, Vishnu Preserves, Shiva Destroys, anyone?). No one says that God of War has to focus around Kratos, after all. There's plenty of pantheons to slaughter yet, each with their own God of War
What would be funny if if they did the next trilogy focusing on the Roman pantheon.
Uh...not...really? And what, call him Kraytus? Cheap remakes are not funny, no. They need to stay with quality, not with shite.
Oh, I forgot.

[HEADING=1]My previous post was sarcastic, said in a tongue-in-cheek manner, and not to be taken seriously. That is all.[/HEADING]


New member
Jan 19, 2009
*sigh* I have to change my underwear now. Yes, I'm pissing myself with anticipation for God of War 3, right now, as I write this down.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Lord_Panzer said:
BehattedWanderer said:
Lord_Panzer said:
BehattedWanderer said:
I'm glad they're wanting to be careful with it, though I wouldn't mind a mythology change. Egyptian, Norse, Slavic, Chinese, Japanese, even Indian (Brahma Creates, Vishnu Preserves, Shiva Destroys, anyone?). No one says that God of War has to focus around Kratos, after all. There's plenty of pantheons to slaughter yet, each with their own God of War
What would be funny if if they did the next trilogy focusing on the Roman pantheon.
Uh...not...really? And what, call him Kraytus? Cheap remakes are not funny, no. They need to stay with quality, not with shite.
Oh, I forgot.

[HEADING=1]My previous post was sarcastic, said in a tongue-in-cheek manner, and not to be taken seriously. That is all.[/HEADING]
Ooh, don't get your panties in a bunch, it makes it less fun and harder to get them off. And remember, while sarcasm and ridicule are fine, blatant insipidity is much less fun, much like bunched panties.

*This message brought to you by the Appropriate Use of Sarcasm Council*


New member
May 16, 2009
Fucking awesome.

Can't wait to see how much farther they can take the series, though personally, I think it could just end here.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I think people might be reading too much into this..

I'll note that it was said that the TRILOGY is over, but they will continue to make "God of War" games.

Well there are alot of "Gods" out there in mythology and alot of wars to run them through.
We could very well see something akin to Prince of persia... a new trilogy featuring a new "God" fighting a "new War".

There's Norse mythology that could be toyed with, although i think Viking kinda beat them to it. There's Druidic Gods and Celtic Gods, and the like..
There's a whole pantheon of interesting and brutal African Gods that I think could use the exposure and provide tons of new storytelling, since most people know very little about African mythos.

Then there's the Native AMerican myths and Gods, the Mayan/Aztec Gods, and even the Asian mythologies of China and Japan, both of which are extremely rich and offer the potential of new play styles and game mechanics.

Of course there is also Christianity... but with Darksiders sliding in to take on the apocalypse, and that uber fine line that would have to be walked when dealing with Biblical stories for fear of causing undo controversy, I'm not sure thats something they'd be willing to tackle.

Although the idea of playing as a long-haired Samson crushing demon skulls and slaying a thousand enemies into a bloody mess with the jawbone of an ass does sound summat interesting...


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Of course not, they're going to franchise the shit out of it, no matter what he says.
Then the Xbots will have license to start bitching about the PS3's "cash cow."
Aiden Rebirth said:
Norse mythology... PLEASE GIVE ME!!!!
I think that was just Too Human...future Kratos with cyber-Viking and Valkyries...and guns.

Didn't turn out so well.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Personally, I would love to see more sequels to Chains of Olympus. I would love to see Kratos having to take on other Greek and Roman myths before moving on to whatever else the authors do.

There are so many cool things that could be done with other Myths. Here are a few off the top of my head:

After defeating Heracles, he takes the fur of the Nemean Lion, which functions like the Golden Fleece from God of War II and III

He kills a cursed King Midas and uses something of his, maybe a finger to make a golden version of the Medusa head.

The Pan Pipes gained from Pan, that do something cool. Either cause wind damage or it will get the opponent to fight his friends as long as there is magic in the gauge.

Artemis helps him by lending him her silver arrows.

Hermes could get involved by lending him the use of his speed powers. They do not allow him to move faster, but give him a short running dash so he can used it to get through certain walls and whatnot.

Haephestus lends him his hammer to help with some obstacles.

he gets Achillies' Spear.

An interesting story might be as follows:

Typheos, the hundred headed dragon, living under Sicily, is awaken by Ceres, who wants revenge against the Gods for allowing Kratos to kill her daughter. Her plan is to bring Mount olympus to the ground by having typheos destroy the earthly foundation of it. Along the way there, he witnesses all the stars fall from the sky and discovers the reason for it: Astrea, the goddess of the stars along with her temple fell from the sky. I am guessing that Morpheus gets involved again. He discovers that Haephestus allowed the binding around the Typheos to loosen and cause the mountain to crack as well. He is tired of his existence as well.

Along the way, he has to kill some of the other Greek gods, goddesses, and heroes, such as Midas, Pan, Hercules and so on. Each one of these people lost favor with the other Gods and want to use Typheus as leverage to gain it back. He either kills or incapacitates them and moves on.

Well, that would be what I would do.