Sadly I don't recognize it, but it does sound pretty slick. Sounds like something that might be on a lofi-hiphop clip on YT, or one of the various Asian fusion compilations on YT.The hype is building
It’s Tina Guo (Hans Zimmer’s cellist) and the piece is from the game, just that no official tracks have been released yet.Sadly I don't recognize it, but it does sound pretty slick. Sounds like something that might be on a lofi-hiphop clip on YT, or one of the various Asian fusion compilations on YT.
I have heard that people ***** about bose, but I don't get it. I have a pair of bose stereo speakers I use for my pc.Thanks to @Worgen for this... I was about to start a thread asking for people to list great sounding games. My brother in law is an audiophile and I get a lot of his hand me downs. Picked up these Sunday: Bose 161 rear speakers and wanted to try them. Audio philes have issues with Bose but I don't think they apply to just rear speakers.
They complain there is little to no bass sound with Bose. They also complain they do not do good higher tones. Particularly about the bass sounds? I'd think a sub woofer would take care of that and seems to do so for me. The songs in this thread are making all 5.1 (no, I do not have 7.1.... my office is around 10x10! So 5 is fine!) pound!I have heard that people ***** about bose, but I don't get it. I have a pair of bose stereo speakers I use for my pc.
I mean maybe with higher tones but no bass... no, just no. The bose I have play really good base sounds without a subwoofer. I'm actually not sure what they mean by higher tones either. Can you give an example?They complain there is little to no bass sound with Bose. They also complain they do not do good higher tones. Particularly about the bass sounds? I'd think a sub woofer would take care of that and seems to do so for me. The songs in this thread are making all 5.1 (no, I do not have 7.1.... my office is around 10x10! So 5 is fine!) pound!
Just noticed in your post where you "you don't mean game start of your listed a game start screen."I don't mean the game start screen theme, but I mean themes to certain areas such as forest, lava, ice, high tech, etc etc. So what are some of your favorites?
Best forest theme
Best snow theme
Best underwater lonely feeling theme
Best cyberpunk theme
Its not the theme from the start screen though, its just being played with the sound test which shows the start screen. The actual theme of Shadowrun is this.Just noticed in your post where you "you don't mean game start of your listed a game start screen."![]()
Just noticed in your post where you "you don't mean game start of your listed a game start screen."
OT: I'm just putting up the entire soundtrack, as it's segmented to the different stages, and they are all some slamming tracks. My personal favorites are Infiltrator, Blood and Steel, and Celerity. All labeled along the YT track. Mostly I love these for the stages they are connected to, especially Celerity. But, damn this game does a great job of transitioning from one stage to another, and getting you hyped. You load into the next floor, the doors open, and the music starts pumping, like they let you off the leash in a dog race or something. It just psyches you up to push your performance and improve.
Never played SW so can't comment. It's got zero room for failure. As far as the mood of the gameplay, it most reminds me of Hotline Miami. Fast brutal action, 1 hit you die, but you restart just a few moments before usually. All the while thumping music plays. I'm really loving the hell out of it.Pretty intrigued by this game. Best cyberpunk game yet out of the few I've played is still Shadow Run SNES, even over Deus Ex GotY Edition on PC. That's mostly down to design choices though. Some parts of Deus Ex were stronger, like the narrative and character customization, but it never came together like Shadow Run did.
Same goes for Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut. I recall being glitched out of completing the Motherly Ties side quest after going through the police station. They tried to make the general action of the game too cinematic, and to me it took away from the story.
This looks like a pretty fresh, fun romp though. Kinda reminds me of Shadow Warrior but perhaps under a more unforgiving (but fair) design background.
I’ve also read it’s closer to Mirror’s Edge with the parkour and Super Hot, but I haven’t played that. One big complaint PC Gamer mentioned was that some of the parkour deaths feel uneven in terms of what the game will and will not allow.Never played SW so can't comment. It's got zero room for failure. As far as the mood of the gameplay, it most reminds me of Hotline Miami. Fast brutal action, 1 hit you die, but you restart just a few moments before usually. All the while thumping music plays. I'm really loving the hell out of it.
I never had any glitch issues with either Deus Ex game, for me they were just really fun cyberpunk stories with yet more awesome music.
Yeah it has some elements of Mirror's Edge, but honestly I'd say Titanfall 2 is a closer example of the sheer capabilities you have with mobility. Mirror's Edge tried to be relatively realistic with the range of motion you could do. Ghostrunner flips the middle finger to "physics" and says "I'm a cyberninja, I laugh at your gravity!!" The SuperHot comparison is somewhat accurate, but very limited, in that the slow mo time isn't the default mode, interrupted by you moving. More the reverse. You normally go at normal speed, but can bullet time things down a lot to allow you to scoff at physics and carve up dudes.I’ve also read it’s closer to Mirror’s Edge with the parkour and Super Hot, but I haven’t played that.
Yeah sometimes the wallrun stick-on would get a bit wonky, and you would fall to your death. I didn't have this happen all that often, but it would occasionally pop up. You're WAY more likely to die due to regular threats as opposed to missed up wallrunning physics. But yes, it was a problem. Usually I only experienced it when I was trying an alternate route, which there are plenty. I would decide to go across this one surface that looked doable, and jump/dash to another spot, and thus bypass a really annoying challenge, and shave time off my run. And sometimes it would work, sometimes the game would be like "yeah no, we don't like how you approached that wall segment, please enjoy clip planing through and getting stuck" Another odd thing I noticed about wallrunning, is that sometimes, the surface you are running on, is something like a billboard, and thus it's got lights at the top/bottom. Sometimes, these are not obstacles to your movement, and you just phase through them no problem, other times, they would stop you entirely, and you'd fall to your death. Again, this wasn't a huge issue, I'd say maybe 2% of my overall deaths (which is in the several hundreds by this point of replaying) were due to "wonky physics". The majority were due to me just fucking up and dying to an enemy, or a platforming puzzle as normal.I’ve also read it’s closer to Mirror’s Edge with the parkour and Super Hot, but I haven’t played that. One big complaint PC Gamer mentioned was that some of the parkour deaths feel uneven in terms of what the game will and will not allow.Although the wallrun ability is an excellent, smooth way to travel between surfaces, it does seem that the parkour sequences have only been tested by people making perfect runs. When I miss a jump, there seems to be a 50/50 chance of my falling onto a piece of scenery that I wasn’t supposed to; too low to make my way back up to the correct path, too high to kill me. At these moments I sheepishly step off into the void, death sometimes resulting from a fall of about two inches.
Curious to hear if your experience differed there, because it sounds like it could be frustrating but also maybe it’s not that big a deal?
I can't really comment on the gunplay in either Deus Ex, as I never really "went loud" with my runs. I'm a stealth/pacifist junky, so I'm pretty much 100% going to do silent takedowns up close, or tranq gun sniper shots, etc. So the open gunplay was never something I tried out, barring the boss fights where it's mandatory. I never really had an issue with it personally. But yeah a lot of the upgrades, are basically unnecessary, depending on what route you are taking. If you are going stealth/ then the chest cannon upgrade, and skin durability upgrades, are basically pointless, as you just won't be using them. And if you are going for loud/combat, the stealth/hacking stuff really isn't necessary either, as you just kick the doors down and go in that way. I still enjoyed both games a lot, and the music was a HUGE part of the atmosphere for those games. Michael McCann does a music style that really suits me personally. I've bought a couple of his albums independently, due to how much I loved those soundtracks.My biggest complaint about the original Deus Ex is the shooting just didn’t feel fun, and general gameplay hadn’t aged well by the time I played it about five years ago. While the story was deeply engaging, the gameplay overall felt like it was just checking boxes by contrast. There were lots of abilities and upgrades but most of them felt tacked on or pointless to your progression. I think I only used the strength/speed and environmental hazard one for secrets in those tunnels. There was also a flashlight upgrade IIRC. Idk. I probably would’ve enjoyed it more back in the day, but as it was it seemed like the whole ended up feeling less than the sum of its parts, which is the opposite of how I felt about Shadow Run.
I still haven’t finished HR: Director’s Cut. Last progress was the first real boss fight (Barrett IIRC). I was a bit irked that I’d have to pretty much start over to finish one of the side quests, but I’ll probably go back to finish it eventually. I’m not a big fan of the cinematic kill cam as it kinda breaks immersion. I can deal with third person cover mechanics as it works pretty well, but would’ve also preferred staying in first person there with maybe indicators highlighting your cover status.
Haven’t t played MD yet but if I end up enjoying all of HR that would be next.
I generally tried for stealth, but some enemies especially in the original were too plentiful in my path. So possibly due to its age and how the mechanics felt I basically was more concerned with finishing the game than how I finished it, hehe. Definitely going for more stealth in HR but I missed my chance for Pacifist. Maybe in MD.Yeah it has some elements of Mirror's Edge, but honestly I'd say Titanfall 2 is a closer example of the sheer capabilities you have with mobility. Mirror's Edge tried to be relatively realistic with the range of motion you could do. Ghostrunner flips the middle finger to "physics" and says "I'm a cyberninja, I laugh at your gravity!!" The SuperHot comparison is somewhat accurate, but very limited, in that the slow mo time isn't the default mode, interrupted by you moving. More the reverse. You normally go at normal speed, but can bullet time things down a lot to allow you to scoff at physics and carve up dudes.
Yeah sometimes the wallrun stick-on would get a bit wonky, and you would fall to your death. I didn't have this happen all that often, but it would occasionally pop up. You're WAY more likely to die due to regular threats as opposed to missed up wallrunning physics. But yes, it was a problem. Usually I only experienced it when I was trying an alternate route, which there are plenty. I would decide to go across this one surface that looked doable, and jump/dash to another spot, and thus bypass a really annoying challenge, and shave time off my run. And sometimes it would work, sometimes the game would be like "yeah no, we don't like how you approached that wall segment, please enjoy clip planing through and getting stuck" Another odd thing I noticed about wallrunning, is that sometimes, the surface you are running on, is something like a billboard, and thus it's got lights at the top/bottom. Sometimes, these are not obstacles to your movement, and you just phase through them no problem, other times, they would stop you entirely, and you'd fall to your death. Again, this wasn't a huge issue, I'd say maybe 2% of my overall deaths (which is in the several hundreds by this point of replaying) were due to "wonky physics". The majority were due to me just fucking up and dying to an enemy, or a platforming puzzle as normal.
I can't really comment on the gunplay in either Deus Ex, as I never really "went loud" with my runs. I'm a stealth/pacifist junky, so I'm pretty much 100% going to do silent takedowns up close, or tranq gun sniper shots, etc. So the open gunplay was never something I tried out, barring the boss fights where it's mandatory. I never really had an issue with it personally. But yeah a lot of the upgrades, are basically unnecessary, depending on what route you are taking. If you are going stealth/ then the chest cannon upgrade, and skin durability upgrades, are basically pointless, as you just won't be using them. And if you are going for loud/combat, the stealth/hacking stuff really isn't necessary either, as you just kick the doors down and go in that way. I still enjoyed both games a lot, and the music was a HUGE part of the atmosphere for those games. Michael McCann does a music style that really suits me personally. I've bought a couple of his albums independently, due to how much I loved those soundtracks.