Grand Theft Auto IV Blamed In Murder Case


New member
Sep 7, 2011
Chaosritter said:
Video games turn kids into murderers, porn turns kids into perverts...

I always wondered why whenever something like this happens, nobody gets the idea to blame the parents or legal guardian.

"Oh no, little Timmy cut himself with the steak knife his dad gave him to play with, let's ban all knives!"

Remember that case when some careless parents gave a Pokemon toy to their four month old baby, clearly ignoring the "not suited for kids under the age of three" warning on the very toy and BK got the blame? Why didn't anyone get the idea to charge the parents for violating their supervision and thereby causing the death of the kid? There were plenty of similiar cases, and it always led to the same conclusion: BK is to blame, not the parents who gave the unsuited toys to their toddlers.

So even if the game is somehow to blame for the kid going postal (which I doubt), the one who let him play it in the first place is the actual culprit. I doubt an eight year old has both the cash and the possibility to buy a PS3 and GTA IV, so someone must have bought it for him. Or he gets a huge allowance and the seller didn't care, in which case he's at least partially to blame.

But no, telling people that their stupidity and/or recklessness led to their kids demise/freakout is considered inappropiate. So lets just blame something the kid likes and the moral guardians don't. I mean nobody got the idea to ban the quaran yet, despite mothers beating their kis to death with it when they misbehave or neglect their religious studying.

Maxtro said:
If the boy was watching Friendship is Magic, right before he shot the old woman would they still try to blame the medium?
Yeah, about that...

Have never seen friendship is magic. That video i found rather..disturbing.. to be in a cartoon aimed at young children.. the neck snap at the end was a bit much if you ask me...


Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
rasputin0009 said:
Only about 5 states apply criminal negligence to gun owners when children get ahold of guns. Which is fucking retarded.
What the fuck, seriously? God its like they want people to be shot or something. I'm starting to think for some people yes they do get money out of death by firearms the way they are going on.

More OT: I wanna hear the full story of this. If the kid was properly fucked up he might just have known where it was and loaded it himself. Even if the law is a bit lax I gun owners should be looking after their weaponry in the sense of who can access it. It could be negligence, psychological problems an accident or probably a bit of everything.

Kalezian said:
Credits to you for demonstrating care with firearms is possible and does have a practical purpose.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Hero in a half shell said:
Vareoth said:
Yea, just keep dancing around the real issue, which is America's gun culture. As long as no one is willing to acknowledge and do anything about that problem you should be prepared to pay the price of ignorance in the blood of your own people.

Here in the Netherlands we are required by law to get a permit and background-check before you are even allowed to handle a gun. You are also forced to store your personal guns and ammunition in separate safes in your house. This to prevent accidents such as this from even occurring. It's not watertight, but it is still preferable to lawlessness concerning deadly firearms.
Great Scott you've cracked it!

In order for this to never happen again all Americans should be required by law to get a permit and background-check before you are even allowed to handle a videogame. They should also be forced to store their personal consoles and games in separate safes in their house.

That would actually be funny in a horrific surreal sort of way. I really want to see someone propose something like that with a straight face. It would make for a great distraction from any real problems that need to be faced ^^

Also, thanks to medv4380 for properly demonstrating an understanding of how one should treat a firearm at all times. Even if you're "absolutely sure" it is not loaded and safe. To many accidents have happened already when this basic rule was ignored.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Vareoth said:
Yea, just keep dancing around the real issue, which is America's gun culture. As long as no one is willing to acknowledge and do anything about that problem you should be prepared to pay the price of ignorance in the blood of your own people.

Here in the Netherlands we are required by law to get a permit and background-check before you are even allowed to handle a gun. You are also forced to store your personal guns and ammunition in separate safes in your house. This to prevent accidents such as this from even occurring. It's not watertight, but it is still preferable to lawlessness concerning deadly firearms.
I love how you just showed how very little you know about gun control in the US.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I don't remember being that retarded when i was 8..
Apparently video games took another life, it definitely had nothing to do with that loaded gun that was kept in a place accesible to children and the fact that gta 4 is M rated(probably), but they still bought it for him.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
kortin said:
Vareoth said:
Yea, just keep dancing around the real issue, which is America's gun culture. As long as no one is willing to acknowledge and do anything about that problem you should be prepared to pay the price of ignorance in the blood of your own people.

Here in the Netherlands we are required by law to get a permit and background-check before you are even allowed to handle a gun. You are also forced to store your personal guns and ammunition in separate safes in your house. This to prevent accidents such as this from even occurring. It's not watertight, but it is still preferable to lawlessness concerning deadly firearms.
I love how you just showed how very little you know about gun control in the US.
Care to elaborate or are you just trying to sound superior in order to win a non-existing argument? If I'm wrong I would like to know why. As far as I understand gun control laws are implemented on a state-by-state basis and as such are grossly undeveloped in a number of states, such as Arizona.

Ultratwinkie said:
America does have controls, a lot of them, the problem is that those laws are unenforceable or circumvented if you have some gang connections. You can't waltz into people's houses and check for adherence in America unless they commit a crime.
Hmm, yes. So in order to create proper laws that actually work the USA would have to limit the rights its citizens currently enjoy? I understand that wouldn't be acceptable to a lot of people, and I get why. But certainly at least some measure of safety could be implemented across every state. Something as simple as a in-dept background check for any firearm purchased should certainly be enforceable.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Ultratwinkie said:
Vareoth said:
Hmm, yes. So in order to create proper laws that actually work the USA would have to limit the rights its citizens currently enjoy? I understand that wouldn't be acceptable to a lot of people, and I get why. But certainly at least some measure of safety could be implemented across every state. Something as simple as a in-dept background check for any firearm purchased should certainly be enforceable.
They already do that.

You can't have a violent crime or practically any crime attached to your name, or else no one will sell to you. They even wanted anyone with any mental illness to be banned, but doctors hated it because its discriminating against people who aren't that violent as if they were all murderous lunatics who should be institutionalized.

Those checks didn't work. No control America ever had worked because of how resourceful gangs and criminals were. As long as gangs and cartels make money, our gun control won't work.
Then a least create a mandatory course on gun safety for everyone who purchases a gun. It might not do all that much but damn it, at least its something.

Also, from my point of view some of those background checks aren't all that thorough. And my point isn't really the criminal underworld. Those people will get their hands on weapons no matter what a country does to prevent it. It happens here as well. Though I get what you're saying.

Perhaps it is simply not realistic to expect such radical changes to a country whose most important document allows the private possession of firearms. But it does not sit well with me that people have to die because of that.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Ah yes. The game 'rewards' him for killing people with a gun. And as we all know, more socially responsible media teaches us about the other, non lethal functions of guns; like how to unblock your drain with it or how to use it to find magnetic north.

Living Contradiction

Clearly obfusticated
Nov 8, 2009
The blame! The blame! Who's got the blame?

Ah yes, right. Video games. Sorry about that, everyone. Didn't mean to worry you or cause you to be introspective. Please, go back to your televisions and do not worry your pretty little heads about this incident. It could not have possibly been caused by easy access to personal firearms, an inability to use an alphanumeric self-censorship system which can be figured out by children, and/or a child showing any sign of emotional expression beyond "Whee". Rest assured, video games are at fault in this instance and that there is no way that you or anyone like you could be held responsible for this horrible tragedy.

*exhales* Now that that's out of the way, I refer back to the first thirty-five posts in this thread to illustrate the outrage, indignation, and fucking annoyance that is racing through my veins at this very moment. A woman is dead and rather than taking the time to find out why, the press falls back on easy target, hot-button sensationalism.

You know who this woman was? A babysitter (we have to call them "caregivers" now because of accuracy). Someone who watched an eight-year old while Mom and Dad went to work. Guess what? She lived in a trailer park in a tiny town in Louisiana and, given that she was 87 and living in Louisiana, she had a firearm. The town where she lived has a thousand people in it and is twenty miles away from a major city. Anyone care to give odds on response times to a trailer park where the only law enforcement is the county Sheriff? That she lived in a trailer might also explain why the police reported she and her charge slept in the same room. The very young and very old tend to take naps during the day and trailers aren't that big.

Oh, and one more point of clarification, yes, FOX News did trumpet this story...two days after it happened. Guess who they got it from? CNN along with CBS and the dear old Associated Press. Let's hear it for equal opportunity sensationalism!

Taurus Vis

New member
Jan 12, 2013
"awards points to players for killing people."

That is completely, blatantly untrue. Also, perhaps we should take a look at a few factors mentioned in the story.

1. Eight year old living with 87 year old (clearly he has lost his parents for some reason or another, a particularly stressful life event)

2. Was playing with a loaded handgun

3. (And this is interesting to me) They slept in the same room? Was this a low income situation or a temporary living arrangement. I'm not saying in any way that it was sexual but this pairing was less than ordinary.

The fact that once again, video games are being blamed for violent crime does not surprise me. Politicians constantly look for stories like this so they can champion whatever witch hunt crusade that will garner them ignorant supporters. The media itself is to blame. If you feed an idea to the masses enough, they accept it. I'm patiently waiting for the politician who wants to use this as an anti-gun law scape goat, but it seems like this is to good of a story for them to not blame it on video games.

Captcha: "I saw that"

Ya we all saw it coming to.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
America has a bit of a special case with guns, I believe all schools over there should educate children about guns when they're 5-6 years old. Kids watch a lot of TV, so run child-friendly advertising campaigns telling kids what to do if they find a gun (or something resembling one), i.e. NOT to touch it and inform an adult right away. We had a ton of adverts here telling kids what to do if they found a goddamn matchbox/lighter lying around as part of the "Get Firewise" fire safety campaign lol.

If guns are truly a major (and often celebrated) part of American culture and part of so many household as commonly as freaking toasters, something has gone horribly wrong if EVERY child isn't taught the implications of a real gun from the moment they can understand spoken english.


a single man with a sword
Jun 5, 2010
clearly the kid was playing a different game, I mean a shot to the back of the head clearly, he was playing splinter cell or hitman *sarcasm


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Really escpists? half the posts are actually blaming the game sicne its "18+" game hence it causes murder ech? didnt expect this type of ignorance here.

wrightguy0 said:
why is the being classified as a murder? the child is 8 and doesn't understand the concepts of death, this is most likely an accident, that with more parental oversight could have been prevented.
I dont know what kind of kids you had, but the ones i took care of understood the concept of death from around 4.

P.S. Sleeping in the same room is not strange. Especially if the family is not rich. My parents slept in the same room till i was 13 simply because we only had 1 room.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
>awarding points

Grumble grumble 8-year old with an M-rated game hrmm hrmm poor parenting rabble rabble loaded gun where he can get reach grumble grumble.

Just another drop in the bucket. Fox News will never stop blaming video games for everything. They don't even bother to recognize the existence of the ESRB (a direct product of violent game outrage). This isn't 1986 anymore; games have content ratings just like film and music.

There's no point in getting upset about Fox doing what Fox does.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Oh sure, the only possible thing to blame here is GTA IV. Not the fact that an 87-year old still can buy guns without any trouble or that a fucking 8 year old can reach it and is allowed to play with it by her. Sure. Blame it on the game, it is the only possible cause in this case.


New member
Sep 6, 2012

Why the fuck is an 8 year old playing GTA IV in the first place?

I thought we were done with this scapegoating bullshit.

I mean of course that was the reason he did it because ALL murderer's are gamer's right??

Honestly people.