Grand Theft Auto IV Blamed In Murder Case


New member
Aug 10, 2012
somebody has died and video games played a part in it. it is a very sad moment for a lot of people. the power of suggestion is very strong, particularly in a young mind. I guess she was just too old to realize how media can be so influential, otherwise she would never let a child play such a game, or thought it was just a driving game or something. we need to educate people about the effects of media on their minds and on those around them.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
ah, here we go again.
its always the games. not asking them self why a kid was allowed to play with a real gun in the first place.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Riobux said:
No, it's not topical. It means roughly as much as hearing of a rape case while the rapist blasts out a Jay-Z song, with a Jay-Z album just around the corner.
...That's kinda because it's the same thing in a sense: A horrible event happens that people claim is related to the latest in a series of Media.
I'm certain that if that actually happened in real life, there would be a similar story from Fox News, albeit with more racist undertones.
And if that occurred, you'd have the entire press dancing about the death in a weird cult-like circus act. It'd make the Aristocrats look respectful. Like now?

All I can really say is The Escapist seems to be taking advice from Fox News. This is in terms of how to maximise attention (and therefore ad-revenue) by pushing news stories that mean a lot less than they suggest and provoking their fan-base.
Now that's going a little extreme.
I've actually tipped off the Escapist regarding a news story involving a congressman wanting to pass a bill that would place stickers on X-Bone's on Retail stating that the Kinect had a camera on it as part the fallout over the NSA spying.

My guess is a bunch of people tipped them off to this and they ran with it.
Actually, extreme is suggesting The Escapist staff look through exclusively Fox News stories for something to provoke their fan-base with. I don't think they're that sadistic. However, I do think on slow days they provoke so they can still reap in money.

I'd also argue the news story you are tipping them off as being a little sensationalist, but at least it's something political. It has the saving grace of "well, this might have an effect". This on the other hand has no value. It's using someone's death to reap in money.

Seriously, look through this topic and try to straight-face tell me everyone isn't rustled in one way or another in a meaningless manner. This death has been made more trivial than video games.
Welcome to the Internet, This happens with everything.
That story about the COD Dev getting death threats over Balance updates less then a few weeks ago is an example.
At least the COD dev getting death threats tells us something that occurs in our own community and actually affects us in a very real way. It shows us what kind of people us as a community are and warns us of our bad side so we may improve ourselves. Hearing yet another news story of yet another death that is being linked to yet another game by press/politican/police/etc doesn't tell us anything. It means nothing. Unless a politican seeks to do something, there's nothing to be done with the suggestions of a link between a death and a video game except ***** and moan. I can't help but even wonder if it's appropiate to talk about studies that show or don't show a link between video games and violence. They do have the potential to be worthwhile but considering the tendency of these studies to be deeply flawed and everyone to walk into the debate with a view point in mind, it tends to decend into people screaming like kids over-used arguments heard a thousand times as they preach to the choir.


New member
Jan 11, 2012
The worst thing about this is not only video games getting flak but everyone will jump to "AHHH GUNS ARE EVIL THINK OF DA CHILDREN WAAAA". I mean it's retarded that the gun wasn't locked up or at the very least unloaded and in a safe place and it's also retarded to let an 8 year old play GTA IV. I mean the case for video games causing violence isn't very strong but you're letting an 8 year old, a time where up bringing can very well dictate how this kid will turn out, and you give him GTA IV in which you can go into a hospital, kill everybody and then proceed to create a pile of police in it's corridors.

Fucking Louisiana.


New member
Jun 7, 2013
I think most people, especially the media, will blame everything else BEFORE bad and irresponsible parenting.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
Vaccine said:
Andy Chalk said:
Police in Louisiana believe an eight-year-old boy who murdered his elderly caregiver was likely driven to do it by Grand Theft Auto IV.
eight-year-old boy
Let us dwell on this for a moment shall we?

Oh, you're done? why the fuck did an eight-year-old have GTA4?

Or even worse, have easy access to guns and live ammunition?
Both excellent question who is pretty much the extend of my reflection on the matter


New member
Aug 27, 2013
Why does everyone jump on the victim here? The lady was 87 years old taking care of an eight year old. She probably got possession of the child because his real parents were awful and was doing the best she could. I'm guessing since they shared one room they weren't well off and probably lived in a bad neighborhood, and so she owned a gun. For all we know, it could have been under lock and key, but the child probably knew where the was since it was such a small home.

I see this as a grandmother doing the best she can at the age of 87 with a possibly disturbed or damaged child.

I'm just tired of blaming the victim ALL THE TIME on here. In murder and rape cases.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Riobux said:
Stuff and Things
Look, I'm not really in a position to argue what the Staff do or don't do, but at the end of the day, it's a story about Video Games on a Video Gaming Website.

Thats good enough for me.


New member
Jan 9, 2013
Edit: Sorry my bad. Somehow misread Louisiana for London; most of my comment is now irrelevant. I'm a moron.


New member
May 4, 2009
nodlimax said:
Thyunda said:
nodlimax said:
Aaaaaalright - 8 years old - playing GTA 4. What's wrong with that picture?

How about we put the parents in jail because they're freaking idiots and should not be allowed to "guide" a child......
Eight years old. With a loaded handgun. That's the picture we should be looking at.
Well, that's another stupid thing, I definitely agree.....
No, it's the stupid thing that caused this entire tragedy. But that just tells you how news out of America is worded. Every single article has so far implied that the youngster playing a violent videogame was the part out of the ordinary, showing you that a culture that gets so wet over guns finds a piece of entertainment more dangerous.

That's really rather fucked up. At least the murders in this country blamed on games were committed with common garage tools.

Ace O'Hagen

New member
May 28, 2013
Vilealbaniandwarf said:
I think its about time we realise the games industry has blood on its hands.

I'm sure all the people springing to this games defence will deny it, but you have the blood of the victims on your hands for supporting these games.

Either wash the blood off by supporting a ban on these sick murder simulators or admit that you sanction the murder of innocent people just so you can get your rocks off on these twisted games.

The choice is simple
I sure hope that's sarcasm, cause the GTA IV disc didn't jump out of the PS3, grab a firearm off the shelf and shoot an old lady in the back, a child did that ... and that's what we should be talking about, how that kid had easy access to a fire arm

Living Contradiction

Clearly obfusticated
Nov 8, 2009
Just a coda to this thread: The district attorney had a chance to interview the boy and release a statement about the killing. The kid shot his grandmother because he thought the gun was a toy.

Not because GTA told him it would be a good idea. Not because he was mad at her. Not because he was abused. Just because he thought a gun was something to be played with. He didn't know that death is permanent and that bullets to the head cause death.

The kid's with his parents now, dealing with the fact that he killed someone he loved.

Here's the article I got that info from: [a href][/a]

Wolf Hagen

New member
Jul 28, 2010
Theres so much tragical irony in this story, that I gotto watch my mouth.... like the town name where this happened beeing called Slaughter (Lousiana), deep south ya know....

But lets just say: Folks who play SOME games and are clearly under the required age are one kind of annoying (everyone who ever played any kind of shooter probably agrees with me).

But Children mistaking a gun for a toy, that boy sure got his beef everyday, or he plays with cinderblocks like other Kinds play with Legos.

I still can just say: those parents are to blame. Still tragic, but The heck? Yeah, keep your guns on in the open, nothing bad can happen, because you need to shoot burglars at any time of the day!

There I go again... I'm sorry, but this is fail on so many levels, that the Parents just can be glad, their Kid didn't shoot them.
And no, this would be even possible anywhere else, as long as you have dumpknuckles, who leave their guns on the living room table next to blah. This time, one cannot just shout 'MURRICA!.

But still can shout FOX News, but Hell, we know what to expect from them by now right? ;P


New member
Nov 18, 2009
People here are saying that the kid shouldn't play GTA hinting that it did have an effect. If I ever had kids i wouldnt let me em play it at that age I admit, but me and my friends all played gta san andreas when we were ten and non of us turned out psychos


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Woah, ok, time out. Who the holy-flying-asscrackers bought an eight year old Grand Theft Auto IV? They do know that's rated M right? For fuck sake the ESRB rating isn't there for kicks. It isn't there because they're dicking with you. It's there so that parents, decent parents anyway, know what to get and not get a @#$%ing eight year old boy. This is a failure of parenting like most kid-related tragedies. If this kid shot someone ask yourself, who was his guardian?

In short:


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Drejer43 said:
People here are saying that the kid shouldn't play GTA hinting that it did have an effect. If I ever had kids i wouldnt let me em play it at that age I admit, but me and my friends all played gta san andreas when we were ten and non of us turned out psychos
On the one hand yes, I think that games affecting kids is kind of stupid. But on the other hand some kids are a hell of a lot more stupid than others. Just like there are people who have trouble differentiating fantasy from reality. It happens. We like to think everyone has common sense but that isn't the case. There are some people are just that impressionable. Kids especially. I personally wouldn't want to risk an eight year old getting the idea that guns and violence are an ok mix because I bought him a game like GTA IV. Plus, really ask yourself this, where do kids get their ideas for how reality works at a young age?

The answer? By watching people. Or nowadays since parents can't apparently be arsed, by watching t.v. and playing video games. Don't get me wrong, this is not GTA's fault, it's the fault of whatever cerebral amputee decided GTA IV was proper instructional material for an eight year old. But it's still not ok. Just because you came out alright and your friends did doesn't mean everyone will.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
I am sorry for the woman, but it seems that the video game didn't have anything to do with it. The real questions are:
Why there was a gun that he could reach?
why was he playing a video game clearly marked for older audiences? Who allowed it and bought the game for him?


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Kalezian said:
Amaror said:
God, i really don't get americas attitude to guns and i will never get it.

Guns don't belong in any household period.

I have a Kel-Tec Sub 2000 [] chambered in .40 s&w, the same round the local police and sheriffs departments have their service pistols chambered in.

I use this firearm primarily for dealing with Coyotes and feral pigs, the former because we have dogs and my grandmother lost her beloved chihuahua to them, the later because they are mean as fuck and can gore you fairly easily.

But, no, obviously I shouldn't have a weapon to defend my pets or family, I should just let my pets get mauled by wild animals and the next time I come across a feral pig I should just go ahead and let it take off my leg.

because someone doesn't like firearms.

sense makes this none.
Because Amaror was clearly stating that he believes no one should ever be capable of defending themselves, rather than that Grandma shouldn't be giving the kids loaded weapons. Hell, I bet he thinks soldiers should be equipped with nothing but sporks! I mean, the kid doesn't even realise that America is actually a dystopian state with 100% of citizens being threatened constantly by vicious wildlife. It's almost as if he doesn't realise that literally everybody in the US needs a gun to fight off pigs and wolves, the ignorant jerk.

I don't care if your post is oldish, I had to respond because that's one of the most retarded replies I've ever read. Do you honestly think that everybody in the US has the same justification as you?